
His mom

Atlas stared at the woman laughing happily in his arms and he felt his heart pounding in his chest and butterflies in his stomach.

If someone had told him he was going to fall in love again after Cassandra's death he would have laughed out loud but here he was-having the most beautiful woman in his arms.

Words were not enough to describe his feelings for her. He loved everything about her, her smile, her touch, her presence and soul had him mesmerized.

She was his Angel, his one and only. She had brought into his life love and happiness. Something he never thought he was capable of experiencing and for that he would be an amour to protect her from all the vipers in the world.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, snapping him from his thoughts.

"My parents." Atlas replied.


"Yeah…. this reminds me of them. They used to dance in the kitchen too. I have always wanted a relationship like theirs and now I do."

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