
Plays With The Fire

The Christmas Eve,

It was a festive day filled with colors, lights, and desserts. However, the day was going to be a show of conspiracy, and hatred towards the couple who had learned to keep the trouble behind.

At Oasis mansion,

At half past seven in the morning, Zane yawned, stretching his body, waking up in his mother's arms. He sat up after one of his best nights of sleep. His little fingers gently caressed his mother's cheek seeing her sleep so long nowadays. 

He was always used to seeing her awake before him, doing household chores, and making breakfast for him. After coming to Alvin's place, he was noticing his mother resting too. 

'Where is Chipmunk Monster?' He looked around the vast bedroom and didn't find him.

Anyway, without disturbing Anya, he slid off her arms and went to his bedroom to get ready for the day.


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