
chapter four

Diego was standing by the altar waiting for ophelia. Walter was silently praying that his daughter didnt try anything funny but she showed up.

ophelia gracefully walked up to the altar where her dad and diego were waiting for her, "dad i am here may we begin the ceremony"she said.

"ok we shall start,ladies and gentlemen we have gathered here to join my daughter the princess of trot and diego the prince of versuvius in holy matrimony.

Diego looked at ophelia and she returned his gaze with a frown

"kneel down let me bless you"walter said and diego and ophelia knelt down and he blessed them, "i now pronounce you husband and wife"

Ophelia detested that word "wife"now she was mrs diego, diego looked at her and she looked back as if asking him with her eyes why he was staring.

Every pleasantries was exchanged and it was time for ophelia to leave,she almost broke down in tears but she held back. Gabbie walked up to her and hugged her then she whispered in her ear "phelia be strong",ophelia nodded her head and hugged gabbie back.

Walter walked up to her and hugged her,then the carriage arrived and ophelia and diego entered and she wave at gabbie and her dad.

The carriage left the palace and they were heading to the gate of trot where they would exit the city of trot,ophelia sat down and was looking outside she didnt want to look at diego at all.

Diego just sat down looking at his wife, that was right she was now his wife thanks to his mother who had forced him. He saw she was trying to avoid him so he decided to start a conversation "uhmm ophelia how are you"he asked. ophelia heard him but she pretended not to,she was shocked when he touched her shoulder and turned her to look at him "ophelia i am talking to you"

"must i answer ophelia ophelia juat shouting my name anyhow"she said angrily.

"i am just trying to talk to you,you arent even as beautiful as i expected so why are you parading yourself like a peacock"he replied.

Ophelia was startled she had expected him to say such a thing,she turned and looked at him then she saw him clearly he had white and red hair with a pointed nose he had pink lips and toned muscles he looked amazing but she didnt let his appearance distract her.

"look at who is talking your mates have brown,black or red hair but you have red and white are you a devigel"she asked.

Diego was confused what did she mean by devigel he decided to ask her "excuse me ma'am what a devigel?

ophelia laughed when she saw the look on his face "a devigel is a half demon half angel

"your so stupid who says such things"he hissed.

"hello mind your words dont you ever call me stupid you arent even that cute or handsome at all you look like the butt of a horse you know"she replied.

"this attitude isn't fit for a princess"

"so is urs now let me be and dont disturb me"she finally said and turned.

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