
A broken fight


The oversized wolf growled as he slowly approached. Akio looked into his inventory.


Frozen club x1

Goblin ear x2

Paunchy goblin eye x1

Common orb x1


"Tch" he looked at his inventory, wishing he could've grabbed some of the loot from Mildas bag.

'Frozen club'

A small blue glow resonated in his hand as a club appeared out of thin air, its light blue handle fell into his left hand and he looked back up at the beast.

A confused flicker appeared in the word eyes as he saw what happened directly in front of it. Akio adjusted his grip into his right hand and started to ran to the left, around his opponent.

Akio felt a large gush of wind coming as the wolf raised it's clear and swiped towards him, what looked like a tear in the air appeared as lightning started to flicker outwards towards him. Ducking downwards the trail of lighting passed over head while making his ears fluff up with static.

"That's not very safe" turning his gaze back, he ran towards him and turned 360 degrees trying to build up momentum. The wolf lifted up his paw to avoid the small beastkins attack, preparing to crush him with it afterwards.

Lifting is club upwards mid turn, the angle turned towards the beasts mouth.



Three teeth flew out the front of the wolfs mouth as well as plenty of blood. It took the hit straight on, which caused it to have a short recoil. It regained its balance immediately as it was nearly three times as strong.

Akios hands were numb from the impact of the hit. Sending a small amount of shocks up his arm, noticing how quick his opponent recovered from the attack he grimaced. Knowing that he didnt have much of a chance to kill it with a blunt object.

A similar gust of wind formed around the wolfs paw as it raised up and tried to slamm it down on top of him. Akio reacted quickly and dove quickly to the left, making a narrow escape as the ground caved in where the beast made contact. Akio did a quick turnaround and went to hit the wolfs hind leg.

But as the wolf was much quicker than him after all, the wolf turned and kicked him hard. The impact in his chest was comparable to a bowling ball out of a small cannon. Flying backwards over 200 feet and smashing into a large tree. Dropping the club

"KUH" letting out a small grunt as the impact bends his back in unnatural ways. Gritting his teeth as blood falls out of his mouth. The wolf uses this chance to charge inward. Cutting the air twice on the way, before slamming its paw down.


The same blue lightning flew out of both cuts, coiling on the way. Causing it to increase in speed and power.


Leaning back upwards Akio shot under the blast onto the ground. Where the wolf was waiting and prepared to bite him. A large explosion from where the blast connedcted behind them rang out. Causing akio and his club to be pushed over a couple of meters, while the wolf didnt budge and jumped towards him. Akio grabbed his club and tried to block but was too slow. The wolf picked up akio with its mouth and he. Could feel the slime mouth start to sizzle, akio felt many static shocks, starting to get more aggressive.


Swinging the weakend, slowly melting club. He gritted his teeth as he aimed for the Wolfs back. Teeth.



The sound of glass breaking boomed out as the back teeth were broken and the club shattered into many pieces, maintaining its cold inside. The club now looked more like a bat with random outwards slices of ice. The wolf recoiled a bit more this time as the electric shock wavers. The grip on his back weakens and akio uses this oppotunity to turn and stab the wolf in the mouth.


Blood gushed from the open wound as the beast retreated dropping akio from its mouth.

Collapsing on the ground akio winced, his sides had holes from being held in the moth of a that monster. He opened up his stats to check his HP.


Name: Akio Sano

age: 10 years

HP: 47/100




Status points:82





Mana: 5200/5200

Skills: [appraisal], [passive: blessing of Verglas],[passive: Mana absorption] [transformation LVL 1] [Flare LVL 1 (ice)]


'Luckily the ice didn't make too much contact with the electric current. I didn't want to to melt quite yet.'

Akio looked up towards the wolf as blood waterfalled out of its mouth, looking at him with pure hatred.

"This is a familiar sight, although on a much larger scale" laughing he checked his opponents status the wolf continues to vomit. He knows that if he attacks now without knowing for sure his opponent is deathly injured. He will end in a very bad situation.


Race: levin wolf

3rd status

age: 26 years






Mana: ?????

Condition: [average bleeding : lose of 10 hp every second after vital blood amount is lost.] ,[dazzed: in a state where they could faint at any moment. Str -15, dex - 20%


'That's relieving' Akio grinned as he rushed forward with the broken club. The area between the two combatants quickly shorting as Akio jumped up with all of his strength. Looking towards the wolfs chest. It responded by quickly swinging its claws at akio.

A loud gushing noise was summoned as the iced weapon impaled the chest of the wolf, barely going in due to its bluntness. Akio felts his hand slip off the weapon as his body was swatted away with the strength of a mortar.


A strand of letters appeared in front of him, causing more questions to appear in his head. But they were short lived as he collided with the ground. Causing his body make his open wounds look like a squished gusher

"Ahhh..." barely managing to roll over with the strength he had left.

'That was a dumbass move' looking towards his enemy he saw it staggering on its feet.







Akio saw his vision fade as he fainted on the ground.

Akio was woken up by the sound of system beeping. He looked up and saw a large system panel.


Enemy defeated!

Levin wolf- LVL 26

3rd status

EXP acquired: 10,400

Items acquired:

Wolfs Last Fang x1

Wolf Pelt x2

Wolf claws x4

Magic orb x1


Checking if compatible....


-Lightning control lvl1 (grade 2):

-Control the basics of lightning, all lightning damage caused by lightning summoned by this spell does (status 1 basic lightning) damage.

-Controlled lightning not summoned from this spell will do (original spell damage + mana infused)


'Ah my head hurts.' Looking through the list of his score.

"HHHUUUAAA MY GOD" looking at his acquired exp and new skill.


Level up! 11-> 20 (locked)

All stats up 27

Free status points 27

Blessing of verglas: 45 extra status points



Next grade available!





' okay slow down, system what is all of this?'

[grades are equivalent to what your people call "evolution". Grades do not change your race as your first decision is what sticks throughout, unless you deliberately aim for otherwise. So that's what it is and evolution sounds dumb. Especially after hearing your dumb mother talk to you like that.... cringe. Sadly at the time, the system still accommodates your knowledge. Anyways... So I called it grade 1-13. There are evolutions after that but That's not a now thing. As for why two thing are called condition, it works for both of them but if it causes you a headache I can replace it with resistance.]

'Okay that makes more sense, however why is my next grade locked? Also what did you say about my mother!?'

[because of your special class there are no further grade improvements. The passive blessing I gave you imprints part of my consciousness into the system, as well as imprinting the new point system. However, because it's an imprint some areas will be buggy, that is one of them. Instead of a grade improvement, a status boost is more likely to happen. I called your mother dumb as in intelligence, she's pretty dumb and I don't get a mother's voice to a child. But I found it cringey the way she talks to you. You're dad isn't much better.]

'Okay, I understand.' I decided to ignore that last part because he's not wrong, the way they celebrate and talk wasn't exactly the best. But I was basically 1 years old and already talking. Not exactly the best remedy for their excited mindset.

I looked back at the grade options.


Next grade available!





I didn't know weather it mattered or not so I just pick the second option.

After akio pressed the second option, his face turned a flush red and he started to feel over heated and then felt his head swarmed with an otherworldly feeling.

Next chapter