
Chapter 24

Celeste awoke with a monstrous headache that threatened to split her head and made it near impossible to open her eyes. She wasn't even sure she wanted to when a wave of nausea rolled through her stomach.

She was so consumed by the pain that she couldn't remember why she felt so terrible or where she was for that matter. Her memories from the night before where a vague haze that felt like that had all been twisted together so she couldn't quite remember what had happened. Only that she had gone to the club with Jen and it turned out to be a terrible idea like she thought it would be.

She let out a soft groan as she tried to open her eyes to no avail, even though the room wasn't likely that light, the blinding pain in her head made her give up trying after only being able to open them a fraction of an inch before her head protested.

After a few seconds passed and she tried to figure out the best course of action, such as where she was at, where painkillers were at, and what she could drink that wouldn't make her throw up, she became aware of something else. An odd feeling as though something was brushing her head.

It was such a soft feeling that she wasn't sure if it was real or if she was imagining as it was such a feather light touch that it could've been something she just imagined.

"Feeling sick little one?" the low, yet vaguely familiar voice that asked this question assured Celeste that whatever she had felt wasn't just her imagination, someone had been touching or perhaps making an attempt to pet her hair.

She didn't care at this point that her head felt like it was going to split in half, she forced her eyes open to see exactly where she was and who with. She had heard too many bad stories about what happened to people who went to a night club but couldn't remember what took place before they awoke the next morning.

When she could see though, she was met with a blank white wall which caused her to blink for a few seconds. It wasn't a wall that she recognized, her apartment walls were an off hue white that had been tinted yellow by cigarette smoke from the occupant who lived there before her.

If the walls weren't hers, that also meant that the spongy, and overly soft mattress that she was lying on didn't belong to her either. The question that worried her was who did it belong to then?

Someone obviously had taken her home, but it couldn't have been Jen or Tony. She knew that if they had taken her with them, Jen would've told her friend if she was in decent condition where to drop her off at or have her stay at her apartment because it would've been safe. That could only mean that she was left in the hands of a stranger.

She felt the pins and needles sensation of a nervous sweat threatening to break out on the back of her neck when the worst case scenarios went through her head as to who had brought her home and what happened after. To the point that she was almost too scared to look down at what she was wearing in case she found herself to have nothing on.

She almost jumped when she felt hot breath tickle her ear and the distantly familiar voice speak to her.

"Relax little human, I didn't touch you despite whatever fears you might have." He told her as the person brushed their nose against her ear. The unfamiliar sensation made her jerk her head away from whoever the other person was. She quickly regretted that action though as her head throbbed in protest.

Now that she didn't think that the pain could get any worse than it was and knowing that no matter how long she laid there it wouldn't change the situation that she found herself in, she decided to steel herself and turn her head to look at who the other person was.

Familiar golden eyes stared back at her, an somewhat inquisitive yet amused look on the other's face as they surveyed her as though looking for an answer to a question that hadn't been asked.

"B-Bane?" She managed to ask even though her throat scratched and burned into protest due to how parched she was and how dry it felt.

"The one and only." the other replied, reaching forward to brush the bangs out of her face.

"You still look like you're feeling rather sick." He commented, noticing that her forehead felt clammy when his hand brushed against it. He had never spent much time before around a human who had gotten themselves drunk. Was this a normal thing?

Celeste blinked at him for a second trying to process what had happened. Seeing him reminded her of the fact that she had run into at the club and that he got involved when someone had been harassing her. She vaguely remembered that after that she agreed to have drinks with him, but everything after that became fuzzy.

Her attention was distracted from thinking about the events of the night before when she realized that the alpha was lounging on the bed in what appeared to be a rather fluffy white bathrobe that had been sloppily tied around the waist. He was laying in such a way that his one arm was helping to prop his head up while the other was free to touch her. Looking down, she realized that she was dressed in something similar. Even though the sheets were covering most of her body, panic flashed through her again.

"This is all your fault!" She cried as half pulled, half rolled away from his to wrap the blankets tighter around herself as though to provide some form of protection against the other.

"You're the one who said that you wanted to do shots with me. I simply humored you. Though, I won't deny the fact that I was impressed by how much you could handle." Bane replied, amusement dancing in his eyes as he looked at the other's back. Pity she had moved too far away, he was rather enjoying touching her hair. For a human, it was quite soft.

"But this though-" Celeste started, stopping as she was too flustered to find the right words to say.

"You cheated! Just because I couldn't drink as much as you or didn't remember what happened afterwards doesn't mean that you actually won!" she cried.

"Who said anything about me winning?" The alpha replied almost instantly causing the storm that brewing inside of Celeste to be stopped, his words had caught her off guard.

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