The Pig-man rubbed his hands as he pointed three fingers, "Three thousand crista-shards, hehehe. I was literally waiting for a Wild absorber to appear, so this price is only fair. Also," The pig-man looked around before speaking in a low voice, "You might be able to get a Mutated-magic ability even higher than A-grade there because the device I used to search it could only detect up to A-grade."
Aren nodded before he took out a gold coin and asked indifferently, "How many crista-coin can I get with this gold coin?"
Seeing the shining gold coin, the Pig man's eyes also shined as he stuttered, "T-this...where did you get this? It's a luxury currency among Magia-elites here. S-sir, you can get 100 crista-shards for that one coin."
Hearing that, Athan frowned slightly, 'Such high value? This means that the price of A-grade is low in a way. Hmmm...there should be way higher-grade mutated-magic abilities as well.'
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: