
My Lord, I am here to serve you

While Liam was thinking about his next steps in this new world, he heard some noises nearby. He quickly pulled his hood forward covering his face as a few figures stumbled and walked out from behind a huge tree.

"Ahh… my head hurts…"

"What happened?"

It was a group of elves who looked dazed and disoriented. Finally one of them remembered what had happened.

"It's those dreadful frogs!"

Their gaze fell on Liam who was standing amidst the bits and pieces of frog corpses and green blood scattered everywhere.

The elves looked from Liam to the frogs, then back at him, visibly relaxing when they saw the frog remains. "You did this?" asked one, his eyes widening.

"I did," Liam nodded. "They were troublesome creatures."

A collective sigh of relief seemed to pass through the group of elves. "Then we are in your debt, my lord," said another elf, who looked to be a leader among them. 


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