
Small People

"Mary is that you?" One of the Nuno asks the moment we step near the vicinity.

"Yeah, it's me! Good to see you, Earl!" I excitedly greeted him.

"Wow, you didn't even age a bit! Being a vampire has its perks." Earl told me.

"It has only been a year since I visited you here with my husband." I giggled.

"The last time I saw you with the count was fifteen years ago," Earl informed me.

I can't believe it! That's why my son is all grown up now. We have been inside the other side for just a few hours. Fifteen years had passed since then. Does it mean that the werewolves forgot about Marius? I hope that's the case but it seems like we need to prepare ourselves.

"Who's the handsome lad? He looks like the count but he's not the same. Did you remarry?" Earl asks while looking intently at Marius.

"Of course, not! He's my son, Marius. We just came back from the other side." I introduced him and told him about our ordeal.

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