
Chapter-35: Fuchsia city

3rd POV

Kenta and Erika have approached Fuchsia city while running. Kenta is used to running and he is quite comfortable despite his sweat...Erika on the other hand is not quite used to it.

"*Pant* *Huff* Why do you have to run this fast? " Erika complained to Kenta.

"Early morning jogs are good for your health....you know. And sometimes you have to react quickly...It's a training program for you. " Kenta told her a sweet story he made.

"Sounds like a bunch of false rumors you have made up as you did in the previous town " Erika pointed out.

"You have a brain...Quite surprising " Kenta told her.

"HEY! What's that supposed to be mean " Erika complained.

"Nothing, it just means that you are a smart and dependable woman, Erika. I just adore you so much " Kenta told her with a blank face.

"O-Oh T-Thank you, my g-goodness...I a-am blushing " Erika told Kenta while holding her deep red shaded cheeks while turning her face away shyly.

"[Rip Logic]" Pikachu quoted.

"You are 'Miss'ing the point here, Miss, " Kenta told Erika.

"[OH MY GOD, that deserves a oscar....That pun is really timed well... ]" Pikachu is fanboying.

"[Certainly our master actually managed to beat pikachu in puns, and that's quite an achievement itself ] " Charmeleon quoted.

"[I like the interactions between Miss Erika and our Master Kenta...They are quite funny to be honest ] " Dragonair replied to them.

"[Everything is good if our master is in it ] " Pidgeotto replied while prasing her master.

"Okay, everyone we should head to the pokemon centre and restore our stamina and head to the gym....So prepare yourself " Kenta told them.

Everyone nodded and they headed towards the pokemon centre and restored their energy for the upcoming important gym battle.

Kenta and Erika has finished their meals and they have went towards the gym in the afternoon while they took their respective pokemon with them.

"So what should I do here " Erika questioned Kenta.

"Be my cheergirl and just be quiet " Kenta told her.

"W-What? " Erika replied embrassed while covering her mouth with her arm....shocked by his statement.

"[Cheergirls aren't supposed to be quiet]" Beedrill replied.

The Fuchsia Gym is baseed on an old fashioned Japanese mansion. Located in a forest outside of Fuchsia city itself, the gym is filled with booby traps, including invisble walls, turning and collapsing walls, a slanted room, and a horde of explosive Voltorb. Battles take place either inside the mansion or in the courtyard outside.

Kenta has dodged the traps with little to no effort on his part.....As an aura user, he can detect the traps quite easily and dodge them without any trouble....

On the other Erika has strugglled a lot to avoid the traps. They have managed to tear her clothes and managed rip her yukata a bit, exposing her skin and sensitive areas a bit.

"I have told you to be a cheergirl but....I didn't expect you to give me such fanservice....Cover you body while we are at public places. " Kenta told her.

"D-Don't look at m-me. Turn a-away " Erika tried to cover her exposed clevage and and her her exposed underwear.

"Too bad....Red is quite a good match for you.....To be honest there is nothing quite for you to cover expect the red underwear of yours " Kenta told her without any tact.

"Y-YOU.....Don't you have any d-decency.....starting at women's garnments... " Erika accused Kenta.

"You are the one who is exposing herself....Would it have killed you to wear some more resistant clothes....What should I assume to do then " Kenta told her.

" I am strangely getting deja vu vibes here. something is telling me It's not the first time I have seen a woman getting naked in front of me " Kenta mumbled.

They have become calm after the heated argument and Erika finally covered herself using a coat.

"I guess we are finally here after all " Kenta said .

" Show yourself" Kenta pointed to Aya who he has detected using his aura. Aya is quite surprised by how quick Kenta figured her out and she came out from the shadows.

"Huh...you might have figured me out....but I will not make this easy for you, challanger " Aya told to Kenta while throwing some ninja stars in his direction.

Kenta has evaded the stars with ease but the stars have trapped Erika towards the wall.

"Why does it always happen to me " Erika cried.

" Why did you trap her when I was your opponent." Kenta asked Aya.

"O-Oh it w-was to confuse you....n-nothing more. Haha " she replied while trying to change the topic.

"[Sus]" Pikachu replied with suspicion on her statement.

"I am here for a gym battle. So tell me where Koga is and I might spare you.... " Kenta replied to her intimidating her.

" I am t-threatened by y-your methods. I w-will hold on m-my ninja way....You have to b-battle with me in order to see my b-brother " Aya told him.

" Fine then...Have it your way " Kenta replied.

" Go Venonat " Aya spinned in a circular fashion and threw a pokeball on the ground revealing a Venonat.

" Go charmeleon " Kenta replied.

"[The match is set the moment Charmeleon is selected. Only spore types moves can possibly stop charmeleon now.] " Seadra replied while spitting venomous saliva.

" Charmeleon use Flamethrower " Kenta replied to charmeleon.

" Venonat use psybeam " Aya replied.

Both moves hit the opposing Pokemon respectively but.... Flamethrower completely burned the Venonat...while psybeam on the other made Charmeleon a little dizzy and off guard.

" Venonat...Keep hold of yourself " Aya cried in despair.

Aya looks like she is ready to cry.

"[We are making little girls cry....To be fair it's not new for us ] " Pikachu commented.

"[Crybaby little girls exist to be bullied by strong people who are the fittest species ] " Pidgeotto replied with a proud grin.

" Charmeleon finish this with another flamethrower " Kenta told charmeleon.

"[This fight is one of the boring fights in Pokemon history]" Pikachu claimed.

"[There is a never a Pokemon contest there....There is no way a Venonat can beat Charmeleon even if it uses leech seed ] " Seadra told them.

"[Bugger....Fire burns Grass. ] " Pikachu commented.

" Venonat dodge. " Aya desperately told Venonat to Dodge.

But Venonat who is recovering from flamethrower failed to moved a inch and got caught in the second flamethrower and finally barely managed to stay alive....and it fainted.

" Venonat *Sniff*....y-you are just c-cruel *Sob*" Aya started crying.

" Don't be sad....Kenta is cruel to everyone " Erika tried to reassure aya.

" Is this is the best you can come up with? " Kenta scoffed her.

" Kenta.... could you please stop irritating people for a second " Erika told Kenta.

" It's not my fault they choose to be irritated...They will be irritated even if I didn't intervene " Kenta told her...


" I Guess it's time I should come up " A voice suddenly said.

Suddenly a fog of mis surrounds the area and Koga came out from a log and he finally entered with his hand on the ground...

"[Ninja style...Ninja technique....Ninjustu ] " Pikachu on the other hand is speaking a different language.

"[Help....Pikachu has gone mad... ] " Dragonair replied.


" You have to pay for.....what you did to Aya " Koga replied with a serious expression.

" I did what exactly? " Kenta asked him.


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