
Someone who had known her

With her hand, she lifted the corpse of the man and hung it on the steel tubes that were there. After this, she continued on her way because she wanted to kill all the workers in that place.

That was mainly because all of them had been doing things with the corpses of women and girls, which made her angry.

Moving slowly between the shelves of meat, she looked at three other workers who were carving up the corpse of a woman.

They did it with joy on their faces, so Milena raised her pistols and opened fire to end their lives.

The silver bullets quickly pierced their skulls, causing the three of them to fall to the ground where their blood began to stain the ground.

Milena continued advancing through that huge area of ​​the refrigerator until she reached an area where there seemed to be an area for unloading and loading merchandise.

When she looked out, she could see that there was a group of men filling a truck with human flesh.

Already quite angry with all of them, she kept her pistols and turned her hands into huge hairy hands with sharp claws, after which she pounced on the men.

Those who turned their heads could see the face of a woman with black hair and red eyes.

Milena gave them a morbid smile and pierced them with her claws one by one, killing them without giving them the opportunity to do anything.

When she finished, she continued with the search for bastards to be able to end their lives. In the first place, she decided to go to the commercial area where they sold animal meat as a facade.

Upon arrival, she realized that the store was closed and there were only two employees cleaning the floor of the butcher shop.

So, running at an extremely fast speed, she came before them and beheaded them without giving them a chance to move.

When she finished, she decided to go upstairs because she had a feeling that she would find the guy who ran that butcher shop.

But before heading up, she took out a cigarette and lit it, as she needed to relax a bit.

As she climbed the stairs, she soon reached a kind of living room where a woman was sitting, who smiled at her.

"Princess Milena, what a joy to see you in such good condition. Your godfather is waiting for you in his office."

Milena laughed. "Godfather ...

What difference does it make if you're in the fucking madhouse, behave like crazy. "

Without wasting time, she began to advance until she reached the door, where she turned her head and looked at the receptionist. "You belong to some clan of werewolves."

The secretary nodded with a smile, so Milena smiled back as she shot her in the head.

"Thank you for your work."

When she opened the door, she could see a man smoking a cigar. "Milena, do you know how difficult it is to get good employees?"

Milena just raised her shoulders. "I am allergic to werewolves. They cause me discomfort throughout my body, let's say their fleas stick easily."

The man smiled and started laughing. "Hahaha, you are too much like your father.

You know when I saw you kill my employees I could remember your father during his younger years, just as savage and efficient.

Only he was completely crazy when I met him. You look more like your mother, although I don't know from whom you inherited your sense of humor.

But tell me why you came to my humble high-end butcher shop. I don't think you came to see me. "

Milena blew out cigarette smoke. "I'm on a mission of revenge against my son of a bitch's father. That includes destroying everything he considers important.

That includes destroying this place so that I cannot continue to earn income. It is not personal, but I will have to close your business. "

The man only showed a smile. "I told your father at the time that you would take revenge for everything he had done to you, but he simply told me that you were nothing more than a little vermin.

Which would live in misery all his life, but having you present only shows that he was completely wrong.

He did not have a stupid daughter; he had a small copy of himself and that is what scares me the most because I see in your eyes that you will not rest until you kill Nero.

Just tell me before you kill me what stupid did he do so I could laugh at him in hell. "

Milena pointed her gun at the man. "He killed my children while I was pregnant and almost killed my husband."

The man just sighed. "Poor idiot bastard, he doesn't know what shit is coming his way. I can only give you advice like your godfather.

Be careful of the places that you attack from time to time because I am sure that your father, Nero, reinforced them so that he will catch whoever is destroying his merchandise.

This place didn't reinforce it because the bastard never trusted me for allowing your mother to run away with you, even though I know she hated you, yet she didn't like the treatment she gave you.

But that is something that you will have to fix with her when you die and Milena let nothing stop you from your revenge. Your father is a damn megalomaniac.

In this USB, you will find enough information that I found over the years so that you can end his entire reputation among werewolves.

Also, be careful with the next king of the werewolves, as he will try to force you to marry his brother.

But that's all I want to say. We'll see you in hell Milena. "

Milena looked at the USB and took a deep breath before firing a silver bullet into the skull of that man who died with a smile.

"I liked you godfather. I see that you are a bastard who did not beg for his life. At least you had the courage to accept your death.

We will see you in a long time. "

Milena walked to the table and took the USB, which she connected to her tablet, after which she sent all the information to Ethan.

Later, she saved the USB and began to prepare everything to be able to blow up that butcher shop. For this, she used C4 explosives and threw some flammable liquids in the butcher's shop.

When she was done, she used a cigarette to light a fire before exiting through the back door of the butcher shop.

As she got on her motorcycle and started on his journey to her next objective, she pressed the detonator button so the building exploded, collapsing in on itself as it burned.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img 10 days aprox for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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