
An ice cream factory

When Milena opened her eyes, she looked at the ceiling covered in red wallpaper, so she just sighed and decided to get out of bed and take the motel service phone.

"Good morning, I would like to order a full breakfast and someone who can come to sell clothes that I need to exchange the pieces of cloth I have for clothes."

"In a moment, I will send someone with your food and send a service girl to take your order for clothes.

Although you should know that because of the type of business we are, our clothes are unconventional. "

"Never mind, it's better than the crappy clothes I have."

"I understand. In a moment, you will receive your things. There is something else that can help you."

Milena who was checking her pack of cigarettes only sighed when she saw that it was completely empty.

"Two packs of regular cigarettes and a lighter."

"Understood. In a moment you will get your things."

Milena hung up the phone and turned on the television so she could see what news was on the television, when she pressed the button on the television control.

She realized that they were showing a pornographic movie, so she just smiled while shaking her head.

As she switched channels, she came to the news channel, where a woman wearing a necklace from a clan of werewolves was speaking.

"Yesterday, a member of the civil guard was found dead in his charred patrol. According to reports, the motive for the attack is unknown.

But according to some researchers it could be related to the genocide of the clan of the forests and the fire in a meat factory of the clan of the bones.

In other news, Marie's Interpol search file disappeared overnight without explanation.

The director of Interpol refused to give details about the decision, but it is presumed that it is a possible assassination of the arms dealer ... "

Milena heard the noise of the door so she opened it and could see a woman dressed as a maid who handed her a tray with food and two packs of cigarettes with a lighter.

After this, the maid took a black tablet from her bag and showed Milena the clothes they had available.

Milena smirked when she noticed a red lingerie that she had worn with Liam.

So she decided to buy it as well as black stockings, later she bought a black gothic dress and leather boots.

After this she began to eat breakfast and when she finished, she received her clothes, so she took a bath to change her clothes.

When she left the room, she went down to the reception where she paid for all the services before going out and starting her motorcycle as she planned to go to an ice cream factory.

Supposedly, in the information provided, the factory was just a cover for a place for the sale of drugs which were sent all over the world.

Milena rode her motorcycle, attracting the attention of some people who were surprised to see a beautiful woman with scars on her body driving.

After advancing for a few kilometers, she reached a remote area where the ice factory was located, which seemed completely normal from the outside.

When she passed in front of them, she was able to see at least 20 security guards, so she knew that her father had reinforced the security.

So she continued driving up a small slope where she climbed to the top, where he got off and, using a telescopic sight she looked at everything around the factory.

Seeing that there was more security than planned, Milena bit her thumb and decided that she should clear the enemies quickly, so she decided to go with a simple and quick solution.

Taking her satellite phone, she called for a white phosphorous attack on the factory and its surroundings.

After that, she simply smoked a cigarette and waited patiently while she checked the ammunition of her pistols.

As she did so, she could hear a noise that she knew very well, so she looked at the sky and could see two drones which dropped some things towards the perimeter of the factory.

The guards who were watching the sky did not understand anything until the things that were falling opened up, throwing some little things.

Which flew away quickly, leaving a trace of white smoke. Milena who was looking at everything just smiled when a thick white cloud formed.

To later create a huge sea of ​​fire that killed everyone in that place while creating a huge fire in the ice factory.

Milena opened the seat of her motorcycle and took out a gas mask, which she connected to an oxygen tube.

After this, she began to descend towards the ice factory to be able to eliminate once and for all the survivors that might be inside the factory.

When she reached the sea of ​​fire, she simply walked where her clothes would not easily burn.

As she walked, he looked at the charred corpses of the guards who had expressions on their faces of disbelief because they did not know how they had died.

After walking for a few meters Milena came to a door which she kicked open. Upon entering, she felt a blast of heat coming from that place.

'This thing turned into a damn oven. I wouldn't be surprised if their bodies cooked instantly.'

After advancing through a fire-covered corridor, she could see the first corpses that were on the ground releasing smoke and boiling fat from their skin.

Milena frowned as even with the gas mask the aroma of cooked meat was penetrating.

Avoiding stepping on the corpses, she continued, until she reached the warehouse area where she could see different drugs burning in flames.

Like the corpses of women that were used to package drugs, Milena just shook her head and continued her walk.

When the roof collapsed behind her, she had to run to get to the factory basement.

As she did so, she could see some of the parts of the factory falling, so she had to move fast.

After running through some corridors and avoiding some blockages, she could see a staircase that led to the basement, so she launched himself to enter them.

Before a piece of roof fell, completely covering the entrance to the factory basement.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img 10 days aprox for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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