
Chapter -29 :The heist

3rd POV

"Alright team let's do it, " Kenta told his pokemon

"[How are we supposed to avoid team rocket if they figure us out. And one it's member escapes and warns others about us]"Charmander said to Kenta with worry in his eyes

"I have a plan that can possibly fool the team rocket. " Kenta said.

Kenta couldn't purchase a disguise in the mall as they will have Kenta's id in the register.

Kenta pulled out the mask and dress he bought from the system and began to change his dress inside his personal changing room.

After a few seconds, a person with a mask and different hair color came out from the dressing room.

"Tadada .How do I look? " Kenta asked, changing his character.

"[ Who are you and what have you done to our master ]"Pidgeotto replied.

"[Where is our master ]" Charmeleon replied

"[Guys I think it's our master with a disguise. ]"Pikachu replied with wide eyes

"[We are just joking ]" Charmeleon and pidgeotto replied

"Greeting and salutations folks. My name is Mikado sannonji I am the ultimate wizard. I swear by the honor as the ultimate wizard that I hope to get along with you " Kenta said, cringing at his own words.

"[Mikado. Who? ]"Pikachu said, confused that someone is more clingy than him.

"My name in this disguise is Mikado Sannoji and I am the greatest wizard. I am sticking to my other identity as the mysterious trainer ."Kenta replied

"[Mysterious trainer. More like Mysterious cringy trainer .]"Pikachu replied

"[He is not as cringy as pidgeotto ]"Charmeleon replied

"[And he is like a British Nobleman ]"Pidgeotto replied

"[He looked like someone who kidnaps 16 people and traps them on an island ]"Dratini replied

"[Or someone who is a scientist but is killed by himself ]"Beedrill replied

"[Maybe someone who is unaware of what he does ]" Seadra replied

"I am so depressed that you all think of me in this way. " Kenta replied.

"Time to get serious. "Kenta said.

Kenta co-headed the game corner and entered it via the back door.Kenta Broke into the game corner and searched for any suspicious posters and doormats.

Luckily they have found one and activated it.

It opened up the stairway that leads to a basement. They headed towards it and found themselves inside the Team rocket's base.

"Who a-" A team rocket guard tried to yell

But he is grabbed by Kenta who quickly disposes of him while the system absorbed him

"The system is giving me deja-vu " Kenta muttered

Kenta activated his aura and checked for any living beings. He found 67 people inside the base

Kenta released his pokemon out of their pokeballs.

"Stick close to each other. And don't split. We move together. There are too many people to end this quietly. Attack the alerted guards."Kenta said to his pokemon

"Follow me. " Kenta said.

"[Feels like I am playing a hitman: live edition game]"Pikachu replied, releasing his inner game.

"[Master I think you shouldn't have introduced Pikachu to games and memes ]" Charmeleon replied.

"How we behave doesn't matter as long as we achieve our goals. And be quiet " Kenta told them

Kenta checked for any humans nearby.

He found nine people coming towards him in a three-way path with him in the middle.

"Charmeleon burns the people on the left side with Flamethrower"

"Seadra throws water on the right side with a bubble beam. And Pikachu releases a thunderbolt to the wet people who are hit by seadra water "

"Dratinti uses a thunder wave on the people that come straight ahead. We will capture them " Kenta said

He can't just capture every one of them. He picks up capturable targets according to their usefulness to him. And then he brainwashes them if he can capture a psychic pokemon

"[Should we have to kill them ]" Seadra replied

"Yes, we have to. They won't hesitate to kill humans or pokemon that oppose them. This is not an anime. I have seen them do it in my childhood " Kenta replied with confidence.

He saw how team rocket members killed a pokemon in a pallet forest when he was a child .And how he found a sliced arbok on that day.

He didn't like seeing the pokemon he loved as a child being sliced like that. Arbok is not his favorite pokemon but he didn't want arbok to be in that state. In his opinion, every pokemon is useful but seeing the lifeless arbok made him sad.

"maybe if we do this we won't be any different from team rocket. But someone has to do something . Just because I am sad doesn't mean I am soft " Kenta said

"There is nothing heroic in my actions. I am doing what would be beneficial to my goals "Kenta declared

"[What if people find us and hate us for what we do ]"Seadra replied

"People don't need to like us for what we are. They need to respect our strength and they should fear us enough to not mess with us and our allies. It's the only thing that matters " Kenta told his pokemon

In the end, all people can do is throw mere words and insults at him. Kenta will not care about the people who can't achieve it by actions.

Everyone can speak about honesty and morals and how an ideal government should be. But when it comes to doing them they don't even attempt it.

"How disappointing that I committed mistakes in my initial journey. But fret not I will not repeat them " Kenta declared.

Sometimes we don't do things properly but we can still change instead of being disappointed by them.

Kenta acted like a typical teenager in his initial journey not acting somewhat mature compared to his past choices

Most people who criticize others are the kind of people who don't know how to properly tie their shoelaces.

Charmander completely burned off three-team rockets members leaving their ashes.Due to seadra's bubble beam and Pikachu's thunderbolt on the wet team rockets members, caused a high voltage passed through them which sends them to their afterlife

Kenta stored the 3 paralyzed team rocket members inside the system . Even a bike can fit in the pokemon world bags. A system can even store an airplane.

After that Kenta and his pokemon cleaned the area .

"Now that we cleared the area .Let's initiate the plan . " Kenta said looking at the power outlet

"Pikachu uses a thunderbolt to cause a power surge ."

"[It's a brilliant plan , It will not cause too much suspicion and they think it's due to overvoltage ]" Pikachu said

Kenta begins to activate his aura to check his surroundings

"[But what if they have backup ]" Dratini asked.

Kenta began to speak after getting results from his aura

"It's night . They are not able to activate the generator in time. I have checked now that there is no life inside the generator room now using aura" Kenta said

"[Wait.So this is the reason for us to do this at night.This is a good plan ]"Charmeleon replied

"[So that's why you are posing in a weird fashion and style .]"pidgeotto said

"[But how can we see then ]"beedrill replied

"Night vision goggles .Put them on . I have each for each type of pokemon "kenta said

Kenta gave everyone night vision goggles .

"I have set the vision for it . White means allies and red means enemies" Kenta told them

Pikachu has overloaded the circuit, disabling the lights in the base .Completly removing all light sources in the area .

Now they have no choice but to use candles or torch lights .But still, they suffer from poor hand-to-eye coordination and visibility due to lack of tube lights .

"Now it will be easy to clear the entire guards inside the facility. Now go and kill every red one in the goggles . And send SoS signals if you are in trouble " Kenta commanded them

After his pokemon has split into three groups to hunt team rocket members. Kenta is currently looking for the project new two.

The night vision goggles clearly make this heist easier .

To find a science lab Kenta has to follow the signs inside the base . He needs to be careful inside the lab as there may be some chemical compounds that are flammable.

After some searching, Kenta found his way to the science lab.

There seem to be three scientists working in the lab. Trying to find themselves with the help of torch lights.

Kenta threw a rock in the opposite direction of the scientist . Making them turn their heads.

Before they could turn back they are met with Kenta disabling a scientist.

"Don't move or you will share the same fate "Kenta told them and ripped the scientist's head off from his body .

Even without Aura . Kenta's physical build is strong enough to be comparable to that of a godfather of the mafia.

"It has been a while since I have destroyed such a useful and intelligent man's life ."

"Now, I don't want intelligent minds like you to end up like him. Show me your research papers ."

"Will you give it to me or shall I take it from you. I suggest to make a wise choice "Kenta declared

A/n : kenta is ruthless isn't he . It might end up bad or good .But it had great potential

Comment please .No one is commenting in the story .Even after 1.2 k collections .What is the meaning of this .

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts
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