
Carl Riverine

The capital city– Edin. Morning 7 AM.

It was early morning and the bright sun shone over the bustling city port of River Lithe. The air was filled with the scent of freshwater and the sound of rover birds could be heard overhead.

The port was as busy as ever, with ships coming and going in a constant stream. The people were hard at work, with workers loading and unloading cargo onto the ships. The Rankers and mortals worked together, contributing to the growth of the city simply by doing the work they were supposed to do.

Eren appeared at the port with his entourage, ready to depart from the capital city of Edin. His destination was the city of White Raven, with a few stops here and there throughout his journey.

Grimdawn was dressed in casual clothes, wearing a white tunic under sleeveless leather armor. The upper buttons of his tunic were undone, revealing a hint of his muscular chest.

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