
Saber Alter VS Heracles

Saber Alter swung her right blade down with embued prana, Heracles this time met her blade head on creating a large explosion that shattered the pavement and created a massive crater.

The pale blond Fallen Knight grinned after feeling the opposition power.

"Truly son of Zeus! To counter my Prana Burst with such ease! I might finally get a decent battle!" Saber Alter grinned as she backflipped and rushed back in with even more power, her new fighting style of using two swords improved considerably over past years.

The darkened Artoria has completely discarded any concept of restrain after being revived, not only she has her fully functioning Dragon Core but, her Master buffs her up to realms above any Servant.

And yet, this Berserker can counter her with his raw Strength alone.

'Irisviel daughter increased the Madness Enchantment to level beyond regular did she?'

The weapons clashed but neighter of them got pushed.

Berseker released even more steam from his nose as he tried very hard to push Artoria back. but, the darkened Saber didn't move even an inch, she was like a tree with deep roots.

Even with all that power in exchange for rational thinking is no match for her power!

After all, she was only using one hand!

The very next second another swing came from another sword empowered by black miasma.

Berserker quickly reacted and disengaged with a backflip of his own.

Sabre followed him with Prana Burst which came like second nature to her.


"God… how can she emit this much Prana?" Rin said as her eyes were twitching from disbelieve.

"Dragon Core, she is called the Red Dragon for reason," Morgan said while walking over to her side.

"As she is not a regular Servant she is not limited to restrictions of a vessel created by Grail." She explained to Tohsaka girl.

"Wait, you said 'Regular Servant'? She still is a Servant?" Tohsaka said with a shocked look.

"She is, what is considered Servant brought back to life, her container at this point is real flesh." The pale blond witch explained as she looked at her little sister who was fighting against the greatest Hero of the Greek world.

"So, she has powers of Servant and perks of living person…" Tohsaka said with realisation.

"That is not all, she still has the support of my husband," Morgan said that with a smirk as Tohsaka realised what that means…

Support from True Sorcerer…

The Einzbern Master has no way of winning this… no matter what she tries to do.

"Why you… are even intervening in Grail War in the first place?" Tohsaka Rin asked, by this point Shiro and Blue Saber got slightly closer to hear what Morgan has to say as for Ren… by this point, he was enjoying the landscape-altering battle.

"Don't ask me, it was all my husband's idea, I was enjoying watching TV when Kaleidoscope activated and pulled me in." The pale blond witch said with an amused chuckle when she remembered what she was watching.

"You… telling me that the infamous witch...Morgan…" The Fairy Queen put her finger on Rin's lips stopping her from talking.

"Don't confuse me with King of Knights half-sister." The witch said with a super serious voice making Rin gulp down from instinctual fear

"I am not from regular history, I am my husband's original Servant, do you believe someone who can cause miracles will summon a regular Servant?" Morgan asked with a smirk.

Tohsaka Rin being the smart girl she is, quickly put together the myths she knows about Morgan, the more absurd ones… which describe her as being a Queen Fairies...

"...T-Then you are an elemental being… a Fairy Queen!?" Rin said with wide eyes.

For second Morgan eyes glowed blue and Rin realised how small she was.

'If such being is walking among regular humans then it means…*gulp* end of one Age and begin of new one!' 

While Tohsaka girl is getting close to having a mental breakdown, with this realisation Blue Saber understood why the other version of her turned into that.

She remembered how Saber Alter told to Cu Chulainn that her old ideals were beaten out of her…

That means that King of Knights fought Morgan and very, very badly lost to her…

"Indeed, my resurrection from Servant vessel was slightly different than my little sister one, I as being of Gaia I got my authority back AND I can use perks of Servant." She smirked saying that, unlike her baby sister her perks are better than hers.

She still possess her Noble Phantasm sort of... unlike the regular one her Noble Phantasm is evolving as it was crystallisation of her desire to reach Camelot, now that desire is gone, it represented her stagnation and inability to forget long gone grudge.

Thus new one started to form, she can't use it yet, but it's coming along… hopefully she will be able to use it soon for now she will use her Rhongomyniad, not that she used Lordless Camelot much, there is barely any beings capable of opposing her Rhongomyniad not to mention Lordless Camelot…

While Morgan was thinking about her Noble Phantasm, Rin Tohsaka was pale like paper, as she realised what kind of being was standing next to her!

'A Fairy Queen stuffed into Servant!? What madness is this? Why there can't be a regular Servant around here!? Like Saber for example! King of Knights! It's enough!' Rin ranted internally in her mind, thank whatever Deity there is that this Sorcerer is not a Master of this war!

She thought about this for a second time in the past few hours!!!

"Then… do you know why your Husband decided to come to this war? I mean if it's annoying your Majesty you don't need to answer that!" Rin said that realising that this woman next to her is real freaking Fairy Queen, Rin tried to sound formal as possible.

"Fufufu, only now you realised my status? You humans are slow, well expect my Husband, not that he is regular human from birth, to begin with." Morgan more or less said that to herself.

"Don't worry little Rin, I know you from our original timeline, your father works under my husband. so, I saw you several times already." 

Tohsaka Rin eyes widened, she instantly got somewhat jealous of her counterpart, not only her father is alive and well, but she probably got some chance to learn some things from Fairy Queen level being!

"Then again if it was me before the Fourth War, you would be already dead." 

Morgan words made Rin shocked face morph into that of fear.

The witch giggled in amusement for a second, she does love seeing such expression on humans.

"Even if you that you are different you still are Morgan." Blue Saber came to the rescue after seeing how the Fairy Queen was toying with the girl.

"Oh, I do miss my heroic baby sister." The pale blond witch used more modern slang, as someone who watches television regularly now, she picks up new interesting words to add to her vocabulary. 

The Saber of Fifth War gnashed her teeth after hearing that, while Rin Tohsaka realised that this was the legendary clash between The King and The Witch.

It was recorded in myths telling how King Arthur would never find even ground with her older sister Morgan le Fay…

Now however it looked more like a family squabble between two sisters…

"Don't look like that at me, I have not done any of the things you experienced in your past, I am fundamentally different, while your real half-sister plotted all those schemes, what I did in my timeline I studied magic, grew in power so strong that I became akin to a Divine Spirit, and then I took my Throne and ruled Britain for two thousand years." The Fairy Queen leaned forward to Blue Saber eye level and told all that.

"I ruled longer than you ever did. So, don't give that noble look," Morgan said with a smirk as she returned to look back at the battle as Saber Alter started to overpower Berserk with even more power.

"Ho, the warm-up is over…" The pale blond witch said that as the darkened Artoria was swinging Excaliburs with dark miasma, the swords looked like they are two metres long and Berserker got chopped up badly…


The Fallen Knight released two Excalibur Blast in X shape! The Blue Saber gulped down after seeing that, how in world did the darker version of her was able to shot Excalibur Blast with one hand!?

While the rest could not believe the amount of destruction caused by this battle! The small forest was completely wiped out, with the cemetery and all that was gone…

"Berserker!!! This is Impossible!!! We are leaving!!!" The little girl said with disbelief which turned into anger after seeing that blast wiping out nearly all of Berserker lives!

"You think you can just leave little Einzbern?" Ren asked her. The little girl is quite arrogant.

She stiffed when she saw the Sorcerer just pop out of nowhere.

The little Einzbern looked at her Berserker who was regenerating after barely surviving the blast from two Excaliburs and then to the Magus which appeared next to her.

She quickly glowed.

Ren eyes widened for a second after seeing that her whole body is a massive command seal! 

"Berserker recover! And take me away!" She quickly used one of her seals to recover her Servant, then the massive Berserker appeared next to her and then took her away with supernatural speed.

Moments later Saber Alter walked over to her Master.

"My apologies Master, I didn't finished off Berserker," Artoria said while lowering her head, she was disappointed in herself for not finishing her work.

"No worries, you still took most of Berserker's lives, nonetheless his God Hand is powerful Noble Phantasm."

Saber nodded after hearing that, she cancelled her armour wearing her suit once again she then leaned on her Master hand behaving like a puppy who did something wrong.

Ren affectionately patted her head, his Fallen Knight is such a cute thing when she wants to be one.

Seeing that battle was over they returned to others.

"Berserker survived it seems his Twelve Labour based Noble Phantasm is quite powerful." The Sorcerer said more or less to his wife who saw how Saber Alter was behaving.

"Well, he is the son of that scrap metal God, I except nothing less." She said with a sigh, no matter what she still gets reminded about Atlantian Gods existence.

"Scrap metal? How it's related to Heracles?" Rin asked with one hell confused look.

"The so-called Gods of Atlantis are alien machines from outer space," Morgan said with a straight face which made Rin looked baffled, to say the least.

"They crash-landed here around 14 thousand years ago, for over two thousand years they ruled humanity creating an advanced civilisation, the machines gave the technology and in turn they got worshipped by humans turning them into divine spirits." Ren this time explained as Morgan would usually get biased and usually tell how she blew up their stuff with Rhongomyniad…

"What happened then?" The girl quickly got interested in such a fascinating revelation.

"Sefar, the White Titan, the very same being who ended Age of Gods, it destroyed most of Earth's Gods physical bodies, if not for Excalibur creation Earth would have lost all of the life forms." He said that while pointing at the invisible sword held by Blue Saber.

"...You telling that Sword has that much power?" Rin said while looking at Blue Saber's invisible sword.

"Its power is to amplify, I tried to use it as Broken Noble Phantasm… if not for the fact that It was in Root, where physics are all over the place, its destructive power is much, much bigger than anything I have seen so far." Ren said with a casual shrug.

That moment Archer who was in spirit form the whole time flinched remembering how it happened with him in the very centre!!!

The blast was so powerful that it took Alaya several days to reform him!

He was obliterated, and according to Alaya if that blast was on the planet surface it would have caused a cataclysm and probably would end up humanity as they know it! As it was Excalibur Morgan which releases curses and not regular Excalibur which cause the explosion…

Archer can't believe how the Sorcerer is downplaying the explosion of Excalibur Morgan!

While Morgan and Saber Alter looked at Ren with a somewhat baffled look as they never heard this story before!

The other people especially Blue Saber and Rin looked at Ren as if he was some monster who blows up Divine Contructs to see how it looks like!!!


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