
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn in One Piece with unusual setting

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To be honest against an enemy who can manipulate the law of the world isn't too strong and with current strength to week or the author's plan is to use haoshoku haki to seize the world's throne so the world itself recognize the battle and IM can't use the law of the world due to the seizure of the throne


Yeah, The plan was like that. Spoiler ahead MC will meet with the personification of the will of the world, Gaia version of One Piece world and this and that happens and all DF, including; IM's DF will be temporarily 'deactivate' and Embra will kill IM or so the story should go. I was thinking of the top of Red Line, the place where four sea met, as the place to the entrance of the world where he will meet the god of One Piece world.