
Chapter 31

"I recently inherited this, and I have no idea how this works. Could you explain it to me?"

"Of course. This is the black lotus auction house. We connect different sects, as well as to the heavens. For the right price, we can obtain anything. At the moment, one credit is worth around 2 gold each. This card is at level two, meaning it's owned by a craftsman or store owner. This gives a discount on bulk materials and lets you ask us to obtain specific materials without an application form. You have 43 credits on here at the moment, and today's auction is starting in 30 minutes."

43 credits, that's 86 gold. I'm rich!!! Jake thought to himself.

"You can go in now if you like. You can also become an official crafter for us or auction off your crafts if you wish. But for crafts, we have a 1 point starting minimum. So unless they are in bulk you will need a good product."

"Thank you sir i'll go in after checking out your products, do you have a list?"

"Here is today's auction list, and the current stock list. Take your time. The main store is closed during the auction, and you can go ahead and wait in any seat you like except for the VIP section."

"Much appreciated."

Jake walked away, a little bit embarrassed to know so little. He started with the auction catalog. The prices went from lowest to highest, starting with bulk cheap metals and herbs. Jake had almost three full crates of cheap iron already so he had no need for it, and the herbs would be pretty useless to him in general. They also had some decent swords, potions, and a few stat raising pills where in there. They didn't have a lot of other bulk items, as most could buy them from the shop.

They did have some interesting single bars and crates of 10 or 20 ingots that looked worth buying, along with gems of different elements. He was ready to spend a few points to buy them once they came out. In the regular catalog, they had 10 flame infused bars for a point along with 20 fire gems for the same price. That made it ten silver per gem, which was a good price compared to his homeworld.

Jake was now much richer in this world than in his past world, but it took around one months salary in both to afford a small gem, and he could afford hundreds now. He couldn't use hundreds, but he could buy them which was reassuring. When he was finished looking through it, the auction was starting.

Meanwhile in the infernal toxin sect.

"Keep the rings coming, with this idiot out of the way I should gain more ki."

He kicked Shen's chained up body as it let out a repressed yelp of pain.

Doxin was a skinny man who cultivated himself by repeatedly dipping himself in poisons and swallowing large amounts of dangerous plants. His face and limbs had healed, but the area around his heart on his chest and back were burned and covered in boils. Some of the poisons were too dangerous to use, so he had to use it on other people then cultivate using their blood, making it a demonic technique which were criminalized in both sects.

Master Doxen was at the peak of the soul searching realm, just above Shen. Shen was almost ten years older, but due to the immoral methods, Doxen had passed him even though he started so much later. He was sucking ki away from all of his peers on his way up his sect, and was stunting the growth of other sects as well as empowering himself. He had 20 slaves in his shop pumping out rings as fast as they could, and selling them cheaply to every sect that would take them. He even set up right next to a fire mana rich mountain so he could mine out as much material as he needed. All the money he earned bought him more slaves to keep growing his strength.

The auction began and the first few items went by without much interest. After around fifteen minutes later the first item Jake wanted came up.

"With a starting bid of 4 credits, we have one crate of ten dark infused silver."

Jake raised his card, as he had seen others do in the previous rounds.

"One bid.. Two… and three."

"Looks like not a very popular item, I guess we can move on."

Dark infused metals were mostly used for demonic blades, which were banned in the sect. But for a ring with the aspect of decay, it was perfect. With any luck he could pick up the dark gems and craft an uncommon, or even rare item. Rare Items could have a hundred stat points, and with a ring like that he could dominate his year. He ended up getting a set of 2 one carat pure dark gems. Pure gems were the level of regular gems, and could make epic equipment if he had the right skill level.

Each of the gems was 5 credits each, making his total 14. He didn't have anything he needed in the catalog so he was able to leave early and start working immediately. He went to the forgue and began to design. He knew he wanted a ring of anubis, but it took 17 hours to work out all the kinks in it.

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