
The iron prosecutor

When Milena entered the warehouse, she had an exchange of bullets with three other guards who ended up dying when Milena accidentally shot a tank of chlorine gas.

Which left a yellowish haze that ended with the three guards lying on the ground as they clenched their throats.

When Milena saw that, she only sighed and placed the explosive charges, as they will detonate at the same time as the missile that will be launched.

This would ensure the complete destruction of all dangerous gases.

After placing the explosive charges, Milena left that warehouse and used her satellite phone to give the signal. When she removed the gas mask from her face, she watched something fall at enormous speed on the ground.

A small explosion formed and where the warehouse should be, there was only a gigantic hole, so Milena was surprised.

'What a modern weapon. I thought it would be a stronger blast.'

In the royal palace, a man was drinking a beer while he watched as a woman was repeatedly beaten with a rock.

On his face, they could see the pleasure of seeing such a despicable act against a defenseless woman. It was at that moment that a guard approached.

"King Nero, we have news that communication with Chemical Warehouse 67 has been completely lost.

According to the latest reports, there was a radio silence in the area so we do not know the state of the warehouse. "

Nero put his hand on his face and with his peculiar evil smile he took a pistol and shot the woman who was trembling on the ground.

When he emptied his magazine, he threw the pistol at the woman's corpse. "Let warehouse 67 be considered destroyed. I don't think it's possible to recover it in any way.

Also, that all the troops prepare because someone seems to know where to attack, I have the slight suspicion that it is a certain woman.

But I cannot assure anything until we find out who is destroying my assets. One thing is to kill my citizens who do not interest me and another is to destroy my merchandise.

Be that as it may, I would like all of you to prepare a detailed report of what you found in Warehouse 67. "

The guard nodded and looked at King Nero. "There is also a report that the iron prosecutor wants permission to investigate the massacres of the forest clan."

Nero stroked his chin. "It may be harmful to us, but we could also get good results in order to bring together the culprit or culprits.

Give him permission with the only condition that we need him to send a report every week and he will not be able to publish anything unless permission is given. "

The guard gave a military salute and left that place.

In a house that had bullet holes all over the place, there was a rather fat man with a beard who was looking at the entire crime scene with a serious face.

"A town with almost 500 people disappears from one day to the next. Two towns with the same characteristics and another one blown to pieces.

This was not a bloody reckoning. This was a massacre committed with impunity, although the real question is why.

Who would gain something by killing the clan of the forests? It is a remote land and there is no political value. "

The man walked to the wall and touched the bullet holes. "Not only that, they used a minigun with silver bullets to commit the genocide and then the corpses disappeared.

This was not a terrorist attack, it must have been an attack by another nation, but which of all is to blame for this massacre.

Vampires would be the first option, as we have an enmity, but this kind of weapon is unthinkable for those proud bloodsuckers.

They would prefer to swallow garlic before using a human weapon of that I am sure, because I do not know how they adapt to the new times.

A European nation strong enough could only be Russia, but with the troubles on their front of the Caucasus they would gain nothing by putting pressure on our nation.

Nor would Rome break a millennial truce. No nation in Asia has the power to attack so far and with such precision.

That only leaves America and the only country with the capacity to do something should be the United States. "

The man took out his phone and dialed a number on his phone.

"Ambassador Richard, how can I help you?"

"I am Prosecutor Artur of the kingdom of the werewolves, just to ask if you have any unauthorized missions in our sacred land."

"Iron Prosecutor Artur, you are hinting that our nation is running covert operations. You know that kind of thing can cause a diplomatic problem."

Artur smiled and picked up a silver bullet from the ground. "Ambassador Richard, 1693 bodies of people disappeared overnight without any justification.

Not only that, but a minigun with silver bullets was used to commit the assassination. This is not a terrorist attack, it is a declaration of war.

You should know that it is better that I hand over the culprits so that this does not transcend to a problem in the security council of the united nations.

We can use our evidence to show that your country committed genocide on our land. "

Richard started laughing as he put his feet up on the table. "What a horrible threat that was, just so you know our nation would never do a massacre of civilians.

We have always believed in freedom, but you are in a civil war. I am sure that the genocide of which we are blamed was carried out by your government or the rebels.

You can request the flight record from the embassy. You will be able to realize that not a single plane has entered your air range.

But you are always free to try to say something against us in the UN security council.

Just so you know, the United States will defend your name at all times. I hope you understand because we will never commit an act as vulgar as that.

Now you have some other questions before you file a complaint with your government for blaming our nation for something we never did. "

Artur smiled and glared at the cell phone. "Ambassador Richard, they don't call me the iron prosecutor for nothing. I will show you that I will find the evidence I need to be able to prove that you carried out the genocide.

When we do, we will see the military trial. "

"Haha, it is free of doit. Just remember that iron with heat bends and with cold it becomes brittle.

We will see you at the trials prosecutor Artur."

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