
Chapter 42

Demon Alpha? Celeste didn't quite know what they were talking about but the atmosphere around them had turned into something that felt rather intimidating.

She was going to stand up to move away from them but stopped when she felt something cold and slightly sharp against the back of her neck. The sensation caused her to let out a small gasp.

"Easy now. No reason to be so quick to leave. We're all friends here." Dextero soothed as he brushed his hand against the back of her neck.

"That's right. We don't intend to hurt you, we just have a few questions that we would like some answers to." Sinestro added. He smiled at her, but it held anything but warmth and that made a chill go down Celeste's spine.

"I really have no idea what you're talking about." She replied glancing around the room. She was hoping that she would spot Liam coming back before things went any further.

"Really? That's interesting considering we just stopped him the other day talking to you outside of your apartment." Dextero remarked.

"You don't know what we're talking about and yet you know the person we're referring to? That sounds rather suspicious." he mused as he brushed his hand over the back of her neck once again before bringing his hand around front to tilt her head up so that she was forced to make eye contact with him.

A small wave of panic went through her when she noticed that his fingers had changed into what looked to be short but rather sharp looking claws.

"Can you try that again please and actually answer the question?" he demanded. Dextero was making sure to keep the tone of his voice low so that he didn't risk drawing anyone else's attention.

There was only so much that he could to keep prying eyes off of them while he and his brother tried to get the answers that they were looking for. Time was already running out and the human wasn't being as cooperative as they had hoped.

"I-I was meeting with Bane. But I really don't know anything about this demon alpha that you mentioned." She replied swallowing thickly as she tried to keep her voice from trembling as she spoke. Why hadn't Liam come back yet? It was taking him longer than he had said it would.

"Are the rumors wrong then? Are you just another one of the humans that he has decided to play with and not his mate like others are suggesting?" Sinestro shifted his position so that he could get closer to Celeste and look at her eyes.

She didn't miss the soft glow of his eyes as he started at her intently. What exactly it was she saw she didn't know, but it didn't make her feeling any better in her current situation.

Once again, she couldn't help regretting the fact that she had crossed paths with Bane. No matter where she went now, it seemed like trouble always followed her because of him. Even when she was doing her best to try and stay away from trouble, it still seemed to follow her and lead back to him.

"That look tells me there's something you know about what mate means. Tell me?" Sinestro demanded. He didn't think she was lying about not knowing anything about the demon alpha. That didn't mean though that there wasn't important information that she did have that they could use.

"He said that word around me a few times, but I don't understand what it means." Celeste answered honestly.

"I just thought he was a crazy rich person who was rambling on about nonsense. I don't really have any interest in him so I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying." She continued.

She was never that good at lying, but for once in her life she hoped that what she said was close enough to the truth without it being the truth that they wouldn't figure out that she was lying. Thinking about it.. there was one more piece that she could say that might get them to leave her alone.

"He forced his way into my apartment that day. I didn't really want to talk with him. Some girl who claimed to be his mate happened to stop by as well."

"What girl?" Sinestro asked with a slight tilt of his head. Dextero still had his clawed hand resting against the side of her neck and that made it rather hard for her to think on her feet as she tried figure out how to say everything in a coherent way that seemed believable.

"I believe he said that her name was Dian." Celeste replied. She could feel the slight shivers from the adrenaline that was pumping through her body begin to start. Perhaps she would've been better off staying home rather than coming here.

Dextero and his brother exchanged glances and were quite for a brief stretch of mind which only caused Celeste to feel even more nervous. She didn't know if this was a good or bad thing.

"Either girl you didn't know about this or you're a liar." Dextero started as he leaned in closer so that his nose was pressed against the crock of her neck. Celeste could only close her eyes when this happened and try to ignore how close the other was to her since there was no where for her to go.

"And I would guess that by the delicious scent of fear that's coming from and a little bit of something else that you're lying which isn't a good thing for a little kitten such as yourself to do."

Time was about out though so they knew that they would have to continue this conversation later. They would've moved her if they could have, but it would've been rather risky with so many people around.

"This conversation isn't over yet and don't think that you'll be able to get away. We'll always be able to find where you are." Dextero whispered against her ear.

Celeste didn't quite know what had happened next, but in a span of a blink the two had suddenly disappeared and everything was going on around her as though nothin strange had happened.

She quickly felt around her neck to make sure that there weren't any strange marks or that nothing had happened with how close Dextero's claws were around her neck, but she couldn't anything.

"Everything okay? You kind of look like you've seen a ghost but I haven't been gone that long." Liam joked as he came back over to the table. He couldn't help but notice how the other looked oddly anxious or distressed about something.

"Where did they go?" She asked looking up at her friend as though he knew the answer to the question.

"Them?" He asked confused as he sat down next to her again.

"The twins you told me to be careful around." She answered in tone of voice a little low, not wanting to risk being overheard.

"Oh them? They have been over there with a customer for the past half hour or so." He pointed in the direction where they were at.

When Celeste looked in that direction, she could see that they were indeed both over by still by the woman that she had seen them with before they had come over.

If they were still over there though, then what had just happened to her?

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