

"Well,' Ken said, 'from my light bulb experience, when one goes the others tend to follow, so for the next few weeks I will be on light-bulb duty.

 "Thank you.'

 "Give me your key and I'll go and do it on the way

home and then drop the key back to you when I come on in the morning.'

She looked in her bag to get it.

"Is there anything else?'

Say it, Kylie.

She took a big breath.

 "Do you want to go away?'

"Sorry?' Ken eyes widened, clearly taken back by her suggestion.

 "Well, I'm finishing up this week and I presume

you'll get some days off. I thought it might be nice to get away before the baby comes along, sort out a few things...

"Separate rooms?' he asked, and she laughed.

"I haven't thought that far ahead.'

"I have,' he said, and came over. She thought it was to take the key but having pocketed it he bent down.

 "What are you doing?' she asked as he lifted one of her legs.

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