
Ch1: Their Beginning (1)

A/N: This is going to be a lot of Teen wolf with the The Originals/The Vampire Diaries involved, it won't follow the two stories of TO/TVD to the correct plot most will be off some to accommodate the story I want.


A kid who was standing about four foot three with silver-grey hair and bright blue eyes looked around curiously while standing in front of his parents. He had adorable chubby cheeks from all the kid fat that he still had on his body, in his eyes was a hint of nervousness and excitement.

"Now be strong, it is your first day and all we wouldn't want you to be scared of what is to come." Hayden's mom said as she cried, him and his father were smiling slightly seeing that.

Hayden sighed as she once again brought him into her embrace and hugged him tightly, she had done this five times since they arrived at the classroom. Around the room other mothers or fathers were doing the same, some kids followed since their parents were crying.

He wasn't mainly because his dad talked to him the night before, although he was feeling emotional after the talk he was able to keep his calm. It was the first time away from his parents, Beacon Hills didn't have a day-care so he was always with his mom.

"Mom, I will be fine. Dad and me had a man to man talk last night I will be strong, and you will see me right after school okay?!" He said with a smile while kissing her on the cheek.

"Man?! No you will always be my little boy, don't listen to your father he is just being stupid!" She said while sending a glare to his father who shrunk back into himself.

"Haha, alright mom. Well can I go now I want to make friends!" Hayden said with some excitement in his eyes.

She pouted but nodded reluctantly, "Alright go and meet your teacher and make friends, but if you need me at all you know the house number. Call me if you want to come home at any time."

Hayden had to hold in his chuckle again as she said this, he kissed her on the cheek again while shaking his dads hand wanting to show he was a big kid. Kindergarten was something scary to him but he was going to be brave, as he carried his backpack which had the image of Scooby-Doo he moved into the room.

Looking around he noticed two kids who had already became friends, one had shaggy black hair and had a goofy smile on his face, the other was moving around like he couldn't stay calm. Hayden stayed clear of them, he felt like something would go wrong if he stayed near them to long, which happened to be true.

Moving more in he looked to the side and happened to see someone who caught his eye, it was a girl who had a sparkly pink backpack. What caught his eye though was her beautiful long strawberry blonde hair, he couldn't look away from it, in a trance he moved closer to her.

As he got closer he noticed she had been one of the kids who cried, her eyes were a little puffy but he could see from the back of her hands that she tried to wipe the tears away. He stood there a moment nervous, sure he wanted to make friends but he was scared that she would reject him, but he also didn't want to give up she was so pretty.

Clenching his fist he moved towards the seat that was next to hers, "I-is anyone sitting here?" he asked his voice shaking a little.

At the sound of his voice she snapped her head up and looked at him, her big green eyes were staring at him in shock. The tears made them look even brighter then what they were, it only took a second for her to come back to herself and start to talk to him, "U-umm no..... you can sit there if you want."

Her voice was small at first but then it got stronger at the end, she put on a small smile as she watched him to see if he would still take the seat. "Thank you." Hayden said with a smile as he placed his backpack on the back and took the seat, "My name is Hayden by the way."

"Lydia." She said more confidently as the sadness she was feeling went away.

"Well Lydia, I can tell we are going to be great friends." Hayden said with a smile while turning and going into his backpack, he brought out a small pouch of apples his mom cut for his snack, "Apple?"

She gave him a wide smile while taking one and eating it, they two started talking about their favorite things to do outside of school and noticed they had a lot in common. It wasn't until their new teacher Mrs. Ryan started clapping at the front of class that they paid attention to the room again.

"Well good morning everyone, I am Mrs. Ryan as you know and I will be your teacher for the next year. Now since it is the first day we will go around the room so we can get to know one another before we start our first activity of the day. Let's start with you." She smiled widely at the class while pointing to a kid who was sitting nearest to her.

The kid was hesitant but eventually grew the courage to start talking, after he was done it kept going on and on, Hayden learned that the spaz kid he saw earlier was names Stiles. Well it was a nickname but he didn't want anyone to know his real name for some reason.

It finally got to Lydia who was nervous until she saw Hayden smile and nod at her, "My name is Lydia Martin, I like to read and learn new things. I am also really good with math, my mom has been teaching me since she said that I am a natural at learning things. I hope to do something great one day when I am older." She finished while smiling proudly at all the fawning gazes she got.

"Glad to hear that Lydia, and I can't wait to see what you do. Alright you go ahead next." Mrs. Ryan said while pointing to Hayden after Lydia sat down.

"Hi I am Hayden Gallagher, I like to draw and to learn anything that has to do with music. I am good at drawing, my mom puts my pictures up on the walls and fridge all the time saying that she hopes one day I can do it professionally. When I am older I want to be a musician or a artist." Hayden said with a wide smile, he was never really shy in crowds much.

"Well then I hope to see your drawings or paintings in a museum one day." Mrs. Ryan said before moving on to the next person, there was only three more before she changed it up, "Alright class we will be doing our first activity, you will all be drawing what you see your future self doing. So for some it will be Musician, Astronaut, Cop, or Doctor, just draw what you want to be."

With that she passed around paper to the class while telling everyone to bring out their colored pencils and pens, Hayden brought out all of his which looked different then the rest. His were something that his mom bought him at the hobby shop in the mall, apparently they were professional grade they learned it from an artist who was there.

Lydia looked over curiously seeing that his was different then hers, "Hayden? Why are yours different then mine? They look better..... can we share?" she asked the last part with a small voice and she was once again nervous thinking he would reject her.

Hayden didn't even take a moment to think before answering, "Of course we are friends Lydia, all you have to do is ask and I will share with you."

Another smile lit her face as the two of them started to get to work, Mrs. Ryan also noticed that his was a little different as she moved around the room looking at the pictures. She paused a moment and looked down at his work and couldn't help but to be stunned, his work was something really life like.

When she heard him talking earlier she thought it was just a parent being proud but it turned out to be more then that, she saw that he was actually a real artist. The drawing was so life like of a now version of himself looking at a painting while playing a guitar that was in his lap.

Mrs. Ryan didn't come out of it until she heard two boys messing around, looking up it was Stiles and Scott who were laughing while throwing colored pencils. "McCall! Stilinski!" She said with a stern voice while moving to walk over to the two of them.

Hayden paused while in the middle of his drawing and looked over to Lydia who was concentrating hard on her work, he could see the potential in her drawing. She was drawing what looked like an older version of herself in a lab coat working on something, he couldn't tell what but she seemed to know.

"That looks good Lydia." Hayden praised while smiling at her.

Lydia looked up with a smile while taking a peek at his work, her mouth formed an 'O' shape as she looked at his, "Wow Hayden yours is really good too, we are both good at this then."

Hayden laughed at that agreeing with her, "Yes we are. See I knew it was a good idea for us to be friends since we are so good at the same things."

The two laughed together while Mrs. Ryan was finally able to settle down Stiles and Scott who were give a time-out for today's recess for what they did. After another thirty minutes she let them all stop drawing and told them to share their pictures, in Hayden's opinion his and Lydia's was the best in the class.

At that moment he noticed that when Lydia shared hers Stiles was looking at her with big eyes, he just thought that he was impressed as he was an shrugged it off. Next they were having story time, they all moved to the front of the class to take seats and listen to the story that they were being told.

During it Lydia took great interest while Hayden just looked around the room again, it was a story about someone named little red riding hood. He didn't even listen when his mom told him the story so he wasn't paying attention to it now either, he wasn't one who liked being read to.

After it was over she asked them questions about it and every time one was asked Lydia was the first to have her hand up, he couldn't help but giggle when she pouted at not being called on. She sent him a glare and a pout but she smiled when he tickled her sightly.

For the next two hours they were told to work in their work books, soft music was playing as they worked on them while eating their snacks. Lydia and Hayden shared their snacks as they worked on them, she even helped him on some things he got stuck on.

The two spoke softly as they worked on their work book, it was mainly about things they liked and cartoons they watched. Lydia also talked about some movie called 'The Notebook' which he should watch, Hayden had never heard of it before and was confused.

He was going to ask his mom the moment he got home so he could see what it was about.

The day seemed to pass by fast as the two got caught up in school, before they knew it lunch time had come around for them. Its was their first time leaving the classroom, they were in line heading towards the cafeteria for lunch Lydia and Hayden were carrying their lunches.

Since they met this morning they have been inseparable, she was able to make friends with another girl named Lily who sat near them but Hayden had not made any boy friends. When they made it to the cafeteria they could see other classes were also there, it was three other classes that were like theirs.

After sitting down to eat Lydia looked over his lunch before the two of them started to split and share it, Lily joined them after grabbing hers out of the line. While sitting they went to talk about barbies or something, "Mind if I sit here?" Hayden heard a voice come from next to him.

Looking over it was a little boy who was wearing a superman t-shirt, "Sure!" Hayden said with a wide smile and some excitement, he wanted to make more friends but most people were to shy to even come up and talk to him after he started to talk to Lydia.

"I am Hayden by the way."

"Issac, I am in Mrs. Crosses classes." He said while dumping out his lunch from a paper bag that he was carrying.

"Well nice to meet you. Do you want to play at the playground after this? I heard that we will be going to recess after this." Hayden said while taking a carrot from Lydia's lunch and eating it.

Issac noticed and raised a brow but when he saw that she didn't say anything but did the same but taking one of his chips he shrugged it off, "Sure. I like to play four-square or tag." He said while unwrapping his sandwich.

"Sure anything is fine." Hayden agreed before they went into a whole conversation about their favorite power ranger and Sonic character.

Next chapter