
226. How To Deal With Protestors

[You can read 51 chapters in advance and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]

[NEWS: We apologize for stopping the news about Mister President's wedding. The breaking news has come that multiple bomb blasts have been reported across the nation. Two blasts in Washington DC, one blast in Chicago, four in LA, 6 in San Fransico, 2 in Houston, and three dozen more blasts around the nation.

No deaths have been reported so far, but some injured ones have been taken to hospitals. It's sad that we had such an attack on the day of Christmas and the President's wedding. It is unknown who did it since all terrorist organizations have been wiped out. We will connect with the Defense Spokesperson and try to understand what happens.]


♫...Pump it (louder)

Pump it (louder)

Turn up the radio

Blast your stereo...♫

Music was blasting, and everyone was dancing. Be it Odin and Frigga, Yao and Fury, Moony and Fenris, Lucifer and Beelzebub, or Tony and Pepper.

Some new couples were appearing there, though. Thor and Jane, Natasha and John Wick, and Happy with Aunt May. There was also Jean, but she was simply throwing Loki around.

Hector also danced as his heart desired with everyone. He would randomly grab Agent Hill, Yelena, Natasha or even Peggy. He was the grandpa of the whole world, so he didn't need to be reserved.

Soon, Tony found himself dancing around him. Hector noticed dark veins popping near his neck. "Son, why didn't you tell me about the palladium poisoning?"

Tony replied loudly due to the blasting music, "God damn, can anything stay a secret from you? And I didn't tell you because the fear of dying keeps me on edge and pushes me to innovate."

"Bwahaha... I guess Fury didn't hand you the suitcase yet. Boy, your father had theorized a new element years ago but couldn't make it due to technological restraints. Also..." Hector snapped his finger after bringing his hand to Tony's face. "There you go. You have no poisoning anymore. But be quick and make that a new element."

BAM!—Tony suddenly jumped forward and hugged Hector. "Yeah, savor this moment when you can. I rarely hug other men."

Hector chuckled and patted Tony on the head, "It's okay, kid. I'd rather have Diana hug me as well."

Tony released him. "Haha, I knew you'd say that. By the way, why do you help me so much? My father was an asshole to you. I wasn't really the most likable kid on the block either."

"Well, Kennedy told me that Howard was regretful for his actions and tried to make amends, albeit too late. And you... when I see you, I just see a lost kid who needs some help. When I was young, my parents were like Spartans. They believed in throwing the kid into the most hostile, messed-up environment and hoping the child would come out well and stronger. It's messed-up logic.

"You needed a helping hand and a few lessons taught; I just helped. Now, look at you, the man who revolutionized the electrical energy sector. I must say... I am proud of you."

Tony suddenly stopped dancing and hugged him again, "Okay, this is the last one. I will head to Pepper now."

Tony was embarrassed no matter how much he tried to hide it. But he was also appreciative of everything Hector had done to help him.

"Ehm... sir, I want to thank you for inviting me to this party." Peter Parker appeared in front of Hector with his chubby friend.

"How are you, Peter? I hope you did not misuse the gift I gave you. And who is this lad here?"

"This is Ned, my best friend from school. He wanted to make a wish since it's Christmas." Peter pushed the nervous Ned to the front.

Hector waited for the boy to say it loud. "S-Sir... I w-want a toy Death Star that actually floats in the air."

"Done." Hector took out a big box out of nowhere. However, the miniature Death Star was just a kid's toy—nothing dangerous like Peter's lightsaber.

Seeing Peter and Ned busy with the toy, Hector went back to dancing again and just enjoyed the day.

"Jean, come here and dance with grandpa." He and Jean then went crazy and became the spotlight.

♫Ra ra Rasputin

Lover of the Russian queen

There was a cat that really was gone

Ra ra Rasputin...♫

Meanwhile, the world was panicking.


Only after the dinner was done in the evening did Hector decide to head to his office and finally give a statement. He would also resolve the whole situation on live television.

He even wished that there would be more attacks on him, so he used a motorcade this time to move to the White House from Mount Vernon. It was not a very long ride, but the motorcade would attract a lot of attention.

"So, how are you going to fix this? They have been asking for words from you. The military does not even know who did it." Kennedy asked him.

Hector was still relaxing, "I know who did it and why they did it. I will simply expose them to the world soon. Just calm down and let me stay happy. I still wish to go home and spend the night with my wife."

"Maybe I should get married as well."

Hector dumbly looked at Kennedy in disbelief, "You? Stop joking, boy. You may look old, but I know you're still one horny bastard. I know you're into milfs."

"Hey, I'm into them because I believe going after college girls or girls of that age group is too much. I'm not a pedo. Besides, Milfs come with a lot of experience."

Hector seemed disgusted, "Man, sometimes I think it was the wrong decision to make you a politician. Thank god you have me as your boss, or else who knows how many sex scandals you'd have by now."

"Come on, that was just one ti-"

Their little talk came to a sudden halt when the driver pressed the breaks hard, and the car 'Beast' came to a halt.

Annoyed, he looked out and found a group of protestors had created an uproar. They were trying to jump and sit in the car.

"Ah, the youth of this nation. Too much good time has turned them into bad workers. You sit inside; I will see what their problem is." Hector got out.

"What's the commotion about? What do you want, kids?"

The protesters quickly surrounded him and chanted at the same time. "THANOS WAS RIGHT! THANOS WAS RIGHT!"

"Why do you all think so?" He questioned them.

"Because what he said was true. We are polluting and overpopulated. And you're promoting the exploitation of nature. WE WANT JUSTICE!" the leader of the protestors said.

Hector facepalmed, "Didn't I tell you I will reset our atmosphere in 2020 to what it was in the 1700s. By the way, how many of you have a sibling or parents."

Nearly all of them raised their hands. So Hector continued, "Okay, so if you think Thanos was right, then you should face the consequences too. I will order the secret services to randomly kill half of your family members. You should be happy after that. Right?"

The protestors had a surprised, shocked face now. Then one of them screeched. "You can't do that. That's murder!"

Now Hector knew that these banshees had nothing to do with their life but scream. Their argument didn't make any sense. "So now it's murder? When Thanos wished to kill half of the life across the Universe, was it fine? Do you hear yourself talking?"

He was not going to go any easier on them. So he took out his phone and searched for a few things with the help of the A.I. "Okay, so you folks spent the Baby Bonds on buying cars, expensive jewelry, and clothes at the age of 18 instead of college or starting a business? This is a direct violation of the Baby Bonds policy. Return the money to the Federal Government, or auditors will have to take and seize your property.

"By the way, if I ever hear of you or anyone in this country fetishizing Thanos, I will send you to a mental asylum. Now move or be thrown into jail. I did my best to provide quality life and education to all, and you still turned out like this.

"America does not need imbecile fools like you."

He moved back to his car, and the motorcade moved again. The screaming protestors had their faces fallen, appearing as if on the verge of crying. They didn't only get scolded but also had debts of tens of thousands of dollars.


"Hah, you did great. Unfortunately, there are always some rotten seeds in every generation." Kennedy laughed.

But Hector was serious: "The problem arises when all these rotten seeds start joining hands and form a group that then pressurizes politics. Or worse, the rotten ones select a boss among them and get that person into politics. So we need to be careful that retards don't have the ability to make laws. Anyway, let's get ready for the main show."

Soon the car arrived at the White House, and Hector walked to the lawn. The stage was set, and dozens of reporters were waiting for him there.

"Congratulations on your marriage, sir!" they wished him.

Hector kept an angry face. "Thank you, but sadly my big day was ruined. Now, I know what you all have been waiting for. You want to know what happened, who did it, and why. Well, the answer might shock you and also disappoint you.

"The culprits who planted these bombs were none other than the US Armed Services Committee and Lockheed Martin."

There he dropped the verbal bomb. In an instant, all journalists jumped onto their feet and started blabbering questions madly.

Hector raised his hand and shut them up. "Calm down. I am not done. I will bring them here and let you all hear their confession."

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

1 Stone = 1 Deal Banana. [Effect: Get a favorable deal over everything.]

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