
Chapter Ten

"Tsege!" Emanuel yells on top of his lungs.

"Ha! Serves you right! This is how you annoyed me all the time."

"But I never made you fall on mud! Seriously, my cloth is all white for god's sake!" He shot back with annoyance lingering in his voice but that didn't seem to stop Tsege's laughter.

"Okay! I'm going to get you back for this."

"There is no getting back for that! You annoy me all the time but I never did anything so take it as a payback of all in one time." She replied in all defense mode. "Also, if you do anymore, I'll make this happen again without any hesitation." She said warning filling her voice.

Grumbling, he got up from the ground but failed to make him fall again and adding more dirt on his already dirty cloth making Tsege laugh in the process.

"Humph!" he was about to try again but a brilliant idea came into his mind. "At least help me getting up."

Tsege's laughter died and she crossed her arms and stared at him. "You think I'm a fool? You should be the one to know that of all people that are here, you know?"

"There are no people as we are in the forest…" he reminded her with a bored face and voice.

"This land is the land of Gojjam so it will also include the people that live here when I said 'here'"

"Okay! Okay! Whatever you say." With that, he got up successfully but not without some stumbling which made him end up in a weird position which in return intensified Tsege's laughter.

"My lord, this is the best day of my life." She said without stopping her giggles which made Emanuel scrawl even more if that's possible.

"I will be back… after changing this cloth." He mumbled the last part but Tsege heard it which made her laugh. Emanuel walked away stomping his feet like a child.

'Did I go so far?' she asked herself.

'But it's a payback so…' shrugging she start to walk through the forest enjoying the calmness that only nature can provide. The birds chirping, the twigs of branches when she walked through them, the animal's voice, and the chilly air that seem to surround the area.

But it felt like a calm before a storm.

But the calmness was short-lived. That's when she saw a man that isn't in the society of Gojjam stood before her with a sword that looks like he is ready to kill anyone.

Something in her snapped her out of her shock when she saw him running towards her in an attacking position; holding his sword with both hands and his hands were on his shoulder level.

She quickly reacted; she easily dogged it away but she needs something to fight with and her sword isn't with her at the moment.

'Mental note, carry your sword everywhere you go… that's if you survive this.' She took a deep breath then started to create a plan for how she is going to win this but all came like trash when she saw more men behind.

'How are you going to get out of this?

You idiot!' she was panicking but she wasn't showing it outside.

'Is this the end of my life?' but her panicking session was short as some people emerged out of nowhere but their faces were covered.

A sword was thrown to her way and she easily caught it and pulled it out from its case.

'Do it as no one has ever done it!' she said that to encourage herself.

Screams, sword-to-sword noise, blood can be seen. She was jumping here and there cutting the others in the process. She was doing this like it's natural. Even her dress didn't stop her.

She was doing okay until she was surrounded by four people and when she looked the other way, everyone is busy and there is no one to come and help her.

'Guess it's time to try a new thing.'

When one of the four men made the first move; his hands holding his sword above his head, giving her the best access to cut his abdomen and that's what she exactly did making him fall on the other guy. She quickly moved to the others who were on their way to attack her. She quickly avoided the first one that came by twirling and kneeled, throwing her head back to avoid the sword, sliding forward and running her sword into the man's leg in the process but another one came to which she twirled and hit his legs with her own making him fall and that gave her the chance to kill him.

She stood up but an attack was on her way but one of the men with a mask stopped it. She wanted to stop for the moment staring at him but she has to move to which he did.

She found a shield on the ground' she picked it up and started to defend herself with it also attacking and killing men when she has the chance.

Soon all the chaos was all gone and there is the calm again but something was added to the things that nature provided earlier, the smell of blood.

"Tsege!" a voice out of nowhere that came in a second she last man died, making her turn around to where the voice came from but an arrow was shot and she got stuck.

She couldn't move or do anything. She stood where she is as a status. Closing her eyes, she waited for the moment of pain when the arrow's end piercing through her flesh but that moment never came, instead she heard a groan right in front f her.

She opened her eyes to find Emanuel, facing her with pained eyes but his face says otherwise. The arrow was on his right back. He stood up straight not showing any sign of pain but Tsege's face was pained for him.

"Emanuel…" she whispered covering her mouth with both her hands, he heart was beating hard in her chest.

"What?" he said and tried to smile.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!" she exclaimed to which he kept his smile on. One tear escaped from both her eyes.

"You know you are not going to lose me with this arrow right?" he said to lighten up the atmosphere but it didn't since the other men were also in shock.

They were afraid of approaching their leader as he strictly ordered them not to get anyone hurt from Gojjam.

"Can you please pull it out for me?" Emanuel asked softly but she shook her head vigorously indicating 'No'. She doesn't have the gut to add more pain than he is having but she knows that it should be out.

"Well, if you are not going to do it, I am going to do It." With that, the man who spoke walked up behind Emanuel and pulled the arrow out but Emanuel make no sound which made Tsege cry more but something was bothering her.

The man who spoke looks and sounds familiar but she brushed it off and focused on Emanuel.

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