
Getting to the Hole

While they were traveling in the helicopter, Milena was listening to some music so, ignoring everything around her, she was singing at the top of her lungs.

"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

You own it, you better never let it go ... "

Liam, who was looking curiously at Milena, turned to see Charles, who was smoking. "It's normal for it to be that way. Sometimes I see her happy, other times it's scary."

Charles blew out a puff of smoke. "Milena is perhaps the kindest person you could ever meet. I daresay she is almost like a loving mother.

But with her enemies, she is the same devil. She has lived a difficult life where she forged a somewhat eccentric personality. If she does not like something, she says so, but has never denied a single order.

In Vietnam, my commander wanted to force me to fire my missiles in a town where presumably there were guerrillas. The only thing I saw at that moment was children waving with their hands.

I refused to push the damn button. Fuck the commander, I wouldn't commit a war crime.

I was beaten and spent a few days in a military jail where I was tortured because I was accused of being a traitor before they took me out because the last 5 helicopter pilots had died.

When I came out, I looked at my commander and smiled at him while showing him my finger; it was one of the most rewarding things I could do.

But Milena is not like us. If she is ordered to kill, she is going to kill, even if she doesn't like to do it, regardless of sex or age.

An enemy in her eyes is just a target. That brings her problems because sometimes she does stupid things that cause collateral damage. "

Liam sighed and opened the bottle of whiskey before taking a few deep drinks. "Do you know anything about his childhood?"

Charles stubbed out his finished cigarette and took a cigar from his breast pocket, which he lit using a match.

"There is a lot of information that is classified and other that she will have to tell you personally, but what is public information is that she is a princess of the kingdom of the werewolves.

From what is known, she was exiled by the curse that she had that she cannot die. It may seem like a good thing, but every time she dies, the pain worsens. She describes it as that a pin feels like a bullet.

It is known that he spent his life in the streets fighting for food because she could not be anywhere because her father, the king of the werewolves, sent people she knew to be killed. "

Liam got angry and turned his head to look at Charles. "But why did he do that and no one stopped him?"

Charles blew out a puff of smoke "Nobody cares about the life and death of a street girl, it only started to matter when the higher ups found out about her powers, at that time 30 nuclear weapons were aimed at the kingdom of the werewolves .

They can be powerful, but the fear of being evaporated or dying from radiation is a very effective deterrent.

In simple terms, Milena is a kind of refugee from the country, so the kingdom of the werewolves does not have the courage to try to do something to her because, as I understand it, there are 15 nuclear silos ready at all times to destroy the country.

They haven't destroyed it yet, as werewolves have weapons like the werewolf virus and other magical weapons.

It's like the cold war between capitalists and communists, only in this case the missile crisis is called Milena and it's between human science and werewolf magic. "

Liam drank some more whiskey. "But if it's a cold war because there are werewolves creating problems, that wouldn't be a clear provocation."

Charles started laughing. "You were a bloody field agent doing secret missions. Tell me what happens if you fail one of your missions."

Liam then realized, "They will deny our existence and we will be mercenaries."

Charles smiled and nodded. "Good answer, but werewolves are more complicated than you think. They are divided into clans, which in turn are divided into nobility.

A pure werewolf has an ability to bounce back into her human form like Milena and can also turn into her werewolf form without the moon or darkness as a catalyst.

Of course, as in any hierarchy, pure werewolves belong to noble clans, normal clans are hybrids between humans and werewolves, the forgotten clans are those that are born from the werewolf virus.

When a person is infected with this virus, he becomes a kind of werewolf and human, but there are cases where if you have the disease, you could become a low-category werewolf.

This means that your conversion will be only partial, so you can only convert parts of your body and it will take a lot of work to maintain your sanity.

But after those clans are the clanless ones, the werewolves who were expelled from their clans, bandits, traitors, etc.

Anything that nobody cares about, as they do not belong to clans, they do whatever they want, so they are simple vermin who do not respect rules or countries, so whatever they do does not affect the kingdom of werewolves.

You cannot blame a country for the actions of citizens abroad. In that case, only the laws of the affected country can do justice.

I think that answers your question, but you must prepare as we are reaching the Hole and landing can be a bit difficult. "

Liam then looked at the window and could see a mountain. that when he saw it better, he realized that it was a volcano that seemed to be active. "Charles, we are heading to an active volcano."

"If that's the Hole"

Milena, who looked at Liam's face in fear, just laughed. "Haha, don't be afraid that little volcano hasn't erupted in a few hundred years. It's not going to explode right now."

Liam sighed and caressed his nasal septum because he didn't know where they would put it.

Hi, I hope you like this new story, I will be updated daily if you like not to forget to check my other works. Maybe you like some novels I write on the platform ;)

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