
Perros still captive - Now these are some real weapons

"And you are supposed to be who? Just an average by-sitter?" Nazo asked irritably.

"Believe me, I'm more important. And I think I can help you with your... LITTLE problem." The man in the shadows spoke.

When he finished speaking, he moved out of the shadows in the corner. Slowly, his entire figure appeared before their eyes. Beard, hat big enough to cover his face, brown coat, blue jeans and black boots.

"Well..." Nazo sighed.

"Every helping hand is needed now. So, what's your name?"

"Before... You're friends of Perros, right?" The man asked.

"Yes." They answered collectively.

"Then call me Tio." The man introduced himself.

"I'll just say, I have a lot of connections. Believe me when I say, that they should balance the forces. There ain't much of 'em, but it should suffice."

"If you say so... We have no choice but to trust you." Nazo held out his hand to Tio.

Tio stepped closer to shake his hand, looking into his eyes as he did so.

"And if you betray us, you're a dead man." Nazo squeezed his hand tighter.

"We shall see..." Smiling, Tio squeezed Nazo's hand even tighter.

Giving each other an intense look, they simultaneously let go.

"There is no time to waste. We'd better get going, the sooner the better." Esco said.

"But... I have a one last question, quite simple honestly... What is your plan? Your MASTERPIECE that will get Perros out of trouble." Tio asked.

There was an awkward silence between them, as Nazo, Bruno and Esco looked into each others eye.

"Figures." Tio smirked.

"Look at your equipment - pathetic. Nazo, daggers, really? You look like someone who doesn't rush into action without a plan, observation suits you well. Bruno, are you really using frying pans as weapons? Look at you, you should be handling some REAL weapons. And Esco... I think we could find something for you too."

"What are you suggesting then? Another year of training?" Esco sarcastically said.

"Absolutely no... well, actually... You might, BUT not a year." Tio said.

"Only throughout the way to Old York. You'll train on our way there."

"For now, not to waste time... Follow me to armory." Tio looked at Koon, nodding to the door.

"We shall make you go from Bronze age to Iron age." He added with a smile.

--- Old York ---

"Let me enlarge this message a little. Nothing special, just to get people excited for the grand event." Luma walked down a hallway.

"Is there anything I can help you with, m'lady?" A male figure walking behind Luma asked.

"Not at all, but I appreciate your concerns, Pedro." Luma smiled.

"That's what I'm here for." Pedro retorted.

Luma stopped and turned to him.

"For the past few years you have been by my side I couldn't complain on a single thing, thank you..." Luma bowed her head.

"Think nothing of it m'lady, as I said before, that's what I'm here for." Pedro

"Wait here, it won't be more than five minutes." Luma glanced at the door, which was labeled Radio Broadcast.

When Luma entered the room, there was a panel with buttons and a microphone in the centre. She pressed a couple of buttons and leaned towards the microphone.

"Ehm... Ehm... Public Announcement! Public Announcement!" Her voice echoed through the whole city.

"For those who don't know, Perros, an outlaw worth one million coins, is being held captive in our town - for safety reasons, I'm not allowed to provide his location. Not long ago, the town received intel on this outlaw's nefarious plan. Perros and his party planned to raid our city and steal every penny that could be found here." Luma' voice echoed.

Perros, who was still chained in the same place, heard her message, or at least a muffled version of it, because the sound of her voice could not reach him clearly.

"No... NO! That's not true!" Perros said in a weak voice.

"Let me out!... please..."

"But thanks to the government officials, this plan has been overturned and Perros will face the consequence. Wednesday, exactly two days from today at noon, this criminal will be hanged in the center of Old York. Everyone has the opportunity to see, the biggest criminal currently to go down. And I also have a message here for rest of his party... You won't get far, or to be precise, you will end up exactly like your capitan - with rope around your necks."

"End of announcement." She finished, followed by a beep from the microphone.

Upon exiting the broadcasting room, Pedro immediately asked her:

"Are you sure that was the right thing to do? Not that I know any better, but---" Luma interrupted Pedro.

"Right, you don't." Luma retorted in a serious tone and walked off in the same direction she came from.

"Come, we have work to do..."

--- Tera ---

Tio led them to an abandoned sheriff's station. Because it was abandoned, there was no ramp for Koon to use to get to the station.

"I'll... just wait outside." Koon said.

As Nazo and the others walked behind Tio, he suddenly stopped.

"There's no armory here, am I right? This place looks a little shady." Nazo looked around.

"No, there is not. Now listen..." Tio spoke quite seriously.

"You have to watch your back around Koon---" Esco interrupted Tio.

"Oh, please. Don't make me laugh. The guy is literally in a wheelchair, what damage he could do." Esco laughed.

"I mean, he could shoot you, but..."

"Haider and I have a history. I'm not going to accuse him of anything, but there you go. This is just a friendly warning to you. And..." Tio warned them.

"Here are your arms..."

Tio turned and placed his hands on the overgrown crate that blended in with the rest of the room. Opened it, and inside were weapons ready to be used.

"Here you go, Nazo." Tio handed him a longer firearm.

"This one is for you, Bruno. And a little extra." He handed him a shorter, but stronger one and a belt.

"And a last one goes to you, Esco." Tio gave him two normal sidearms.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about. These are some real weapons!" Esco manically laughed.

They all looked uncertainly at their new equipment, except for Esco.

"Do you think we're up to it?" Bruno asked.

"If you want to save Perros, you'll have to." Tio gave them an encouraging smile.

"Now! Prepare the wagons and let's set out!"

"And exactly how far is Old York?" Esco asked.

"About a day and a half... So, we should get going..." Tio aimed back outside.

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