
"Finish Him!"

There were only a few exceptional soldiers in the enemy group. And the mute spectator was one of them. Eren couldn't let him get back in the game.


The Novice ranker who was treating Stephan didn't understand why his vision suddenly changed. Eren cut off his head and threw it behind him.

Claho watched in horror as the bloodied devil continued to attack in such a ferocious manner despite getting caught in the storm. He also couldn't believe that he could move like this without any movement spell on him.

Claho saw his Novice ranker soldier getting beheaded by the demon. The soldier following behind Een saw that the head was coming toward him.

The soldier's eyes turned bloody as he saw one of his juniors getting beheaded in his presence. He subconsciously tried to catch the decapitated head. But he heard Claho's panicked voice soon after.

"You fucking idiot. Dodge that thing."

Yet, it was too late.


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