
Spartan training 1/2

When Liam woke up, he felt a horrible pain in his body, so when he was about to get up, he could see Milena sleeping in an armchair.

Milena, when she felt someone looking at her, could only open her eyes while pointing her weapon, seeing that it was Liam.

She just yawn and stretched her hands. "Luckily you woke up sleeping beauty. We have to have breakfast to continue with the training.

I told you it would be spartan training. You're lucky you were hurt to do anything.

Well, otherwise I would have woken you up at 5 in the morning. "

Milena then got up from the couch and left the room because they had to have breakfast. Liam followed her closely, enduring the pain in his body.

When they got to the kitchen, Liam could see two cans of beans and some spoons. "I love cans of beans in the morning.

They bring back very good memories of the hardest stage of my youth, in the garbage containers of large shopping centers.

They always threw cans of food about to expire. I knew it because a nice woman taught me to read the numbers on the lids like an old calendar. "

Milena just sighed and sat on a chair while she opened the can of beans. "One day, I never saw her again. She just disappeared.

I guess whoever calls himself my father was the culprit of murdering her. I never understood his stupid obsession with me.

First, he abandons me with my mother, and then he is in charge of killing anyone he knew.

It deprived me of happiness and of being able to have friends or even being able to talk to someone.

But despite that, who am I and the son of a bitch can't continue with his stupid little game of making me suffer. "

Milena then just sighed and calmed down before giving the beans a good spoonful.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, but when I get mad.

I like to say things and not keep quiet because when I don't say what I feel; I get angry with myself. "

Liam just looked at Milena with a smile before remembering some things. "Don't worry, my sister looked a lot like you.

But when she was a teenager she went out with her friends, unfortunately on the way a drunk truck driver crashed the car where they were traveling.

That day I lost my sister. Later my parents would stop talking to me because they blamed me for her death.

When was my funeral? Could you see them? "

Milena scratched her head. "I couldn't answer that question as I was not present, but the one who can answer should be Charles.

Because he was in charge of being present to supervise that no one tried to open your coffin, in which there is a corpse of a person who looks a lot like you. "

Liam sighed and began to eat his beans in silence before looking at Milena. "How about if starting tomorrow?

I make breakfast.

I think it would be the best because although canned beans taste delicious; I consider that a breakfast is better.

It may not seem like it, but I learned to cook from Juanita, the housekeeper. My mother never enjoyed cooking.

Well, I felt that being a businesswoman cooking was just a waste of time, but with Juanita, I learned to cook with my own hands.

Which in the navy my colleagues thanked me. "

Milena, who had already finished her can of beans, looked at Liam. "I'd love to. It's always good to try something completely different.

But for now, you have to finish having breakfast because the training is about to begin. "

After this, Liam finished his breakfast and followed Milena to the training field where he suffered the same fate as the day before.

The only difference is that somehow his body was able to dodge a few more ping pong balls.

This training lasted 5 days before Milena made a change in training, for this Liam had to do an exhaustive warm-up where he took his body to the extreme.

Especially his ligaments and the ability to stretch, otherwise he could not continue to improve in training to avoid ping pong balls.

After 10 more days, Liam had already developed an unconscious ability to dodge ping pong balls.

So Milena smiled with pride. "This first stage of training is over. Your body developed an admirable ability to dodge.

But that's only the beginning. In the next training, I will test your ability to resist pain and think.

When a person is in pain, they will always ignore where they are and focus on feeling the pain.

You cannot give yourself that privilege because, as my partner, you must be able to act even if you lose an arm.

For that, I will use the same method with which I develop a capacity to control pain, although a little less extreme because you can die. "

Liam, who was tired, just looked at Milena with some fear because he did not know what kind of extreme thing he would do.

Milena just smiled at him and after standing by his side allowed him to lean on her, Liam at that moment could smell Milena's characteristic lavender scent.

"You always smell so good."

Milena heard Liam's words and just laughed. "Once, when I was a child, I met a beautiful old woman who gave me a branch with purple flowers.

She told me that they were the best flowers to have a pleasant smell as well as to be able to repel mosquitoes. Because of that, I always looked for a way to smell lavender.

Well, it was a good way to avoid mosquitoes, because when you live under a bridge near a river, mosquitoes are annoying.

Only in winter was it when there were no mosquitoes, but that was the most horrible time for me because the snow was cold.

I know that many times I died among her because I could feel my body freezing, but I couldn't go anywhere else because if I did, more people would die.

Things only got better when I was 10 years old and I was able to have my first tent, which I found in a dumpster.

I learned how to put it together by watching the people who lived in the parks. Although it had some holes, it was warmer than sleeping in the open.

Although one day a group of young people broke down my tent, just because they had nothing to do.

That day I felt angry for the first time, but all I had to do was talk to them, say a few words to them and leave that place.

That alone is enough for the youth to turn up dead. If my father was thinking of killing whoever I knew, at least that will work to avenge my hatred. "

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

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