
Birth of the Anfang Alliance

"Tell me, Eren Elijah Idril. Do you agree with my offer?"

Sedating Gaze!

Eren replied to Nira Nightshade's offer by casting his Ability on her. His eyes turned completely white before various runic markings started appearing in them.

With Eren's rank-up, his ocular Ability also received a huge boost. It could now affect the souls of his opponents on a deeper level.

Nira Nightshade felt like she was back in her past where she had to struggle for everything in the land of Anfang. One by one, she recalled scenes from her past where she had struggled. However, the faces of the people surrounding her had been morphed to look like flesh flowers.

Nira saw the flesh flowers that were people's heads burst into a million pieces just as they got close to her, spreading blood and organs on her body. She soon found herself living her old memories while being covered in the blood of people she knew.


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