
Great Battle Pt 1/3

(A/N: Some gore for this chapter & Long fight scenes will be added to make fights better)

A/N: The long chapter is for my absence but here it is, Leon's first Crew members who will join him in his long and harsh journey)






I woke up to the sounds of cannons being fired and the smell of gunpowder in the air. I looked to the right where I saw 3 medium sized ships, but it had a jolly roger flag at the very top of their main mast.

The people onboard had leather clothing and dirty clothing but the most noticable are the three people wearing black Tricorn and a black Captain's coat.

???: What is the materials this beast is made off!?

I sighed before slowly getting up and I stood out with my newly increased height which is 7.56 ft now, thanks to Sejael doing something with these markings...

Leon: What do you people want? You woke me up from my sleep and fired at me...

Looking the shock in their faces made me chuckle a bit before looking at the captain who is leading the three ships.

???: I am Chipper Goldheart and the Terrell Pirates and alongside me are The Black Hawks and Jackson pirates.

I looked at confused thinking If I am truly in another world or one piece with the way these pirates gather themselves.

Leon: I said what do you need not what is your name or groups. It's an provocation if you fired at my ship so I believe I want some compensation for these gunpowder splattered on the sides of the hull.

Goldheart: Huh? why the hell should we give compensation when you will be boarded!

???: Forget about it Goldheart, He is only one man and with a ship like that it will hold countless treasures to make us rich!

???: What Vincent said is true, let's go make ourselves rich! Board the Ship boys!

The three ships rammed Moby Dick but it didn't even make a scratch but hooks were thrown on the sides of Moby Dick railings and pirates climbing up the hooks.

After a minute they jumped on top of the deck and only saw me standing on the top deck truly confusing them.

???: How can a massive ship only have one man leading it?

Leon: Don't worry about that but worry how you will survive this encounter with your lives...

I swiftly swung Murakumogiri to the right in a wide arc but instead of the blade directly slicing through their bodies I used the flat side sending them flying off the ship.


Leon: You guys are a ragtag group of pirates not worth noting and don't even have proper equipment?

The ones who just climbed up had stopped once they saw 7 of their comrades be sent flying. I moved forward and swung Murakumogiri again hitting the new pirates with the flat side of the blade off the railings.

Leon: Are you pirates done yet..?

???: Use the flintlock pistols and shoot the giant down!

I looked at the voice who said that and saw some of the pirates in their ships take out old flintlock pistols and aim it at me before firing it towards me.

I looked at the metal projectiles firing towards me but right when they were about to hit my body they stopped in midair and I grabbed all of them in my hand before looking back at the pirates.

Leon: Is this really all you have...?

???:H-how did you make them stop...?

Leon: I used my powers to stop them and I really need a map to get a map. So do any of you have one I can use?

Goldheart: What? Just go get him bastards!!

The pirates woke up from their stupor before they climbed up Moby Dick and took out their sabers. I sighed before walking forward and swung Murakumogiri and this time they made some struggle lasting two more seconds with them holding their sabers with both hands blocking.

But it did not matter for they were blasted away and I pushed up swinging Murakumogiri nonchalantly before jumping onto the main ship in front of Moby Dick.



???:WATCH OUT!!!

???: TAKE COVER!!!


When I landed onto the ship the wooden boards had cracked and caved in but with some vibrations I made it so they could sustain my weight.The ship had lifted the back side into the air and a huge splash happened as it sank a bit before bouncing up again but it made some pirates fly off the ship.

Leon: Just give me a Map and I'll leave you people alone.

Goldheart: Okay! Okay! Bring the Maps and treasures from the lower decks.

???: What!? Hell no Sail quickly brothers!!!

Before they could even do anything I looked at the their main mast, foremast, and mizenmast before they were blasted away by an unknown force and their sails came crashing down and some had screamed and jumped off the boat.

Soon pirates came up from the lower deck holding treasure chest that are topically used by pirates and some were carrying maps bigger than their bodies which I find it funny especially as they struggled carrying it with the help of 4 people.

Leon: That looks interesting... Can I know what it is for you to have a map that takes 4 men to carry?

Goldheart: This...It is a map we managed to find when we ravaged an Empire Merchant Vessel along with some chests that were locked with chain and key.

Leon: Alright, And why aren't your other friends coming to give me their treasure..?

???: God dammit, Damm you Goldheart and the mess you brought me into!!!

I used vibrations to push the broken ship to the Goldheart guys ship, the pirates from the other pirate captain grabbed everything they had below their cargo deck and after a while brought treasure chests.

I looked at the pirates on the three ships telling them to get the treasures up the ship and I would help them as it would be heavy for them.

I grabbed the rolled up map and had felt some force grab onto my hand and a weird sensation was felt throughout my whole body.

I sighed knowing something will happen before grabbing two treasure chests and throwing them up to the top deck and then the map which had become slightly lighter after that weird feeling.

After a couple more chest hauls I jumped back onto my ship before the pirates started wrapping the cords of their grappling hooks and slowly climb up.

37 minutes later

Once everything was onboard I waved at them with a smile I on my face not listening to the curses they threw at me.

Leon: Man, that was a good haul of treasure hunting. 14 treasure chests and 5 Regular maps. Then there's the huge map that I've yet to open up and see what's written inside.

I looked at the pirates below before telling Moby Dick to sail forth to the Island we had first arrived to. Moby Dick Let down it's sails and a sudden gust of wind rushed towards the sail making us sail out of here.

The journey ahead was uneventful except for beating some pirate crews that sailed here and there and getting free treasure chests from them along with some maps.

After a couple of hours after plundering another crew of their treasures I encountered a different type of ship that had no pirate flag but that of a yellow sun on their flag and it was maybe a Basque or Galleon type of ship based on the size and cannons it has.





While I looked at the ship I heard the sounds of cannons being fired and the smell of gunpowder nearby. I rubbed my nose before looking at the same ship again but this time there was smoke coming on the right side of the ship.

I looked towards the right before seeing three small ships and two medium sized ship firing their cannons at the Bigger ship that I saw earlier.

Leon: This interesting, but I guess being able to see and smell something from such a long distance is even more surprising....

Leon: Wonder what they would do now...


??? Pov

???: Everyone get to your firing positions and be ready to kill these pirates!!!

I heard the Captain of the Merchant Vessel shout and then the other guards on the ship manned the cannons and fired at the approaching vessels.

I looked around before looking at the five ships and then looking for something to identify them. They gave no flag nor ragged clothing pirates wear.

The only reason these random ships are attacking us is because of the heavy goods the ship has. I thought it would be another week before the rumors fully spread.

I turned around before heading back inside my room and I started changing into my Battle armor. After I finished putting on my armor I grabbed my Weapon in it's sheath.

I came out the room and saw the ships near ours ready to board. And it seems they are better equipped than the guards that were hired by the employer.

5 minutes later

After waiting for a bit with my weapon drawn the attacking ship started throwing hooks onto the wooden railings of the ship and they soon started climbing up.

???: Climb up and plunder their treasures!!!

???: Climb Men!!!

I waited until there was a decent amount of them even with the guards cutting the ropes or clashing swords with the enemy on the deck of the ship.

???: Who the hell are you?

???: A foreigner perhaps..?

???: Doesn't matter, with the foreign armor he is wearing it can sell for a good price

???: Your right! Let's take everything off him!

I sighed before swiftly taking out Kunais from a small pouch hanging on my hip and swiftly throwing them to the dark clothed men who had fallen on the ground and one who fell backwards onto the railings before falling onto the sea.

???: What the hell!?

???: An experienced Mercenary!!!

I charged forwards avoiding an overhead strike from a sword before unsheathing my katana from it's sheath and horizontally swinging my blade that cut through the sword and into the attackers chest splitting him in half.

I started swing my katana towards the attackers that tried to block my strikes but with their swords they were sliced in half of had their body parts mutilated before being decapitated.

???: How di- Gah!

???: Kill the bastard!

???: Go die!!!

I ducked avoiding a horizontal swing which in return I swung in an arc slicing the man's legs and impaling him onto my Katana before getting up quickly and using the dark robed man's body as a shield.

???: Gah- hel-p me....

I ran towards another of the dark robed men before throwing the impaled man's body at them with my elbow which made my Katana slide out of the man's chest and another guy.

???: Shi-

I jumped towards the nearest guy in front of my before spinning around delivering a high kick onto his chin knocking him out and throwing him off the ships railings.

Once I touched the floor I held my katana with my left hand that was in reach of the guy who held his comrades body. I used more strength in the swing which was enough to cut through both their bodies that sprayed blood everywhere just like the rest of the mutilated bodies lying around the deck of the ship.

I looked at the rest of the dark robed men that had started to feel fear and dread from seeing their comrades bloody deaths.

???: Push them back!!!

???: Shit! Get the others from the ships to help-

Before the one shouting could say anything I swiftly cut his right arm then sliced his head off. I smiled a bit before I started to move around the deck killing the people who attacked the merchant vessel.

17 minutes later

After some time the remaining guards and myself pushed back the attackers back onto their ships and some of the guards started manning the cannons and firing at the ships in point blank range killing some of the attackers with the explosions.

I look around the ships deck before seeing 5 dark robed men have something underneath the robes and with the outlines that are showing through the robes it is armor.

???: Fucking Bastards!!! You'll regret messing with me!!!

I turn back to look at the captain that is holding his arm and yelling orders. I approach him quickly and he turned around before seeing me and forms a grim towards me.

Captain: Aha! How are you doing Ichihara!

Ichihara: I am fine! Would you like for me to kill the leaders of this attack or Cut off their limbs for you to get information...

Captain: Hmm, do whatever except killing them since I want to know who was the perpetrator of this attack.

I nodded before running towards the rails and swinging myself over the railings and onto the smaller ships below.

I moved a bit to fall onto one of the attackers, I gripped my Katana before positioning my blade to Pierce his head and rolling after his body had fallen even when his bones were broken.

I looked at the nearest enemy before I leg sweeped his legs making him fall and with a diagonal cut that went through his armor from the shoulder to his waist.

???: What? The armor was given by Rain how can a foreigners sword cut through it's armor.

???: Doesn't matter! He's just one guy while there are more of us!

And it seems the last 8 had more armor but the main ones were the five In the bigger ships. I kept moving around dodging strikes from the enemy in which I partied and slid my katana downwards to their hands that resulted in screaming and hands missing before I slashed their necks that spewed blood that kept staining my armor.

???: G-get back! Wa- AGHHH


After a couple more fight and slicing off some limbs I jumped onto another ship before killing the rest of the robed people. And by the time I finished my armor was dyed red and my blade filled with the blood of my enemies.

???: D- DEVIL, Show Merc-

Before the kneeling man could say anything else his head was decapitated and slowly fell to the ground.


After his head fell I looked at the backing out ships before looking around the bodies of the dead and found hooks attached to rope that they used to board the ship. I sheathed my katana and tied it on my sash with the Saya cord so that it doesn't get taken.

I started swinging the rope with the hook giving it a bit more speed until I let go of the rope and the hook heads to the bigger ships railings. I grab onto the end of the rope before I start running towards the smaller railings and jump onto the railings and simultaneously jumping again.


???: What the hell is he doing...?

???: Wha-

???: Shit! Hurry and cut the rope!!!

I prepare myself for the impact of my legs hitting the hull of the he ship. I start to climb faster before the remaining robed people cut the rope off.

Seeing two of them having their swords raised to cut the rope I put strength in my legs before the planks of the hull started creaking. I start running across the planks with the rope helping me not fall before I ran upwards into the air letting go of the rope.

I quickly looked through both commanding ships and spotted the targets. He said to bring them back with few limbs missing enough for them to talk.

I moved my body to the right avoiding a sharp wind strike that headed my way. Once close enough to the deck of the ship I rolled to reduce the impact.

???: Die!!!

I looked around before tilting my body to the right avoiding an overhead strike from one of the robed leaders. I move backwards avoiding a horizontal strike and jumped before kicking his face then swiftly take out my katana and swung in an arc both blades clashing against one another.

???: Tch!

I started swinging my blade left and right clashing with his longsword that he kept swing wildly causing me to keep putting more strength in every clash





???: Time to end this...


I focused for his next attack that made me a bit surprised of what it was but I quickly started putting more strength into my right arm and right after my right arm turned to flames quickly spreading to my katana engulfing it in flames.

???: A swordsman and a mage...

???: Interesting...

???: It's different than magic, I can't feel an ounce of mana radiating from his body....?

???: Doesn't matter, we need to quickly finish him off and take the Sword back to the Client otherwise we don't get our pay for this month...

???: Fine, I'll help Victor out


I looked towards the feminine woman who said that before tilting my blade to the left blocking the heavy longsword the man was fighting me with. I was sent flying to the forecastle of the ship crashing into the front mast.

???: Damm....

I swiftly moved out of the broken mast that started falling before locking onto the Longsword wielding man. I breathed in before releasing hot breaths and sprinted towards the man before tilting to the left avoiding his swing.

Swiftly forming a punch I punched forwards which met with the flat side of the Longsword that he used to block. Unfortunately instead of breaking my fist I made a dent on his longsword and shortly sent him flying to another mast that he broke and went through stopping on the quarterdeck mast.

???: Augh-!

I sprinted towards him before grabbing him from his neck and slamming him on the hard planks of the deck and soon flames started engulfing my left arm in which I used to grab onto the man's neck.

The flames on my hand immediately moved towards the man's neck before it started engulfing his body entirely.




???: Shit!

???: Oh?


The flames started burning with more intensity and his screams becoming louder. I slashed my katana in an wid arc with flames accompanying the slash as it clashed with a sharp rush of wind that made the clash increase in it's intensity.


I started swinging my blade making the woman in dark robed start making more winds to rush at my flames that kept spreading throughout the ship and some unlucky subordinates of theirs were burned or cut apart with the attacks I kept throwing at them.






I looked behind me to see our ship nearing and firing their cannons. I looked at the bloody body of burning flesh before letting go of it's neck as it falls down.

???: No remorse, excellent for a warrior...

???: I'll fight him if one of you come back me up

???: Sure, might get a warmup from this boring journey

Both members with medallions on the right side of their chest came at me quickly making me swing my left arm vertically, bringing up a wall of flames in front of me stopping one of their advancements.

???: Cehl you better save him for me!!!

I started putting more strength throughout my body as my armor started becoming heavier. I disappeared from their view quickly before appearing in front of the rushing members.

Ichihara: Only two are enough for torture, the rest are disposable...


I swung my right arm diagonally cutting the man's body apart from his head to his hips in which his body turned to flames instantly. I turned my body into flames before using the previous firewall as a point I could reappear in.

I made spears made of fire pierce the other attacking member through his chest before I made my right hand appear through the fire wall and decapitated his head from his body and blood gushed out the neck before wisps of fire touched his body which instantly spread through it's body burning him alive.

I snapped my finger before the flames around the ship started coming back to me. Soon the flames started compressing onto my katana making the atmosphere hotter. I made the flames come inside my armor before smoke came out and started covering my entire body. The flames changed my katana into a long Ôdachi and changed the material of the blade by some margin.


I looked at the remaining five people of their group before rushing towards them prompting three of them to try to block me but even with them being reinforced by their power it can't stop me.

I put a considerable amount of strength on my swing which went right through their swords like butter and chopping their bodies in half before my sword clashed with another sword surprising me.

???: Hahaha, guess you are stronger than I thought but unfortunately for you I am a Master swordsman from the Baruth Continent.

I perked up at his words before I swung once again at his weapon and forming spears made of fire and aiming at the female mage and firing them at her making her form wind cyclones to disrupt the spears projectory.


I focused on each clash of our sword fight while also forming spears to disrupt the mage from firing of any cyclones at me. I started placing more strength on both my sword strikes and more intensity on the flames of my spears.





I moved backwards avoiding the sword thrusts of his weapon and the increasing cold atmosphere around him. I started coating myself in more flames before sprinting towards the leader of the group and used more strength than before and swung my blade clawing against his weapon and this time he was sent flying out the ship and onto the sea.

I followed shortly after jumping off the ship before swinging my blade in a horizontally arc bringing flames with it. Once it reached the location of their leader there was an explosion but the water around the explosion froze and the atmosphere became colder than before.

Ichihara: Hmm, this will be troublesome....

With the cover of smoke and chilly air long spears made of Ice thrusted right through the smoke aiming towards my chest. I opened my mouth before a massive wave of flames came out my mouth and engulfed everything in a thirty meter radius, turning the ice spears into water.

???: Wall of Frost!

The ongoing flames arrived at the location the man is in but a wave of Ice crashed against my flames making it stop but both attacks destroyed each other.

I looked around me before smiling a bit and once I landed on the surface of the water, spikes made of ice appeared and tried to I'm pale me but I swung my long Ôdachi splitting the ice spikes in half but the lower half formed more spikes that curved making me move out of there not wanting my body damaged.

???: Let's make things interesting!

I focused on the man before creating Pillars of Flames and jumped onto the air avoiding the frost that instantly covered 5 miles of the sea. I grinned a bit before sprinting forwards and swinging vertically clashing swords with the swordmaster but this time I used most of my strength to push him back.


???: Haha, your instincts are amazing, might as well introduce ourselves no?

Ichihara: ....

???: Not much of a talker huh...Well I'll go first, my name is Hector a swordmaster and leader of my almost dead group.

Ichihara:....Only two need to be alive before torture....

Hector: Well let's take it up a notch and see how long you can survive.

I got more serious and started doing horizontal strikes on his left and right but he let blocking each strike. We charged one another once again and our swords kept hitting but I kept taking more hits with every exchange.

Hector: Blizzard! Paralyze! Encasing Ice Coffin!

The air instantly became colder making me grin before the Pillars of Flames changed forms and turned into an extra pairs of arms wielding katanas.

I Created another pillar of fire before sending it forwards and exploding it engulfing the green substance that came out his hand. My body felt being encased in something and made my entire body freeze.

Before fully being encased I breathed in the cold air before using more flames to fuse with the cold air and making an Orb of both elements.

I kept expanding it until it was a decent enough size to blow up the coffin of what I was encased in.

I made blades of flames before spinning them around them acting as a passive defensive mechanism.

Hector: That's more like it, now let me show you what I truly am capable off!!!

In front of my very own eyes I saw the man known as Hector create a Giant made up of Ice before moving forwards and creating A longsword made of Ice. The sea started becoming encased in Ice slowly when the giant was created.

Hector: Now lets see you power!

I grinned before A massive wave of flames burst out my mouth and started engulfing the entire sea and halting the spread of the Ice.

My body started to merge with the flames before the flames formed a giant of flames that started growing bigger and bigger until it reached the same size as the Ice giant and with it both sides now made the atmosphere a mix between hot and cold but it was 100x more intense.

Ichihara: Let's end this....Hector....

Hector: Indeed we shall, but that is if you can kill me after my fun.

I formed my Long Ôdachi with the flames before swiftly swinging it diagonally clashing with the Ice Giants Longsword made of Ice.

I started pushing forwards releasing more flames and Hector did the same, he soon mad multiple spikes of Ice that wanted to impale my flaming giant body.

I swung my Ôdachi horizontally and a wave of flames shot out from the swing engulfing the spikes and crash against the Ice Giants body pushing him back.

Hector: Frost Bolt! Ready yourself! Glacial Tide!

A quick projectile shot out from the Ice Giants mouth and impaled itself on my flames making me grit my teeth. An elemental body is stronger but fighting against another who has an elemental body makes things tougher.

Ichihara: ...Incinerate....Domain.....

A massive wave of Ice in the distance came behind Hector and approached fast I don't have enough reserves to beat the glaciar or break a hole in there....

Ichihara: Troublesome....

I concentrated most of the fire I have left within myself to go form a Yumi bow & three arrows.

But as if luck would have it, there appeared to be a massive ship in the distance and coincidentally the Glacial Tide would strike the Ship. However instead of the ship being crushed and the Glacial Tide continuing a man jumped from the big ship facing the Glacial Tide before something shocking happened.


Leon POV 30 minutes prior to fight

I wonder if the trading ship will survive the onslaught of the five ships otherwise they are pretty much dead. But focusing on the new guy that seems to be wearing Japanese samurai armor.

Leon: Hmm, that guy is bloody but efficient. How can he even move like that, when will they admit he is a stronger opponent than them?

He talked with the guy in beige like clothing before suddenly jumping off the ships railings and onto the smaller ship below. I am still surprised by his athleticism and the way he kills and his strikes gets better over time or he adjusts the position of his blade.

Leon: Oh, tilting the blade and sliding it towards the handle of his opponents cutting their hands. That's a first I've ever seen and the most interesting way to disarm your opponents.....

Soon he started fighting against what I assume are the leaders of the attacking party but the first guy was a heavy looking guy with a bigger version of the Longsword and both kept clashing swords before the bigger guy had used more strength on this strike sending the samurai guy into a mast that made creaks.

The samurai guy got out quickly before rushing towards the other guy and swung his swords sending the guy to the forecastle of the ship and with it bringing down the front mast.

Leon: Huh, guess there is magic in this world. Guess this adds another Grade of caution for this world I am in....

The samurai guy rushed forwards before grabbing onto the other guys neck and flames came out his left arm before engulfing the other taller guy burning him and even from here I can hear his screams or it's just my enhanced hearing now.

Soon after that guys torturing death two others came and charged into him. He made a wall of fire blocking out one of them out before dealing with the other in which he probably disappeared from their eyes but he is quick and slashed his katana diagonally cutting the guys body into half from his shoulders to his hips and his body instantly turned into flames.

Leon: Are people so strong now or what? But I need to experience it before saying anything else. That Beasts son is strong that's for sure, even being empowered by the new strength it is different....

The samurai disappeared and I actually could not see anything except his body turning smaller before turning into small flames that went towards the wall of flames and soon a spear of fires impaled the unsuspecting man killing him and burning his body inside out.

The woman that seemed like an interesting mage kept attacking him with wind or cyclones? But the samurai kept swinging his blade that kept sending waves of flames towards her attacks disrupting them from hitting him.

The rest charged forward except the Leader and that woman, the samurai had changed into something I do not recognize but he grew slimmer but his weapon became longer resembling the Ôdachi from Japan.

He charged forwards before clashing swords with the leader but he did now move but seems like their talking. After some more clashes the samurai guy used more strength than before and the leader flew off the boat and onto the sea.


The samurai guy sent a wave of flames from his blade before it crashed against the leaders body and the water around the smoke turned into Ice and even from here the temperature changed.

Leon: A strong opponent but causing a lot of vibrations through his Ice I could destroy any attacks.

Once the samurai landed on the water Spikes made of Ice showed below him trying to impale him but he swiftly swung his blade all around him bringing a wave of flames from his blade that split apart the Ice spikes but when they tried reforming again the flames burned them giving him time to get out of that spot.

The leader now known as Hector used something before covering 40 miles of the sea into pure ice shocking me but it did not matter as they quickly clashed against one another once again.

Hector soon made the air all around colder before sending some green liquid toward the samurai but it was burnt with the flames. And hector shouted out Encasing Ice Coffin and did exactly what it is called Encasing the samurai in a coffin in pure ice.

After ten seconds the samurai exploded the coffin from the inside with what I can assume is something to do with his flames and a breath he took before the coffin fully encased him.

The samurai made blades of flames that surrounded him probably acting as a defensive mechanism to deflect or attack anything the Hector guy sends at him.

Hector started making a Giant made of Ice that started growing bigger and bigger with Hector being inside the right side of the giant that roared shaking the underground creating a good amount of vibrations to spread to the sea and air.

Leon: Hmm...what will he do now? Oh! He's forming a giant of his own!?

Never though I would see something like this, but man does it look amazing. A fight between giants with both sides opposite of one another. Ice & Fire the most anticlimactic elements that cancel each other out.

The flames rushed out the samurais mouth before it started forming a giant and soon did the same thing as before merging into the flames and the difference between the Giants is that the flaming giant has a real human body and has the samurai merged into it while the ice giant needs to be ordered to do things but it still has instincts.

Both Giants formed their weapon and sonny after the making of their weapons charged against one another using the frozen sea as the place where they will battle.

Leon: Is this the beginning of a legend...? This definitely looks like a scene off an anime but I wonder who will be the winner of this match...

Both Giants kept fighting, clashing swords both wanting to overpower the other but Hector said something interesting and one that perplexed me because it didn't happen confusing me greatly.

That was until a shadow covered Moby Dick and the surrounding sea making turn around before seeing a wave of Ice heading out way and coincidentally the way that samurai and Hector guys battle is at.


After shouting my grievances I made Quake bubbles on my left fist before jumping of Moby

Dick's deck and towards the massive Wave of I've about to engulf both of us.

Leon: Moby Dick! Continue forwards and go towards those bastards!!!

In the corner of my eyes I saw Moby Dick turn to the right heading towards the frozen land made by Hector. I focused on the moving Ice tsunami before bringing back my left fist to the right side of my chest.

Leon: Gekishin!

Once the Glacial Tide was a few meters in front of me I punched forwards with my punch coated in Quake bubbles. My punch cracked the air Infront of me and the crack started expanding before the tide started having cracks everywhere but it crumbled down to the sea.

Even the Ice left behind the tide cracked and broke apart making sure to not make a blockade for the community underneath the sea.

Leon: Hmm, I grew fonder of the sea. Guess these tattoos have something to do with the Sea but Sejael has something to with this. But I don't dislike it as they make the Sea special....

I used the vibrations from the tide breaking apart to make the way to Moby Dick easier. I moved myself before falling down to the sea but It would be Moby Dick's Main deck where I'll be landing.

Once I was nearing I grinned before I used vibrations to fortify Moby Dick top deck for my fall.

Leon: Hahahaha, this is just like free falling into enemy lines but there's no parachutes or targets!!!


The sound of something heavy crashing into something sounded out throughout the sea and dust arose from the deck I fell to. I slowly lifted myself upwards from the deck that made my back ache a bit.

Leon: It seems I fortified the deck too much that I actually almost injured myself...huh? wonder if I create a vortex of vibrations at a quick speed will it cause an explosion or suck everything in..? Hmm...So many things waiting for me to experiment the Gura-Gura No mi on, especially types of attacks...

I stopped thinking about that before I focused on both the Ice & Fire giant looking our way making me grin a bit before I thought of something and what would make my journey better than being alone.

Leon: Let's hope this works, Hopefully I can finally have people to talk to and my first Crew members of the...Whitebeard Pirates...

To be continued!!!

Next chapter