
Chapter 022: The Grand Fleet Captain Return's

For 3 weeks of our voyage on Acun to Akira to Northeria to Dusk and then to return at the Acun Empire, I and my crew with a thousand ladies well armed 3 Ships full of Products before now all sold out thanks to that our pockets are full as in FULL, for my entire lifetime only today I had experienced a full pocket together with my sisters I'm glad serving Empress Amaris Herean.

Only hours left to reach the Sun Port and to report these news to Empress Amaris I wish he can give us just a week rest before going to another voyage, yet why does I feel envious of Sir. Mylon serving near Empress Amaris now that the crime rate of Acun from land to sea drop into the abyss because of us of course we're great swords of Empress Amaris we can do it ten more times, but I need more payment if I'm going to do it again I wish I can serve him much closely and not so far away from him I want to serve him while being in his side always.

I can see the Sun Port now and I notice the Bull is waiting together with his units holding shields & swords wearing armor with capes a new made unit called [ Bronze Crusaders ] I can't see Empress Amaris waiting I'm quite Indisposed today is the 22nd day of Chronos the sixth month of Eclorst, I want to meet him now but I will handle a bull first waiting from me at the dock.

" Good morning Bull how's your day? Cause I and my sisters had our pockets full of money wanna see? But I believe a Bull like you don't know money cause only muscles are in you head." I asserted and shows my pocket full of money to his eyes.

" I see your day is quite good you Greedy Black Monkey, for I and my Bronze Crusaders are enjoying our service closely to Empress Amaris, yet I still think why does another rubbish sword serve my master." He respond smiling widely directed to my face.

" You know being racist is bad and fuck you Muscles-headed sword." I said raising my middle finger right to his eyes.

" I'm only racist to you Black Monkey, also Empress Amaris wants to meet you now so go you Sea-lover sword." He said leaving me and my crew from the dock he turned around together with his unit and raise their fucking middle fingers together.

" I kill you in the near future you damn bull!" I yelled and ordered my sisters to handle the rest I need to go Empress Amaris now.

What should I report first to Empress Amaris? The Akira Empire needs more Mava Stones cause new fortresses are being built? or The Northeria Empire needs more Foods & Beverages cause a famine from their borders are continuing to spread? or The Dusk Empire are losing lots of mana & magic every month a reason for More Magical Weapons & Potions? or Shall tell him that I notice some Jin de Dragons Knights & Mages scouting the borders of Akira Empire?

I just let Empress Amaris decide which news should be report first to last while I was on my voyage I notice that the Dukedom of Skyetiello are preparing for something when my crew reach their Pier they let us rest for a day, for my observation the Skyetiellos are preparing for war and I remember Empress Amaris had a private meeting with the Duke & Duchess Skyetiello, also I need to ask him about certain things like my remaining relatives and about the Knowledge of Kingdom of Winteria.

" Empress Amaris I'm back did you miss me!" I said entering the Imperial Office I can see him sitting on his chair signing paper works and wearing a dress like a sea deity of south.

" Welcome back Cap. Myera status report and the sales?" He asked looking into my eyes and I show my pockets to him and a grin from his face respond to me.

" According to our contract I & my sisters would take half of the sales for our service every month so our pockets are very full." I answered coming near to his side.

" All the products are sold we earned 20 million Dawons or 5 millions Sunions on Akira Empire, 15 million Nollars or 45 millions Sunions on Northeria Empire, and 40 million Duskiens or 5 million Sunions on Dusk Empire." I added and pull the paper he was signing.

" Your writings are still Chicken-claw marks Empress Amaris." I said and he punched me in the abdomen giving me a mouthful blood out of my mouth.

" I'm glad you're full now can you report the other things and not my writings!" He yelled at me I forgot he is the Most Powerful Empress in Acun Empire the one I serve.

" Please don't bully me I'm a lady." I said placing both of my hands at my breasts.

" Acun Empire had Gender Equality so there's no problem fighting a lady equally." He reply and sign the papers again.

" The Akira Empire need more Mava Stones for their new fortresses to built I believe hundred of them." I said and he still continues signing the papers.

" I see Emperor Norlher Novakira are preparing new domination at the sky did you see Jin de Dragons scouting at their sky or lands?" He asked still focus on his papers.

" Yes I saw dozens of Jin de Dragon Knights & Mages scouting the borders of Akira Empire, did you already know these suspicious actions?" I asked him while glaring at him.

" Of course I know that the Akira Emperor would make new fortresses when he saw & order lots of Mava Stones and for the Jin de Dragon Empire we're winning against them so the only choice to expand their territory is to conquer the lands of Akira above from them." He answered me still fucking signing papers please look at me and praise me properly.

" The Dusk Empire are losing their Magic & Mana every month so they desire for more of our New Magical Weapons and Potions, and for the Northeria Empire famine are spreading from their borders to the capital so they need more supplies especially the Foods & Beverages we introduce." His fingers are on his lips to chin and his other hand holding a quill tapping the table his interested.

" Two preys together on the North thank you Cap. Myera, for a certain future that may happen those preys shall be eaten." I see a conquest of the north was on his mind now so I should ask this one.

" Dukedom of Skyetiello was preparing for war or conquest I believe did you know it or did you plan it?" I asked him and he give a sigh as his answer.

" Answer me! Empress Amaris and where is Prince Dyren?"

" I send him to Emperor Armaros Novun at the battlefield on the Delvean Empire he was gone for 20 days now and he will stay there for months."

" House Herean & House Skyetiello are planning on founding a new Empire in Easteria?"

" Yes Cap. Myera Islorth, but a empire for the Skyetiellos not for the Hereans."

" A marriage would occur to both house Empress Amaris Herean?"

" Yes a Numerous Marriages would occur to both houses but not to me I'm already the Empress of Acun."

" So the private meeting you had with the Duke & Duchess of Skyetiello was about conquest?"

" Nope it's just about allegiance and safety of my house and no more."

" Why would you want safety to your house no one can harm you, I your sword who will conquer the sea will protect and no one is capable of destroying the Hereans."

" Thank you Cap. Myera Islorth and for your Family information they're nobles now on a certain empire from the other continent and they're on the previous place of Winteria Kingdom, for more details wait for years so I can give you more news about House Islorth."

" So they're still alive my family are still going on thank you for the news Empress Amaris don't worry I'm loyal to you until the Ocean stopp to flow." I hugged him I'm glad I serve the right person.

" Cap. Myera you have over a week of rest before the next voyage and make sure to maintain these after the next Eclorth Invasion, then starts to change the business on your way but with the same contract okay." He said glancing at me.

" Of course Empress Amaris I will take my leave now and find a wife or a husband in the future a one who will love you to heart not to a contract." I said and left him inside his office.

Empress Amaris don't worry I will protect until the Ocean stop to flow and I will a lady who will love you truly not like the Emperor, for the sake of the bond of Hereans & Islorths I will conquer the seas or the oceans for our bond Empress Amaris Herean.

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