
234. Bored Hector

[You can read 51 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

Hector did not know what to even do with his life anymore and was seriously contemplating ending his little adventure in this universe. He had a wife already. Moony had also found one. So it was a mission successful in all criteria.

But, he felt as if he missed something. Of course, beating Mephisto was easy, and much MCU stuff was left to see. But he didn't feel like being here anymore.

Slowly, he tried to see when made it stop feeling interesting? He quickly got the answer. He had been getting bored since he returned to the President's office. He put himself up to useless tasks, and that was not something he should be doing after years of work in space.

~Maybe I should...~

"GOT IT!" Tony shouted. "I know how to find Ultron. It's a computer programme. We just need a bigger and better programme than it. Since Hank is here, we have the original source code for Ultron.

"I suggest we use the Xandarian Worldmind to launch an engineered attack on Ultron. Let the world-mind sweep through the galactic network and delete everything Ultron did."

"So we make a virus to kill him? A sentient virus?" Reed Richards muttered.

Hector just shrugged. He had already lost interest. "Do what's necessary. If you can't, just tell me. But that would mean you all failed."

Now there was one thing common among all these big-minded men. They had an ego bigger than their pride. So defeat was not even an option.

Diana noticed Hector's sudden mood change and came to him to ask. "What happened? You don't look the same."

"I'm bored. I'm coming to understand why so many people with absolute power go corrupt or mad. It really makes me wonder how the big G manages his power."

"Woofy!" ~He has a lot of fun.~ Moony revealed.

"That's it, that's what I need. I need to have some fun, mess around and meet people. I have Tony and so many other folks to mess with. I can fix Earth any day I want. It's time to prepare for my retirement, it seems. But I'll go and deal with Mephisto first."

"You're leaving again?" Diana asked. She was somewhat annoyed that Hector was always jumping around, leaving her and Moony behind all the time.

"For the last time, dear... For the last time."


"I think I'm safe for now." Mephisto finally stopped in a world where multiple Mephistos existed. He reckoned Hector wouldn't be able to find him among the crowd.

"Hello there, Mephistor. Did you miss me?" Hector appeared behind him.

Mephisto's red skin started sweating red liquid. He didn't even run away and simply knelt in front of him. "Lord Inquisitor, forgive me. I did not know you had taken over the Spirits of Vengeance. Forgive me for misusing them..."

"Shut up, lad. I was going to come after you one day or another anyway. You see, the 2nd Lord of Omniversal hell asked me to help him catch a few evil demons. You are one of the strongest evil demons."

Mephisto fell back on his ass in shock. "I-I had no chance?"

"No, you never did. You are one of the beings who are evil in all universes across the multiverse. You are made to be evil, while I am bound by the laws of Omniverse to catch folks like you. So, we can do it the hard way or the easy way. You can come with me on your own, or I will beat you first." Hector gave him some options.

"Where will I be going?"

"To hell, of course, but I don't know if you will be punished or not since you are made to be evil. Maybe you will get a job there after you complete your punishment. Big G ordered that we slowly remove most of the inherent evil from across the Multiverse, so I'm only doing the job." Hector explained. He didn't care what Mephisto had done. The guy was a demon, not by choice.

"Then... I will follow." Mephisto muttered in defeat.

"Give me the crystal first. I don't trust you with that." Hector extended his palm.

"AHA! Got you!" Suddenly, Mephisto took out the M'Kraan crystal and shot a beam with it.

The beam hit Hector right in the face and pushed him back. Not because it was strong but because the soil on which Hector stood was loose. The beam was doing no damage to him anyway.

"Bwahaha... Classic Mephisto, I knew you would not give up this easily. It goes against your nature. Sad for you, now you'll get an ass-whooping that will make you even redder."

The demon growled. "Do you know why I came to this universe? Because there are multiple Mephistos around here. And I sure am going to use all of them to beat you. MEPHISTOS! Assemble!"

As he shouted that, many demonic dark red cloud-like portals opened behind this Mephisto. Then, from them came multiplied Mephisto. All of them had different weapons, some had staff, and some had guns.

~Why do I feel like Deja Vu?~ Hector muttered and prepared to greet them.

"Haha, you all have no idea how powerful I am against dark beings. I killed Dark Phoenix on my own. What are you in comparison?" He boomed and snapped his finger. He didn't use the stones, however. Instead, he used his inherent powers to summon Hell's scythe.

However, because he did not wish to destroy this universe, he only summoned the grim reapers of this Universe's hell. It was going to work as a processing location so the demons could be sent to multiversal and then omniversal hell.

Hell worked like branches across space and time. They were all connected to one another. This was also the reason why Hector was sure he would one day be able to take Diana to her original universe and show her what happened to it.

"Send them to Satan in your fastest mail, boys. Give them some nice sanitized boiling oil baths and baton massages to their asses." He waved goodbye to them as the grim reapers threw their chains and caught Mephistos one by one.

They looked like little minions trying to run away from a disaster but being unable to.

"Well, that was easy. Man, being overpowered is so boring... but also reassuring that I can live in peace and safety, that there is nothing that can put me in any real danger." He talked to himself while waiting for the process to finish.


He made himself a nice sandwich and sat there silently. While doing so, he had an idea. "Wait, why don't I just open a fast food joint? I sure can remove world hunger with it."

It was certainly food for thought... or thought for food.


Omniversal Hell.

As always, Satan was on his monthly visit to hell's doorway, the place where the sinners get their sins valued and get punished accordingly. Some get a pat on the wrist, while some get their entire wrist chopped, then regrown and cut again.

"Ah, it's pretty nice today. The sky looks more red than normal." Satan commented while on the walk.

"My lord, you say that every single day," said Bakasura, assistant to Satan.

Satan sneered. "Man, whoever named you named you right. You're one hell of a baka. Now just follow me and don't spoil my mood. I need to get this investigation done and give the report to that freak superior of mine. He doesn't even come to work. Why does father keep him around?"

Bakasura had to give his input. "He's known to be sexually, mentally and spiritually smitten by father, I heard. He does many things... fucked up things to gain his affection and attention. Maybe you should do the same."

Suddenly, Satan remembered some bad memories. "Fuck, no-no... I have some self-respect. Forget it. I'm happy to be second in command. Let's get this job done and watch the daily life of Hector's new episode."

Soon, Satan arrived at the entrance booth, where a ghoul marked all the attendance.

"Woah, what's this? Did someone sleep on the copy and paste button? So many Mephisto?"

Bakasura looked into the list quickly. "They appear to have been sent by the Lord Inquisitor."

"Haha, yeah, he'd do something like this. First, send them to the oil bath and the ass massager for... five hundred years. Then give them excellent skin care with the peeler for another five hundred. Then you can proceed with the worse punishments. All right, I'm out."

Bakasura cursed after Satan was gone. "Fuck, I wanted to see the new episode too."

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

1 Stone = 1 Anti Boredom Banana. [Effect: Everything feels interesting to you. TIP: Start studying!]

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