
New experiences

After a few months, Milena opened her eyes at dawn and got out of bed to go to the bathroom to start vomiting.

While she was throwing up, she could just curse the sex. It was so delicious, but it had brought her so much trouble.

'Next time I'll have to use a condom ...'

Poor Milena could only interrupt her thoughts after vomiting. At that moment, she felt a hand on her back, caressing her.

So she felt a bit relaxed because she knew Liam was by her side.

"Thanks for that Liam. I really appreciate having you by my side. I don't know what I would do without your help ..."

Liam just smiled fondly and used his hand to move Milena's hair so it wouldn't get messy with vomit.

"You have to take things calmly. Just a few more months and the babies will be born. At that moment, I am sure that seeing their smiling faces will make you feel better.

It will also be fantastic because they will be two beautiful girls and two boys. Those babies will be our primary concern to be able to give them everything they need. "

Milena just smiled and squeezed Liam's hand before starting to puke up again.

After a few minutes, they brushed their teeth and Liam helped Milena bathe. When they finished, they left the bathroom.

So they changed their clothes and lay down on his bed.

Milena just leaned into Liam's strong arms and closed her eyes. "You know, it's pretty strange the feeling I'm feeling right now. I suddenly feel happy and other times I just want to send everything to hell.

Suddenly I am hot, other times I have horrible dizziness, but perhaps the ugliest thing I feel is the urge to want to smoke a cigarette or want to eat strange things.

Controlling all of that is new to me. I really don't know what I have to do to keep all those thoughts under control.

But you know, none of that matters when you hug me like this. I feel the noise of your heart and your warmth.

It is a completely relaxing and addictive feeling. If only in my childhood I had had a hug like the one you give me, my life would not have been as miserable ... "

Milena started crying and leaned her head on Liam's chest. "I hate this feeling of helplessness, Liam. I lived on the streets, but I never cried.

I have been killed countless times, and I have suffered torture but I am crying for my past. I have never cried as much as I do right now.

These sensations are new to me and scare me, because I feel that I have become weak. "

Liam smiled and hugged Milena carefully. "You're not weak. It's just that before you didn't have anyone who gave you the confidence to cry.

Crying will not make you weak or make you a bad person, you are simply releasing your deep-seated frustrations.

I would like you to cry more so that you could release everything you carry, you can be sure that I will be by your side to take care of you at all times.

I will help you to overcome all those childhood traumas. When you have overcome them, you will be a new person.

I can promise you that I will not leave you alone. I will always help you in whatever way I can.

Just let the tears flow. "

Milena who was crying clung to Liam. "Why my father did those things with me and my sister did not have to suffer like I did.

I lived among garbage and she slept in a silk room; I ate leftovers, and she had all the food she wanted.

She had paternal love, and I only received a treatment worse than a cockroach. Why do those things against your daughter?

What the hell won? It wasn't better to just abandon myself and forget me. Why use all that hatred against a little girl.

I don't think I've done something wrong Liam, unless being born was a sin, but if that was the case why not end my life.

Why make me feel like shit when I hurt no one? Why kill everyone I knew.

They only cared about me and ended up dead. That's not fair, Liam, nothing in my life has been fair.

I hate my father; I hate my mother, and I hate my sister, but I hate fucking werewolves more.

I hope that our children are normal humans, because even if we are with them, if they are werewolves, they will suffer.

Well, they will be born without a clan and will be completely judged as garbage by their own species. They will not be able to feel human either because they will always be superior to human beings.

You think we did the right thing by having children. "

Liam hugged Milena tighter. "We did the right thing because they are going to grow up in an environment of peace and tranquility unlike our lives.

They are going to have a pleasant and loving childhood. You will be a better mother than your mother and I will be a better father than my father.

We will be better parents than our parents, and they will not be judged because Ethan will see that they study in special schools.

They will grow up to be great people, who know they could become inventors or just better parents than us.

In the end, it will be up to them to decide what they want to be. We just have to support them in everything they want to do.

As for the hatred you feel, I can only tell you that you never did anything wrong. It was your parents' fault.

They treated you that way because they wanted to; it is simply the greatest show of evil that a person can do because if they treated you that way, being their daughter.

It just shows that they were villains, people who never had good in your heart, but that is not your fault and it will not be your fault.

If your parents wanted to be cursed, they did it for fun, but you can be sure that you will not miss anything with me.

My duty will be to take care of you at all times. I will be your support in everything you need, also when our children are born, life will be better, you will see.

Taking care of them will be our priority, so we will not have to think about anything else. They will have everything that they denied us. "

Milena smiled and snuggled into Liam's chest so she could get some sleep because she felt so much better.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

Pss it's coming a new cover img for the novel and some special gift for us be prepared.

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