
mental library

[Pitou] pov

after the figth between me and Xiao Wu if you can call that a figth as its more like and one sided thing

but anyway my sister came running to me to check if i was alrigth which is kinda uselees concidering you can see during the figth that i didnt take damege but she still insists that i should be checked i dont know her intentions as she basecqally passed her hands all over my body and the stupid smile she was wearing on her face is atrange it should be a expression of worry or panic but no it was a perverted smile that an old man gives to a young girl of about 6 years old when she is bathing of some shit idk

Xiao Wu should be waking wp soon because after all the bitching i did on her she has fallen uncounsious and she will wake up on some minutes or hours dont know and dont wanna know becsuse she is trouble which will make my life hell again

and i see that perverted mind of yours go fuck yourself fucking degenerated!!! ok i stop

i sit on my bed as my sister inspection finished as i sited on my bed that was on the original position btw

we put our beds on their places as our little figthing ring ended

but any way i will read on my mental library about sprit beasts

i sit closs legued as i close my eyes

everything is dark as i have my eyes closed

but sudenly a ligth shines making me open my eyes

but its not the sorce of ligth of the dormitory its and sun but he is black the sky is gray we have red clouds that sems to be made out of coagulated blood

looking on my feat i see what apears to be a ice lake but without ice as i can see the liquid down there but a minuscule layer of something is making me be able of something like standing there seams to be people below me that are dead

looking around we can see and island the island is very small so small in fact that can be classificated as a piece of earth on the middle of a the ocean rather than a island but anyway

we can see that the base of the island is made out of purple sand and we can see that this island is floting as you would see the rocks that would be suporting the island from bellow but no it apears as the island is just floting

i reach the island as a mansion is standing on the middle of the sand

its not a huge mansion

but its made out of wood of a dark wood there are chinese details on the structure giving a vibe of a western mansion mixed with some traces of chinese arquiteture

anyway i walk to the mansion

upon being in the entrance of the mansion that is a giant wooden door that is exuding an holy aura

i push the door open as beyond the door is an infinity darkness

i step into it as i fell that im faling from a very high place sudenly an holy ligth flashe as in to in the void anymore but in a giant room that has countless bookshelfs that are filled with books

the walls are made out of white marmore

there are pilars that seam to be holding the cealing that is decorated with an ilustration of and war of what appears to be beteween angels and demons

these pilars that are scatered across the room with and western dragon made out of gold raped around the pilar, they are also made out of white marmore

on the walls there are ilustrations of divine beasts, wars, gods and demons

but what gives the most stention to me is the books some of them are new some are old there are books that seams to be made out of gold some of them are made out of flesh and bones

the bookshelfs are made out of a golden material

i then reach into one of those bookshels and pick a book called


the book is made out of leather and bones it gives people an fealing of it being the rarest thing on the world

after picking the book i sit on the ground

i open the book as a red aura exudes from the pages giving it and forbiden of dangerous aura

i open on the page i stoped on the carriage that is page 14578


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