
You need some spanking

After a few minutes, Liam took a deep breath and looked at the finished forged soul bead. 

This soul bead looked more polished than the original one, and it shone like a diamond.

He injected a jolt of mana into it, and the chicken sprang alive as if it was never dead. 

It flapped its spectral wings and screeched, ready to dive into battle.

Luna hopped over, her three tails swaying in the air, and looked at the chicken with her big eyes.


She cocked her head to the side, wondering what this strange bird was.

The chicken as well repeated the same set of motions, cocking its head to the other side and staring at the fox.

The two looked comical, and Liam chuckled at the sight.

However, the next second, Luna unexpectedly raised her paw.

Liam saw this, and he instantly knew what was going to happen. 

Luna was about to smack the chicken hard!

Next chapter