
The Illuminati

Julie had used her channels to see one of the items and found out that they were all from the Beast Bloods hideout. The same hideout that was known within the cultists to be destroyed by the city of Silvermoon.

Ron Damien had already been connected with the Beast Bloods. So Jules assumed that Ronny's employer must have belonged to the cultist organization.

Cultists would seldom let rankers handle their business affairs. That meant Ronny was also a Beast Blood. Probably lower in rank than the person who had allowed him to conduct the underground auctions.

Then the auction Ron had organized must have been his clearing-stockpile event that needed to be done before he went off the grid for a while. In Julie's mind, it all made sense.

Eren too had remembered why Julie was melancholic about the bullshittery he was spewing to make her sleep with him. When she hinted to him in the message she had left for him that she was a cultist, her talk of that night made sense for him too.


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