

The distance from the first island they stopped to Thazir Elemental Archipelago was just three days. However, since their fight with the monster fish, It's been eight days, and they were still on the sea because they were entering any island they encountered on the way, getting resources and fighting monsters and other people alike.

"We have collected three Null Elemental Crystals so far. Need four more," Aren said while looking at Logan using his power to heal his right hand.

"How long will it take to regenerate that hand?" Kurumi asked.

"Arghh…this is so annoying," Logan frustratingly cried while healing his own right hand.

From his hand's five fingers, three were gone along with his thumb. His entire right arm was injured, but his hand injury was particularly grave with shadow smoke coming out of it, and his bones were also rotted a bit due to venom.

"You were careless," Kurumi snorted.

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