
Chapter 070: Empress Amaris & Emperor Armaros

Armaros had returned together with the remaining Acun Army sent to the Delvean territory and he kissed me after climbing down from his beast he act faster than before I can see the result of his action immediately the people and the rulers actually biten the bait, for his a perfect actor and I a perfect actor too what a perfect show the empire had I need to no..we both of us need to act for the sake of our empire and I don't have any hope left for him to love me back I'm already contented with this for the sake of the friendship we built together I will sacrifice my feelings to hold it together.

" Emperor Armaros the empire waited for everyone return and we congratulate all for the victory against Emperor Midas, for a month passed we still remember the glorious victory the Acun Army granted to our empire." I said and I can see my father & my mother finally together again I'm going to visit them later.

" My Empress Amaris we waited a long time too just to come back to our home and its truly a wonderful victory I thanked our brethren for their great sacrifice for a greater achievement we could have, and for you my Empress I truly appreciate your governance of our empire thank you for not giving up leading our empire without me in your side." Armaros said holding my hand rubbing its knuckles with his thumb and fixing my hair to the side with his hand together with a light smile or grin to me.

" You left the empire to my lead so I will not give up at all my Emperor and I'm as the empress would the other sun would wait for you together with the others until the day come back and that's today, my Emperor Armaros I fulfilled my duties as you requested and I'm glad your all back now." I stated smiling and Armaros pats my head lightly kissing my crown then go down lower until our face closet to each other nose to nose, forehead to forehead, and smile to smile his hands holding me head its warm & gentle then we kiss a lovable kiss.

" Don't worry my Empress now that the 2 Suns of the Acun Empire are together we will fulfill our duties to our citizens together and I know your a great leader everyone can see it just looking around us, for I didn't doubt you at all on leading our empire by yourself I know your empire's future is truly great with you but now the two of us here the empire's future is would greater than we predict." Armaros stated and I go cling at my best friend Cathri our Noble Consort I smiled her she's almost 5 months pregnant now I want to show to Armaros I can't harm my best friend at all also I chose my friendship than jealousy.

" My Armaros I want to inform you Cathri child is very healthy and there's no possibilities of miscarriage for I casted an spell at her the baby would be safe perfectly." I look at Cathri face she's rubbing her belly slowly and smile my best friend chose me too together with her side so I will everything for them.

" My Amaris what about your health? you casted another powerful spell lasting for months even if its not powerful as the 5 barriers you put all over the empire you should think of your health too, for we can find another way to secure my child with Cathrinia without letting you suffer you should wait for my opinion too your going to cough blood more than before." Armaros checking my health through magical spell & medical knowledge If I just didn't read his letter for me I would truly beleive his worried of me, his just securing if I put a curse or not to his child or both his child & Cathrinia did you truly dispise me?

" I'm fine Armaros no need to worry, for the others had return or all of you had finally returned back to the empire I can lessen my control & maintenance with the 5 barriers and ask aid with you all so I will not cough blood again once a day, also the other magic-user had already confrim the safety of the child inside Cathri especially Mother Amare and I want to ask Queen Bleania to secure the baby health inside or even you our Emperor can check by yourself." I holding his hand with both of mine rubbing it with my thumbs and looking to his eyes with a gentle grin I want you to check now so you will not doubt me anymore of harming my own best friend and Armaros sighs place his hand around my chin to my cheek smiling.

" I'm just worried for you my Empress and I know there's no harm would be given to them you're our powerful empress, also Lady Cathrinia its nice to meet you again hows your life here?" Armaros asked and Cathri bows her head with her hand on her chest.

" I'm perfectly good your Emperor Armaros together with the people I tried to convince Rys my best friend our Empress to not sacrifice his health for me & my baby but his stubborn, I'm truly glad he's my best friend your Emperor Armaros I live a wonderful life together with everyone and as the Noble Consort of the Acun Empire the Moon I will fulfill my duty well." Cathri respond she didn't know about the letter Armaros sent I don't want her to know it she will blame herself again for that and thank you my best friend for defending me even without your own consciousness.

" I see Lady Cathrinia thank you for being a mother to our child our Noble Consort of Acun Empire, and my Empress can I meet your swords or shall I say Hexablade of Eclorld together with the Archsage of People." Armaros glancing at me again holding my hand and looking at them.

" My Emperor let me introduce them to you. The Hexablade of Eclorld, first the sword who will defend the land Sir. Mylon Knigean my personal knight, the nephew of King Cadma and the disciple of Sir. Lucian my father, also the son of the previous Knigean King & Queen." I introduce Sir. Mylon and he shakes hands with Armaros they already know each other.

" Its nice to meet you again your Emperor Armaros I'm honored to receive your presence." Sir. Mylon said exchaning each other a shake hand.

" Its nice to meet you too again Sir. Mylon thank you for serving my Empress and for protecting the empire." Armaros said and he glance at Prince Dyren.

" Second the sword who will rule the sky Prince Dyren, youngest son of the Duke & Duchess of Skyetiello, the most powerful & strongest swordman of the new generation of the Dukedom of Skyetiello, and I believe he already aided you at the Delvean Empire for months your Emperor." I remarked and Armaros nods his head.

" Yes my Empress I'm truly glad you sent him to us it was a good memories with him to us and his a great help to our army fighting consecutive battles, Prince Dyren its nice to meet you again after months of our last meeting with each other." Armaros patting Dyren at the shoulder they're maybe at the same height or I don't know.

" Its a honor to fight together with you Emperor Armaros I greet you for your arrival to the capital." Pricne Dyren bows his head and raise it then Armaros glance at Cap.Myera.

" Third and last Cap. Myera Islorth my sword who will conquer the seas, she's the last Islorth here at Easteria, she already conquered the Piracy here at Acun, and she is the Grand Fleet Captian traveling every month from Acun to Akira to Northeria and to Dusk she's the most dangerous sword ever." I stated and Armaros step forward near her but Cap. Myera why are coming fotward too! she was approaching the emperor.

" Its nice to meet you Emperor Armaros, I'm Grand Fleet Captain Myera Islorth greeting the other Sun of the Acun Empire." Cap. Myera said offering a hand to him they're close to each other like a half meter or less gap.

" Its nice to meet you too Cap. Myera, I'm the Acun Emperor Armaros Magean Novun appreciate your greet to me." Armaros accepting her hand then shakes their hands Myera please don't havoc!

" Then next is Archsage of People from the Delvean Empire, Archsage Fistes, my Master, and a great person helping me found the Templar of New Acun and the New Immortal Heirarchy." I pull Archsage Fistes sorry Master just for peace.

" Emperor Armaros thank you for allowing me to come here at the empire and let me show you how the New Immortal Heirarchy would bring unity to everyone." Archsage Fistes said thank you master and Armaros release Myera's hand moving to his front patting his shoulder with both of his hands.

" I'm glad I did the right choice of sending you here and I'm tired for not together with the other let me rest and my Empress shall we go?" Armaros asked and I go to his side holding his arm nodding my head.

" Yes your Emperor let us go back to the palace let the others take care of the dead I want to living to rest for now." I replied and a carriage comes to us both of us entered traveling to the Novun Palace we cann hear the voice of the crowd outside but Armaros is tired.

" Here its a new handkerchief, no one is watching us now." I offered him a handkerchief and he took it wiping his lips where we kissed.

" You prepared well Amaris and I see you didn't harm Cathrinia and our child good, also let us discuss your plan for the upcoming Eclorth Invasion." He said and I sighs after wiping his lips he burns the handkerchief.

" Yes maybe in the last week of this week will discuss it with everyone and I need to handle the deads first also don't worry only final touches is need for my plan." I stated and he grin.

" Your A great leader Amaris and truly a gorgeous Empress, its just a shame your a man." He said tilting his head to the side his exhausted I should let him rest.

" Its truly a shame I'm a man but I'm still glad what I am I been A great leader of the empire being a man & a woman at the same time, please Emperor Armaros rest well I will not disturb you at all I will inform you when we arrive at the palace." I layed my back freely and he sighs then his eyes are closing.

" I see let me rest Amaris." He said then takes a nap.

Where is my friend? is he still there Armaros?

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