
The simplicity of secondary life

When the BMW reached a large building in the city center, Milena entered the parking lot where she showed a badge.

Whereupon the metal door opened, allowing them to enter the parking lot where they once got out of the car and headed for an elevator.

"Very good Liam, at work I am completely different from the attitude I normally have, so I hope you will not be surprised by my changing state.

Remember, you are my husband and your cleaning company finished the job at the Pentagon, so from now on you will work with me until a new job comes up. "

Liam nodded and when the elevator door opened Milena came out holding her husband's hand with a smile as she looked at her employees.

While the two of them were walking, Liam could see the faces of the employees, who had faces of disbelief, since neither of them could believe what they were seeing.

For them, the CEO of the company was always a cold woman, but for the first time they were seeing her smile while hugging the hand of a man.

This caused jealousy in women because Liam was extremely handsome, while men felt admiration for Liam because they did not know how he had achieved that great feat.

When the two arrived at the doors of Milena's office, a beautiful secretary opened the doors so they could both enter.

The office was quite stylishly decorated, so Liam sat on the couch while Milena poured two glasses of whiskey.

As she handed her husband Milena the glass of whiskey, she sat next to him and crossed her legs.

"This is what I like the most about this job. I just have to drink whiskey and sign documents.

You don't think it's simple enough. "

Liam looked at Milena with some doubt. "How can you understand everything you sign."

Milena smiled and took a pack of cigarettes from her bag, offered one to Liam and she took another.

At that moment, Liam took a lighter from his bag and lit Milena's cigarette while he lit his cigarette.

Milena enjoyed her cigarette and took out a smoker. "I don't understand anything she signed, but I can tell when they are lying to me.

As a failed werewolf woman, I have the advantage that I can smell the fear of anyone who wants to cheat on me, not only that I know when they are cheating on me.

It is a very useful skill because in every deal that he signed; I guarantee that they are telling me the truth. Although it may not seem like it, there are some fools who have tried to kill me.

Especially using mercenaries, but you know, when they think they've won back from the dead and killed them in a more aggressive way.

So much blood has fallen from those bastards that I already lost count of how many people I have killed. "

Liam looked at Milena doubtfully. "Is it allowed to kill humans?"

Milena shook her head from side to side. "In these cases, it was fine because they attacked me with weapons in my own house. That is a legal void, but we have the right to defend ourselves.

Fortunately, this country is free and believes itself defence, but with you, I think they will think twice because as the owner of a cleaning company who worked for the Pentagon; I think you can make them tremble with fear.

Not to mention you're a good man of action who's not afraid to fight some thugs with submachine guns, just don't die, Liam.

That I am capable of looking for the damn vampire to revive you or I will find a way to bring you back from death to make you suffer.

You cannot leave me alone until the age of your body allows you to die. In that moment I will know that I will have lost you, but I will take care of your bones as a beautiful memory."

Liam felt a chill but did not want to say anything because it was possibly the way in which Milena could face death for which he could not judge.

Knowing that she had lived a life of sadness because of her father, so the best action she could do was hold her and just let her lean on him.

Milena, who liked the feeling of being loved, leaned her head and enjoyed Liam's hug.

For the next hour, they talked and watched movies, only occasionally did the secretary come into the room to carry some documents.

Already when they were leaving the company in their vehicle, a group of protesters was blocking the entrance to the parking lot.

Most of the people had signs asking to return their travel money.

Liam scratched his head a bit as he didn't know it was a time-share either. "I guess it's not normal for a group of protesters to do this kind of thing."

Milena just raised her shoulders and took out a cigarette, which she lit. "It happens from time to time, but the guards of the company will end up making a small place for us to pass.

From what little I understand, a time-share is a membership that is sold to a person so that they can have a week of vacation.

If you can't use it, it's saved for next year, but it's at a luxury hotel. That's all I know about the business I'm running.

But perhaps those people are the ones who could not take their vacations but did not pay a monthly payment and ended up losing their week of travel.

I understand their anger, but I even asked Ethan once, and he said it was a legal business.

So I just do my duty. What happens or stops happening does not interest me.

Remember that when we pass through the mob of people, we must use smiles to pretend that we are not angry at their manifestation.

That makes them angrier, but seeing their angry faces is kind of nice to me. "

Liam just laughed at Milena's behavior. "You are a bit scary when you share yourself like that. I guess it's part of your personality that you did for this performance."

Milena agreed, "I really do not understand society because I grew up on the street. For me, it is more valuable to be with you than to have dollars in my hands.

But people always look for green paper. I know you can buy food and everything with it.

However, I think I'm stupid or I just don't understand why fight for him or sacrifice so much for a few dollars. "

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

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