
A funeral and a promise

Milena looked at the four white coffins with a face full of bitterness and hatred. She knew it would be the last time she would see her children.

She was almost alone in the cemetery, only accompanied by a white-skinned man with gray hair and beard.

Dean, Charles, and a priest who was baptizing the unborn children so they could go to heaven because they had never committed original sin.

When the priest finished speaking, Ethan with Charles lowed the coffins, to later fill the tombs with earth.

Milena simply observed how her happiness was buried with those children. For the first time in her life, she knew that she had lost.

His father this time did it big, killed his children and left Liam completely incapacitated, in a hospital bed where he could only be in a coma.

Where it was not known if he would wake up or would remain in that state throughout his life.

Milena who was looking at everything just stayed in that cemetery standing for a few hours until midnight.

Unlike when she was with Liam, this time she couldn't cry. That right was deprived of her, so instead she took a cigarette from her bag and began to smoke it.

'Until next life, my children, may your rest be eternal and pleasant, I could not protect you but I can avenge you.'

Milena left the cemetery and got into a black car where Ethan was smoking a cigar.

"Ethan, I want you to give me the green light to go to the kingdom of the werewolves. I plan to carry out a blood revenge.

My father showed no mercy for my family, I will show no mercy to his people, I will undertake a real slaughter until my father has been beheaded. "

Ethan who was smoking his cigar just smirked. "Do you know there is no way back if you choose to do that?"

Milena looked seriously at Ethan. "Even if I walk through the valley of the shadows, I will not fear.

I am willing to sacrifice everything to alleviate my pain, even if it means entering a sea of ​​blood. "

Ethan took out a puff of smoke and looked at Milena with a smile. "Well, since you want to go down the road of blood to kill your father I will give you everything you need.

Remember that you are officially a princess of the kingdom of werewolves so we will not be able to help you beyond delivering weapons.

Although if you clean small towns and send a signal for us to collect the corpses, we will gladly do so because werewolf corpses are good to experiment with.

I think it's a fair deal. "

Milena just laughed. "Sounds good to me. I hate werewolves, and I wish I could completely wipe them off the face of the earth.

They have brought to my life nothing but pain and suffering; they are a group of vermin which deserve to die without having the opportunity to have an eternal rest.

At least, not until I get my revenge. "

Ethan nodded, and the two remained silent as the vehicle took them through the city streets towards the army air base in the city.

When the car reached the perimeter of the air base, a soldier approached them. "You are in the United States Army area."

Ethan just smiled. "Boy, I was the one who proposed the creation of the army in the damn civil war. Give your commander this credential."

The soldier took the completely black credential and brought it to his commander who, upon looking at the black credential, felt uncontrollable fear.

This is because he knew who the credential belonged to, so he took it from the soldier's hands and approached the car to make a military salute.

"Mister Ethan forgive my subordinate's stupidity. In a moment the door will open."

The commander handed the black badge back to Ethan who nodded. "I'm glad the commanders are teaching their subordinates how to behave.

For a moment, I thought it would be necessary to send you and your subordinate to a desert island to clean latrines. "

The commander gulped. "You can be sure that I will do my best to teach you the full rules of the place."

At that moment, the doors were opened, so the car advanced while Milena only looked at the commander with derision.

"I think a little more and you make the poor thing shit his pants."

"Haha, they have to be taught to be able to respect the rules. Just because I didn't want to hear their whining I let him go.

I don't remember how many soldiers I have sent to the most inhospitable places to clean latrines.

But I do remember those who returned soldiers completely loyal and honest to Uncle Sam.

The best the nation has ever seen. Even three of them hunted Hitler using spoons in his bunker in Austria.

True men, no doubt. "

Milena widened her eyes in surprise. "He hadn't killed herself in his bunker in '45."

Ethan shook his head. "We killed him in '42, but they kept it a secret because they knew that if he said he was dead, it would be a defeat for them.

But one day I should show you the report of that mission. Three soldiers armed only with spoons in the eye of the eagle.

It was one of the best missions any soldier could ever do, but now it's your turn to make history. "

Ethan pointed to a military plane. "That cargo plane will take you to the main island of the kingdom of the werewolves in Europe.

Remember that everything you do will only depend on you. We will only clean up your mess and give you supplies.

You can contact with us using this satellite phone. "

Ethan handed a large phone to Milena who once held it in her hands she could feel it being sucked into her hands.

Creating a small tattoo on the little finger in the shape of a ring.

"It is a magic seal so that you can appear and disappear whenever you want the satellite phone.

Consider it a gift from me and Milena, you can be sure that we will take care of Liam.

So you can use whatever you want to get your revenge. Just be careful not to get caught. "

Milena smiled creepily. "You can be sure I won't, dead rather than trapped.

Even if that means ending everything in my path. "

Ethan nodded and watched as Milena got out of the vehicle to climb onto the military plane.

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Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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