
Leaving the labs

"Now you have any idea how we can get out of this place before we end up dying in this place."

Hanz smiled and pointed to one of the cameras. "Near this place there is an elevator that will take us to an area where there is a small train.

Which seems to arrive at an abandoned mine that is used as an alternate entrance to this place. "

Milena sighed and took an M4 assault rifle. "I have the feeling that we should find an enemy in that place or am I wrong."

Hanz took one weapon and looked at them curiously. "I can be sure they should be waiting for us, as that alternate entrance is near a military base.

Although I'm more curious about these weapons, they look better than the weapons we had in the Reich. "

Milena just looked at him and shook her head before throwing a security guard's uniform at him. "You should change your clothes.

Let's say that only on Halloween or special events someone would wear one of those uniforms that you are wearing. If someone saw you next to your uniform, they would immediately think that you were a fucking racist.

Not to mention that your German accent would not help you much and we are in Europe a place where Germans in Nazi clothes are not very popular. "

Hanz sighed and turned into a mist before reappearing in a guard uniform, "Well I shouldn't have a problem anymore."

Milena looked at him and raised her shoulders. "You have to improve your accent because you speak like a grandfather and remember no strange greetings or jokes about the war.

How did I tell you? Germany affected a lot of people during its past and that your German doesn't help, but that's just my opinion.

You can do whatever you want once we leave this place. I only remind you that if someone finds out about your past, they will look for you.

No matter what you have been in the war, you fought with the enemy, so you wear penance on your uniform. "

Hanz just nodded and watched as Milena prepared with her weapons. When she finished, Milena left that place to go to the elevator.

Once they arrived, Milena pressed the elevator button, and the doors opened. After entering, they only waited for the elevator to go up to the base of the train.

Upon arrival, the elevator opened its doors so they could see a lot of zombies piled up, so Milena sighed and pointed her weapons.

"This will be fun."

When she got out of the elevator, she started shooting at the zombies in front of her.

All of these began to fall dead. For his part, Hanz became a mist and passed through the zombies, killing them instantly.

The two of them created a path of death in their wake, so when they reached the train platform they realized there was bulletproof glass protecting the train.

Milena put her weapons on her shoulders and turned her hands into her version of werewolves, with which she broke the glass to be able to pass.

For his part, Hanz just looked curiously at the little electric train. "It's great that technology has been able to advance in this way.

I guess the time of peace helped make everyone's life better. "

Milena looked at Hanz with surprised eyes and laughed. "Hahaha, Hanz this Clownworld has not had peace for a long time.

It is the war that brought benefits to humanity. You always remember that it is a cruel reality. "

Hanz just showed a sad look as he watched Milena advance the train. "I guess you're right, but where did you learn to drive one of these trains."

Milena who was moving the lever to speed up turned her head to look at Hanz. "I learned by reading the train depot manuals.

Growing up on the streets of the town of Blueberry, I had to find some way to keep myself entertained.

Many times I realized that people threw books or magazines, many were useless but in the train warehouse I found a lot of information about the driving of trains.

When I was recruited by the United States as a tool, I was able to know the internet, so I read everything I could about trains.

They are amazing machines which I like a lot, although I prefer cars because they are more comfortable, but I guess that doesn't matter.

Well, according to this little friend we are about to arrive at the train station, so go getting ready because I don't know what things we can find."

Milena took her two machine guns and prepared to be able to decisively attack any enemy, when the train stopped and the doors opened.

Milena could see a bearded man waiting for her with his arms crossed "Milena, you have a delay of hours that happened."

Milena put her weapons away and handed the tablet to Ethan. "There is a beautiful remix of my screams of pain for hours, all thanks to some damn zombie werewolves.

Those damn things gave me their damn rage. By the way, let me introduce you to Hanz. "

Ethan blinked and couldn't see anyone. Milena couldn't see anyone, so she sighed to turn her head. "I think you scared Ethan.

It was a vampire named Hanz. On the tablet was his name as he was an archaeologist Nazi... "

Milena got angry and clenched her fist. "Damn Hanz where is the secret base to be able to find that information ..."

At that moment, a rather old military map fell from the ceiling along with a letter.

Ethan looked at Milena with a smile. "Let's see if I understand. You freed a Nazi vampire for some information."

Milena nodded while smiling, making Ethan a little angry.

"I think the only thing I understood was Ethan, I release a bloodsucker for an old map and a letter, cut my salary please and sell my supply of cigarettes."

Milena scratched her head before handing Ethan the map. "It's the map of a Nazi base in Hungary, with which I can search for the water of life to save Liam and find a cure for my immortality."

Ethan relaxed and looked at Milena with a look of a loving father before patting her on the shoulder "Well your cigarette endowment will be saved however half of your salary will be used to pay Dr. Aiko for taking care of Ethan.

Let's say it's difficult to keep him alive when his soul is in an unknown place. "

Milena just sighed and nodded "For Liam I wouldn't hesitate to use all my salary even if I had to eat off the street again."

"Don't worry, it's only half your salary. Now let's get out of this place before your father realizes that one of his military bases was destroyed."

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img 10 days aprox for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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