
An unpleasant exchange of words

Milena looked at Liam seriously. "Go up to the building behind us, in that place you should have a free place so you can settle in.

Once you're in position, wait for my signals. Remember what I told you Liam, you must push the damn button or blow me into a thousand pieces. "

Liam nodded and started running towards the building, while Milena headed to where Nandor was supposed to be.

When she entered the building, she realized that there were the bodies of the security guards, so she began to walk at that moment.

It could be heard on the building's speakers.

"What we have here, a little princess from the street came to my call. I think you are too stupid to know that it is a trap.

Although I'll give you credit for facing me after I kill everyone in the orphanage where you slept.

You still remember Milena, the cries for help and the noise of my teeth destroying the bones of the little children. "

Milena just laughed. "Haha, of course I'm going to remember, I must dream from time to time with your actions, especially the first time we met.

Believe me, I will make you pay for that suffering wherever you are. "

It was at that moment that Milena took her pistol and started shooting at the video cameras.

"Don't be so angry. What would your mother say when she saw that her little princess behaves like an ungrateful and vulgar woman."

Milena gritted her teeth and took a cigarette from her bag before lighting it. "If you like my mother so much, I can take you where she lives.

I'm sure she has a luxurious apartment in hell. You could live together, you two are too similar.

You could also save a space for my stupid father. You guys deserve to have a romantic threesome. "

"You are very funny Milena, I see that your instance in this foreign government gave you the gift of comedy, but you should relax your jokes that can kill you with laughter.

Although if we talk about threesomes, I think you will be the one who has that destiny, because I think you deserve to know it but your father is dying. "

Milena, who was walking around destroying cameras, expelled a puff of smoke. "The old man is dying, and he doesn't even wait for me to shoot him. He can't die until I have done my revenge.

What the hell happened to him, maybe so much drinking champagne and having sex with whores did damage to his weak dog body. "

"Too bad you see your father that way. He was an exemplary father to your sister, he take care of her and treats her with love."

Milena put her hand on her face while looking hatefully at a camera "Why the hell should I be interested in a family that didn't even care about my own existence and was only looking for my death.

Well, for them, I am nothing more than a little vermin that stands in their way.

If he was a good father with my sister, it's fantastic, but with me he was a son of a bitch who made me live in shit.

Someday I'll have to die and believe me, I will look for him in damn hell to torture the son of a bitch. "

Milena pointed at the camera and shot, destroying it.

"What a strong and vindictive woman. You are identical to your father, but I think you are misunderstanding things, your father was a son of a bitch.

But if he dies, his successor will take his place, which is an Alpha werewolf, who is much more sadistic than your father. "

Milena threw her cigarette to the ground. "Another fucking megalomaniac who only seeks to destroy everything in his path. Perhaps the kingdom of werewolves is too destructive with its leaders.

They can't have a werewolf advocating world peace or at least a Playboy whose only hobby is fooling around with easy women.

Why do they insist on making leaders who are destructive? Is that 15 nuclear silos pointing at their ass are not enough to stop them from doing stupid things? "

"You are right that the race of werewolves is destructive, but you should know that power is what a leader values ​​most.

When your father dies, his successor will marry your sister and his brother will be forced to marry you. "

Milena started laughing. "Never in my life will I marry a damn man I don't know.

If he comes, I'll cut off his head, like the shit he is. "

"You are a woman of strong character, but we will see if you have enough to do what you say.

For the moment, you must know why I am in this place. "

Milena raised her arms and looked at a video camera "You realized that you are an idiot and you wanted to die for your crimes, so you specifically looked for me.

Who more than me to be able to end your damn existence. "

Nandor who was bleeding in the surveillance booth only showed a smile "You have a long way to go to finish me little cub.

I have to admit that you have improved, from being a girl who has fear and insecurities to a woman who can face the past.

Not only have you killed clanless werewolves in great numbers, you are the perfect weapon of the crown.

But unfortunately my life will come to an end soon, I did what I had to do so that you could help me finish off my murderer.

One of the next king's men, while your father is sicker, his power will decrease and decrease more and more.

So the first job of the future king is to kill the men loyal to your father, when he does he can take the throne from your father. "

Milena gripped her gun and started shaking with anger. "You were a real shitty person Nandor, believe me that after I kill the garbage in front of me.

I will come for you, you cannot die until I end your life. "

After this, Milena began to run and managed to reach the elevator where once she entered she was able to look at the corpses of four security guards.

With some anger Milena entered the bloody elevator and pressed the button that had a blood print which would take her to the 16th floor.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

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