
Aftermath lll

A/N: Katia won so thats what we will be going with for this arc. Though I wish more people voted I'm just happy I got a response. Also thank you Rhythm_NPC, who was the sole person to respond to me and state the character they wanted drawn in the chapter comments. Fillia will be the first character to receive art.



POV: Christine


My face burned red as tears streamed down my face.

"Are you okay?" {Astaros}

The towering figure had appeared before me in seconds, his hand reaching over as I pressed myself into it, inviting an embrace.

"I'm sorry, I just had a little bit of a breakdown a bit ago." {Christine}

No one said a word as slowly the others gathered as a hand gripped my own.

Looking up, Rift was gripping my hand with her own, a cold scaly roughness scraping against my skin.

"I know what you're feeling. And while I do not understand, I know father is kind. He will accept." {Rift}

I smiled nodding as I got up, the massive form unfurling as he stood back up.

'I might not be able to stand beside you, but if you hold my hand I'll follow you' {Christine}

As I cleared my face with the side of my sleeve.

"Astaros I-" {Christine}

And in that moment my words were swept away into the azure sky, the whispers of whirling zephyrs and flowing breeze raising them to the endless aether.

In the end the sway of streaming shadows cast by the old gnarled enshrouded us as I laid my emotions, doubts and fears bare.

Never before did I feel so vulnerable and fragile.

And I was granted a momentary silence as Astaros nor anyone else spoke.

However his eyes granted me all the answers I needed.

"Your fears, your doubts, I will crush them all. If you will stand by my side." {Astaros}

I was then pulled into an embrace as I closed my eyes, sniffling as we stayed like that for a moment, the elated breeze flowing through the grasses as they swayed endlessly.

For the rest of the night I sat in his arms, my doubts being veiled for this one peaceful moment while the beating of his heart offered me solace and quiet.

Emotions flowed through my soul as a sort of understanding flowed through my mind. It felt like I was beginning to understand Astaros, his way of perception beginning to peer through my own eyes.

I could see things his way, and perhaps that wasn't too bad.


POV: Astaros


I awoke with a tail in my face and a long ear poking my cheek. As I opened my eyes a pair of glowing violet pupils peered down at me, while two black horns jutted out from pale human skin.

"Name, I would like my name." {Rift}

Behind her the deadly pointed tail was flitting back and forth in anticipation as though to fill in for her expressionless face.

I placed my palm on my face.

"This is not how you wake someone up." {Astaros}

Standing back she placed her hand behind her back while I sat up and stretched.

I then turned to her, a grin forming on my face.

"Where's Christine?" {Astaros}

Though her eyes flickered at the mention of her other half her expression seemed to be set in stone.

"She was embarrassed so she said to speak with you first." {Rift}

Very suddenly her horns shrunk a little and her eye began to swirl as white returned to her sclera.


I laughed, waking up a groggy Fillia while Dryis pulled the rest of the covers over herself.

Getting up I stretched as I prepared to head down to the baths.

"We have a lot to talk about so you guys should get ready." {Astaros}

Grabbing a towel I now passed a shrinking Christine who seemed to be turning back to her human form.

'I-if you would li-, Never mind" {Christine}

"Hm?" {Astaros}

Christine however didn't respond, simply turning red as Fillia got out of bed.

"Shoo, Shoo, me and her have to talk." {Fillia}

As I pretended not to understand what she nearly asked I walked out, heading down to the baths as I met Oadry in the hallway.

"Good morning. It's surprising you woke up early after yesterday's events." {Astaros}

Oadry smiled a little before curtseying.

"It's my duty to awaken before you Master Astaros to complete the chores. Such as cleaning the bath you're about to go in." {Oadry}

I smiled, happy with the diligence Oadry always showed.

"Thank you for that. I appreciate the things you do for everyone here." {Astaros}

Oadry bowed her head as she received the praise, a habit she seems to have.

"Thank you for your praise, I will continue to do my best. Enjoy the bath." {Oadry}

I nodded as she then passed me by to head towards my room.

Though I wanted to ask about the ever elusive Nikky, I had far more pressing matters on my plate.

After bathing in the crystal bath's my depleted mana stores regenerated, slightly relieving my exhaustion.

I then headed to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, the smell of fresh bread and eggs floated down the hall.

I entered the scene of Nikky cooking under the tutelage of Katia, the former cook at the Hollow.

"Passing on your skills?" {Astaros}

Katia didn't even turn to acknowledge me as she responded without a hint of emotion.

"She couldn't do her job so I'm telling her how." {Katia}

Nikky winced as she took the sizzling eggs off the fire. She then grabbed some of the spices which Christine bought from the town, pinching it and dusting it across the yolk.

"She seasoned them before as well, right?" {Astaros}

Katia glanced back slightly as she herself was focused on a large slab of bacon, which was also frying.

"I caught her at that stage and got her to salt and pepper it. The seasoning is done." {Katia}

Recognizing I was neither needed nor very welcome I left for the main room, taking a seat at the large table as I thought through my plans.

I would like to use Aurora.

However I am wary of how the soul link will react. It's an involuntary reaction. In the face of insanity I don't know how it will react, and while the soul link brings a form of mutual understanding of each other like what I and the others experienced, that won't be enough to allow her to function like a normal human being. I need a contract.

A couple minutes later Katia came out of the kitchen and sat across from me, closing her eyes as she leaned back in the chair.

"Katia, I have a request." {Astaros}

Katia did not even deign to open an eye as I spoke, only nodding slightly as she agreed to let me proceed.

"While I am capable of combat itself, the techniques and strategies elude me. Yesterday's debacle has left me painfully aware that I am not used to how the denizens of Alvaria fight. Could you teach me the strategies pertaining to large-scale conflict?"


Katia now opened a single eye, interest seeming to swirl within her azure iris.

"Why me?" {Katia}

Her eyes closed back as she returned to her state of ever calmness.

"Why not Fillia? Or anyone else?" {Katia}

Clasping hands together I placed them on the table.

"Because you are obviously an experienced soldier, one who has seen a lot." {Astaros}

And for the first time, Katia twitched, reacting to the word "Soldier".

As someone who had seen many types of people it seemed obvious. There was a link between her, necromancy and war.

Those three topics seemed to form a part of a greater history. However I simply don't know it yet.

"I'll think about it." {Katia}

Even if she had never participated in direct planning of operations she could at least tell of what awaited me on the battlefield from personal experience.

Satisfied I leaned back as echoing chatter began to sound from the hall as Fillia, Christine, Dryis and Raven entered the room, coming from the rest wing.

Christine bounded over, her arms intertwining over my shoulders as she hugged me from behind, her chin resting to my left as she stuck out her tongue at Raven.

'The soul link is something I would like to keep private so please be careful of how you allu-' {Astaros}

"And when did you two get so close?" {Raven}

Christine smiled as she straightened, releasing me as she turned to face Raven.

"We have a connection." {Christine}

My eyes gazed over as Raven raised one eyebrow.

Likely feeling my radiating emotions, her clear voice sounded in my head.

'Don't worry, hearing something like that her natural disposition will kick in and-' {Christine}

"Never mind, I don't need to hear it." {Raven}

Though I was surprised at how well Christine handled Raven, I didn't show it as the situation had been avoidable

"So what are you going to do about scary and crazy?" {Raven}

My expression twisted as it became grim.

"I have plans but I need a contract, the binding kind." {Astaros}

Raven frowned as I said this, her eyes narrowing.

"I don't know what you're planning but If you're going to do something vile, keep both Chris and her other half out of it."

Dryis on the other side of the table raised her hand.

"Not to be rude but what exactly is Christine?" {Dryis}

The entire room fell silent as Nikky and Oadry entered, food in hand as they began to serve it all up.

"Master Astaros, I applied more mucus to Aurora. She should stay asleep for another day." {Oadry}

"Wait what? Aren't you using the medicine from storage?" {Astaros}

Oadry quickly bowed as she began to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. I have been using my mucus to keep her asleep." {Oadry}

I raised an eyebrow at this.

"I wasn't aware you could produce such a substance." {Astaros}

"My species produces it naturally through our skin. Should I switch to the medecine?" {Oadry}

I shook my head as she raised hers.

"No, it's fine. If you can do it without spending our resources I appreciate your efforts." {Astaros}

Oadry smiled as she responded with a quick Curtsey.

"I will continue as I have then." {Oadry}

The rest of the table silently watched our exchange as Fillia spoke up.

"You get along with Oadry surprisingly well." {Fillia}

I shrugged.

"We just fit." {Astaros}

I then brought myself back to the conversation as I returned to the serious topic at hand.

"Back to the main topic, while Dryis may not have been sensitive to the depth and weight of the subject, if she is going to be living here we should know. On top of that, Rift has the right to much information in the first place." {Astaros}

Raven put down her fork as she looked at me in surprise.

"You named her!?!" {Raven}

I shook my head.

"No. She named herself, in fact perhaps she should explain." {Astaros}

Everyone turned to Christine as a pair of small black stubby horns sprouted from her forehead and one of her eyes began to shift to that of Rifts.

"I attempted to grant myself a title in father's name, however I was too exhausted to complete the spell. I planned on asking father to help me after we finished discussing whatever concerns you had. That aside, I would like to know what I am. I have many memories and fragments of knowledge that are neither my own or Christine's." {Rift}

Raven sighed as her Witches hat drooped.

"I was hoping this would come a little later but this is fine. Let me start with your race and lineage." {Raven}

She straightened up and began to explain the story of Christine and Rift.

"Rift and Christine are a void demon and witch respectively. They are split because of the nature of demons generally being considered fragments of a greater whole.

That is the reason why different demons can represent different parts of the personality.

They originate from a single being.

The first demon lord.

However upon his arrival to Tyron he had been weakened and thus the races of this world who had caught him early and killed him, shattering his soul and scattering him to the winds.

However his eradication was a failure. From his fragments the demon were born. This leads to how both Christine and Rift exist. Rift and her are not one and the same. Rift is simply cohabitating within the same body as Christine.

Christine however was a whole soul and thus was the base form. Those fragments of memories and knowledge that drive her instincts are memories of her predecessors as they fragmented themselves to bring Rift into the world." {Raven}

I nodded slowly as my mind wrapped around the subject.

"I see, so who are her real parents? Besides me who seems to have been designated her father." {Astaros}

Raven turned to Rift with an inquisitive look as Rift stared right back.

"He awakened me. I was born from his power. He is father." {Rift}

Raven sighed as she leaned back in the chair.

"Rift, your lineage dates back to the dimensional walkers, or the sons and daughters of the void. They were weapons of the previous demon lord's during the great war. Your great grandfather, a general of the demon lord's army as the demon general of sloth had his daughter and his greatest warrior bear a child, who was then experimented upon. She however developed a relationship with an incubus and she managed to bear a child near the end of the war.

That was your father Thiol, a incubus/dimensional walker hybrid. Later me and my colleague Anne, your other mother would come across him. The two would drag me across the continent as we ran from demons and witches aiming to capture both of your parents and prevent you from being born. The actions of both factions failed as you would be born before they managed to kill them, and I would hide under the thumb of the guild with you." {Raven}

The room was silent as no one knew what to say. Christine fiddling with her fingers at the table as she seemed to consider what was said.

That was a lot to take in.

Biology aside, Raven has gone through a lot for the sake of Christine.

"So, our parents are… dead?" {Christine/Rift}

The distorted voice of both speaking at the same time echoed throughout the main room as we waited for Raven's response.

Raven curled her fingers into a fist as she placed it in front of her mouth, slightly trembling as she spoke the gruesome details.

"Yes. They are both dead. Thiol died protecting us as I tore you out from your mothers womb through teleportation, accelerating her deterioration and killing her as I promised to keep you safe. I saw them die with my very own eyes. I had to turn my back and run as Thiol was slaughtered behind me. Even though she had been weak from the pregnancy and weeks of battle, had I been a little faster of a caster, she might have been the one to raise you. For that I...

I apologize." {Raven}

The room's mood had taken a sombre tone as a quiet tension began to grow.

No one wished to speak after what Raven had said.

No one wished to say anything.





But then Christine got up, walking around the table to Raven, who tensed herself as she prepared for whatever reaction Christine would have to her words.

"We are sorry for being such a burden." {Christine/Rift}

Their combined voice rumbled through the silent air as Raven looked up in surprise.

They then hugged Raven as their malformed wings encased both raven and them both. And for a moment, all of Rifts demonic features receded, Christine slowly returning to normal.

"We must have reminded you of that everyday. We never got the chance to meet my parents. But I know they would be proud of you. You are the closest thing to a parent I ever had." {Christine}

Raven looked up at Christine, teary eyed as her daughter's words soaked in.

"I'm… unsure. I wasn't always kind, I w-wasn't always there even. What right do I have to think they would take pride in me?" {Raven}

Christine smiled as she held her tighter. Rift began to come out as her massive wings again began to wrap around them both.

"I know because my instinct tells me so." {Rift}

She pressed her forehead against the trembling raven as she spoke softly.

"I know because we are proud of you too." {Christine}

And Raven broke like a dam.

However I didn't witness the rest.

I concealed and shooed the other out of the room as we decided to give them space.

Now I stood at the front door, watching as the sky turned orange, and the burning sun descended below the tree line.

We now knew what Christine was.

We knew what was behind the mystery of the girl who was two in one.

And yet.

My mind flashed back to the moment I ushered Oadry and Nikky out the door, the words of Raven replaying in my mind.

"I know you hear the call of Rivella, don't you ever heed it, for Christine's sake." {Raven}

I replayed those words over and over as I fit different pieces of a small puzzle together.

One thing had bothered me about all of that.

She was the daughter of a succubus, who generally put their efforts into bearing the children of humans for use as low class fodder for the demon species.

However the east and west are separated heavily, so how are human slaves being aquired?

In the first place, why breed with other races?

And then it hit me.

Why Rift was so conflicted about my existence.

I had disrupted her recall.

Demons are fragments and masters of possession.

When they awaken they return to the east and release their human host and are granted a body of their own.

"Completely on point." {Christine}

I turned around as Christine walked up behind me.

I didn't respond as she came up besides, me her repaired witch attire

Her face was slightly solemn as she smiled at the setting sun.

"AGH I get IT! Lets get your name done." {Christine}

Suddenly and very violently, Christine shifted into Rift.

"The day has nearly been spent. Let us complete this quickly." {Rift}

Though I raised my eyebrow I did not speak, simply armoring up as we locked eyes, our thoughts flowing as we began to synchronize through the soul link.

As we stepped out together in front of the house as Rift turned to me, and I turned to her.

A familiar scene began as Rift started.

She exhaled before speaking, her eyes alight as magic circles crawled upon her skin like glowing tattoos. Her sclera and iris, one swallowed in a black ink now glowed with violet energy as her pupil expanded and overtook both.

"I, Rift Systin, bind myself to be the daughter of Astaros, and shall know no other master till the day he dies." {Rift}

A magic circle flashed through her as she began to glow, before dimming as the transformation was completed.

Instantly the damage core began to spin as information was relayed to me.

'New traits discovered as a result of contract, Grey mana Manipulation, Void connection. Sealed skill processing has begun. Several months till completion.' {Damage Core}

'Good to know.' {Astaros}

As the burning heat of the damage core subsided I turned my attention to the changes Rift had gone through

And when she stood up, I could see Rift had gone through a lot of them.

Her horns for one now appeared cracked, with glowing veins of what I assumed to be void energy. Her wingspan had also grown, the membrane of which still glowed a dim violet while her skin in her demon form was now a dark grey, with hard black obsidian like scales sprinkled across it.

Her forearms had grown larger and her claws now curved inwards, layered by abyssal black armor-like plates.

Her feet had shifted to become clawed, not unlike that of a lizard.

A demon in every sense of the word.

Her dark shadow, cast in the evening light began to shrink as it crawled up her leg, swirling as it became as it shifted into a plume of flame

"The elements, they obey my commands?" {Rift}

I smiled as several ideas played out in my mind. I would like to test her. However, first things first.

'Christine?' {Astaros}

A light giggle reverberated through my mind as underlying emotions flowed in with it.

'Were you worried?' {Christine}

Satisfied with the fact she could respond I waved and caught the attention of Rift who was inspecting the changes within her body as played with the elements in her palm.

"Want to test your new abilities?" {Astaros}

A wave of enthusiasm rushed through the soul link as other lingering emotions were submerged forcefully.

I was going to take her mind off of things.

And I knew just how to do it.

I took off for the forest as Rift understood what was happening, her now enormous wings unfurled and she leapt into the air.

I could feel her excitement as she soared into the orange sky, basking in the dying rays of the sun.

However for a moment I felt it.

A pang of sadness as she turned back and looked at our home.

And so I turned back as well, my eyes circulating light element as I peered through the trees at what she was looking at.

On the porch, waving at Christine and Rift, was Raven.

Turning back to the Horizon I raced forwards as I made a promise to myself.

No harm shall come to the girl. For the sake of those long past, and for those who still stand.

You thought it was wholesome, but it was me FEELS!


Blue_Robincreators' thoughts
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