
The Devil's true form

"This is the end for you, Lucifer."

Lucifer turned around, still trying to peer through the nothingness even though he knew it was futile.

"Enough of your sick games Modriel, just get on with it already," Lucifer's veins popped as he bawled out.

Suddenly, he heard something swoop past him fast. Lucifer jerked around only to be jabbed on all sides by a swarm of what had flown past him seconds ago. They seemed like crows descending on him from every angle but their impact pierced his flesh like sharp daggers.

"Ugh," Lucifer groaned, lifting a hand to shield his face, almost forgetting that he held a blade with which he could use to ward the crows off.

"Isn't it ironic that the one thing you've basked so much in; how the darkness is going to be the source of demise.

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