
Queen Reina

Marcus felt his heart skip a beat, the king was so close to him that their bodies were touching. He could feel the heat from the werewolf king and it didn't fell bad at all.

He moved away from the king and sat up from the ground. Wiping his tears away, he straightened his clothes and moved a distance from the king.

Morpheus watched him with no intention of stopping him. He has never been one yo force himself on a person without consent. He preferred to be with someone who wanted to be with him.

"Shall we go inside?" he inquired. Reina was outside waiting for to invite him inside and knowing her, she is definitely going to throw a tantrum if they took too long.

Marcus nodded, he got up to move to the door of the palanquin when he slipped and fell back. The King caught him in his arms and held him close. He gazed into the prince's eyes gently.

Marcus struggled to get out of his hold. He was touching him way too often and that made him uncomfortable. He needed some time and space to get used to things.

This of which the king didn't seem capable of giving him. They got out of the palanquin and together they faced the queen of Zayion.

Reina brought two baskets with her as she moved towards Marcus. The King stood back and watched as his queen walked with elegance that demanded respect from all those that were around her.

"As is our tradition, you have to take your steps into the palace in the baskets one after the other," Reina said in her sweet melodic voice.

She handed the baskets to the servant who proceeded to place them one each stair for Marcus to step on. The queen went and wrapped her hand around the king's arm.

"You disappear for weeks and return married. What in the moon is wrong with you?" she asked him playfully.

"I have no idea, the fault is in my stars. I can not help that I am problematic," the king replied with a sad pout on his face.

"With whom will you spend your first night back?" she inquired.

The King turned his eyes to Marcus who was watching him. Marcus's body went stiff, he hoped that the man wasn't serious about spending the night with him.

"With you," the king replied to her.

Marcus felt his heart sink in his chest, it was as he wanted and it should have made him happy that the king wanted nothing to do with him but it didn't.

He realised that marriage was so complicated, he wanted his husband bit didn't want him at the same time. He was confused and the confusion was driving him crazy.

"I am not in the mood to entertain you. You have been away for too long and that means that it's been long since you had a release," she spoke out. "I don't have the energy to keep up with you," she added.

Her reply made the king smile. She had a way of coming up with the craziest of excuses to avoid being intimate with him. Despite being the Queen in his palace that he would give the world to. She preferred him being far from him.

She only loved him when it came to playing games or just casually having a chat. Anything further than that would send her running away from him as though a ghost from her past life was chasing her.

"You are my wife, I have the right to be with you," the king told to her. He looked at her with his puppy eyes to get her to agree. She shook her head and refused him despite his effort.

"I will arrange three wives for you in your room. Have a good night," she told and let go of his arm. She moved up two steps to catch up with the new bride of the king.

She was quite curious as to why the king married Marcus. All the wives the king had married, he had asked her permission first but with him. He didn't even tell her that he was getting married.

She just got news that he was returning with a bride. She didn't have any problems with Marcus moving in, it just meant that more problems for her.

The king's other wives had a competitive problem. They each wanted to outdo the other in being the king's second favourite. Such contests normally ended in a fight which she would be forced to break.

Because her husband never has the time for such issues. Since she was the senior Queen despite being younger than most of the king's women, it was her job to handle his women.

Marcus is a man and she was hoping that he would not be like the rest of them. "How do you like Zayion so far?" she asked him in a cheerful voice.

"It is beautiful," Marcus replied a little stern. He didn't know why he felt so bitter towards the girl that he hardly knew.

Reina massaged her forehead. She could already tell, he was going to be like all the rest. That is how they all start, she glared at the king who gave her a naughty smile in return.

"I hope that you will learn to make it your home," she said ignoring the way that he spike to her. "I will try my best to make sure you don't miss Narsia too much," she told to him.

Marcus stayed quite. The queen was being nice to him and it irritated him since he was trying to hate her. The way she joked around with the king didn't settle well with him.

Reina took Marcus by the hand and pulled him away from the parade that was sending him into the palace. She ran with him away from everyone.

Marcus was confused by the sudden move but he didn't resist. Not that he could, the girl was holding him so lightly but her pull was so strong. She was a werewolf for sure.

She led him passed the rose garden to the big silver gate. The gates were opened before she arrived by the gatekeepers, she moved passed them to the palace behind the brick wall.

The lights were on in every part of the palace. The queen stopped running only after they had entered the palace. All the women in the room stopped all that they were doing and stood in line before her.

"Greeting queen Reina," they all greeted uniformly with their hands to their chests.

Reina waved her hand to dismiss the formality. She smiled at them and brought Marcus forward. "This is Marcus. He is married to the king and he will be your new housemate," the queen announced to them.

The women in the room gasped. The rumours of the king getting married turned out to be true and what was worse was the fact that the king had brought back a man.

Most of the women were not too happy with what they saw. To them he was just another competitor that they had to eliminate and some had already started plotting ways to get Marcus out of the way.

"I will arrange for his room," she said and clapped her hands.

Maids came rushing to her and stood in two straight lines behind her. She started to match upstairs still holding onto Marcus with the maids following behind them.

Marcus was awed by the order that was in Zayion. For a kingdom full of animals the people sure were organised. And for a woman so young he found it scary that the queen commanded so much respect.

He watched as his room was cleaned with the queen supervising the whole thing. She wasn't the typical queen that her had expected to find but he was not a fool to judge her from having met her for a few minutes.

"Your room is all good now, your clothes will be here in a short while. In the meantime make yourself at home," she said to him.

She dismissed the maids. A knock came from the door, they both turned around to look. The king's right hand man stood by the door waiting. The queen ushered him into the room.

"What does the king want now?" Reina questioned.

"He wants me to inform you that Marcus will not be staying here," he said with his head bowed to her. He couldn't meet her gaze, the news that he had was one that was going to put the whole palace on fire. And she was not going to like it one bit but he was only the messenger.

"I have already arranged the place for him. Where does the king wish him to stay?"

"The king wants him to stay in your palace," he said. Her eyes went wide with shock, her palace was exclusively for her and the king. No other queen or mistress was allowed to even step foot in it. "That is until Marcus's palace is built," he added.

Reina had not seen the king built a palace for anyone after her palace was built. Only she was given special treatment but now it seemed things were changing.

"He can do as he pleases. Make arrangements for my travel to the summer house first thing in the morning," she said in an icy cold tone. She gazed at Marcus intensely before leaving the room for him.

She was not happy with the decision the king made and her reaction terrified Marcus slightly.

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