
An exemplary father

Milena glared at her father, so she turned her left hand into her werewolf version and beheaded her father.

Nero's head rolled on the ground before stopping. Milena looked at her and realized that her father was smiling at her. "Fascinating. You hate werewolves, but you use your werewolf form to attack.

You are a woman who knows how to use her weapons, however I think that will not work for me. "

Nero's body turned to dust and at that moment Milena heard footsteps behind her so when she turned from her she looked in horror as her father was pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

Nero who had already poured his glass of whiskey looked at his daughter. "You cannot kill me Milena, I am someone who cannot die.

I'll tell you a story, but first. "

Using his hand, Nero snapped his fingers and at that moment Milena was seized by black tentacles which tied her to a chair.

"Now that you are stopped like a good girl it is time that you listen to your father. You will see when he was a young man I faced a lot of enemies.

How will you know then the war was over and the world had been divided into two factions. On one side you had the capitalists and on the other side you had the communists.

For the kingdom of the werewolves, it simply meant that our support that had been Germany was gone.

So we were completely isolated to prevent us from developing ourselves, the then King, an idiot who is only concerned about drinking.

He did nothing to improve the situation of the werewolves, so I decided to act. That is why I created an organization to be able to take power from the old king.

How do you know only the nobles can rise to the position of king, so if I wanted to become king I needed to have noble blood.

Unfortunately, that is something that you are only born with, so I decided to be reborn again to begin the kidnapping of one of the many princesses of the castle.

Once she was in my hands, I violated her repeatedly until she became pregnant, so I continued with the plan that she had prepared.

Which consisted of performing a ritual to transmit my soul to the baby's body. It was somewhat difficult to get all the materials because the blood of children and virgins was especially needed.

When I finish getting all the materials, perform the ritual in a completely secluded place, but something went wrong.

What no one tells you when you perform a ritual is that it has to go through the approval of the gods who created the ritual.

In simple terms, you have to negotiate with the gods. Being a mortal being without power, you can only be under their absolute control.

That was discovered the hard way when the god Hold took my soul in his gigantic hands and told me clearly. "

Nero looked seriously at his daughter. "Little mangy dog, ​​from now on you will be my slave, so you will have to fulfill my missions or you can refuse, but your soul will be completely destroyed.

If there is something that I appreciate more than having power, it is to maintain my life, so like a rat I accepted the conditions of that god.

After that he told me that I had to perform a great feat which was to destroy the kingdom of the werewolves. "

Nero started laughing. "Can you believe it, everything I wanted to build was simply going to be destroyed because a God told me that he had to do it.

I know you may be thinking that I am too much of an idiot, but what other option did I have at the time.

Also, my physical body had already been destroyed by the ritual, so I could not return, just accept and wait to be reborn.

But not only did he tell me that, he also told me that I had to give one of my daughters as a sacrifice, because I love your sister too much.

You are the sacrifice that I am going to give to that God to end this damned martyrdom that has made me suffer. My life becomes more and more detestable.

Everything I do just doesn't fill me up. Food is tasteless, and even sex is an act that I don't enjoy.

Living all that just drives you crazy Milena, not to mention that like you I am also immortal, although my immortality is different from yours.

Well, yours allows you to live in a calm and normal way, while mine is an example of what life can be worse than death.

Even now, this whiskey that I am drinking tastes like water no matter how strong it is. It is simply water which does not offer me any satisfaction.

However, the son of a bitch left a trick on what he did to me. The only time I can feel feelings is every time he killed someone.

I think now you understand why I enjoy killing. Of course I could refuse to follow the orders of that god, but the feeling of killing is superior.

Now daughter, since you heard my story, it is time for me to kill you; you want to say a few words. "

Milena's mouth was released, so she smiled. "Marie, Marie, Marie."

Nero looked at his daughter as she laughed. "Hahaha, why are you calling that arms dealer?

She won't be able to help you and even if she could, what would she do to get to this place… "

Nero's head was destroyed at that moment by a shotgun blast. Marie who had arrived took out a smoke cloud.

"Milena, if you wanted help to treat family trauma, I can recommend a good therapist."

Milena laughed. "I will never go to therapy with this man who claims to be my father. I called you why the very coward wants to give me a sacrifice to a god named Hold.

Someone told me that the best way to kill a god is with another god. I hope you can help me; I mean I am your valuable tool. At least I have that right. "

Marie sighed and stroked her nose. "I have a feeling that you are turning into a bad woman. I will have to punish you."

Milena smiled as she showed her white teeth. "You are free to do it, but even though I gave you my body, my soul will be my husband Liam's.

I hope you can understand ... "

At that moment, some applause could be heard. "A bisexual daughter, you fill your father with pride, Milena .

That's better than living alone all your life, but now introduce me to your girlfriend. I think that as a father I deserve that right. "

Ty for reading these chapter guys, remember to add to library if you like ;)

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