
Chapter 2 - New Genesis [Rewrite]


{-- Bird Nest: Garden: Nursery 2: Incubation Chambers --}

Inside a restricted part of the Garden, hundreds of babies were floating in the greenish-blue liquid in cylindrical incubation structures. Each of them had several IV drips connected to their body and had breathing equipment placed over their face in case of emergency or unexpected events.

Just by the Incubation chamber, there was a room attached to it. Both of the rooms were separated by a transparent glass wall.

On the other side of the glass wall, tens of doctors were making adjustments, checking for mistakes, or equipment in the Incubation Chamber was operating perfectly fine.

While in the Incubation room, a few thousand or so incubators were formed separating, indicating the special cases.

What made them unique was that, unlike the normal babies in the chamber, these special babies actually had various different skin and a certain part of their forehead was glowing with colors, making most of them unique compared to each other.

Just as the doctors were working, a red warning window opened on the holographic window in front of a doctor.

As soon as the red indicator flashed on the screen, all the doctors and scientists ceased whatever they were doing as a chill went down their spine and smiles started to form on their faces in excitement as they stared at the data of one certain experiment. 

Even with all the excitement, there was a lingering silence as all of them looked at the screen.


Coming out of the state of shock of excitement, a middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair and dark yellow eyes instantly instructed all his fellow doctors, "What are you guys doing? Quick! Go and call the doctor FRANXX! This is an important event! Go Go Go!!"

As soon as the other people in the room heard his command, a few of the security guards on standby in the room instantly flinched and instantly used their comms to send out the important message.

They instantly slid their hand over a band on their wrist as a holographic screen opened and they quickly started to communicate to the headquarters and inform Doctor Franxx about the important news.

While on the other hand, the doctors started to panic and started to stabilize the condition of the incubator from which the brain waves were detected.

The reason they were panicking was that they were not expecting one of their experiments to awaken so early on. Unlike the usual 9 months of incubation, this one was able to function its mind and body within just 7 and a half months! Which was in fact a huge thing for them!

'This is a groundbreaking discovery!'

The main reason the doctors were panicking was that the baby which started to have a functioning body was one of the special ones. These special babies with horns were actually created by Dr. FRANXX out of the Klaxosaur Princess's DNA.

Klaxosaur Queen, also known by Code 001 is a blue-skinned humanoid Klaxosaur with long flowing sky blue-white hair and prominent blue eyes with glowing blue pupils. Also known as Klaxosaur Princess, a term coined by Dr. Werner FranXX the leading scientist working on the cloning project.

It was unknown to them if she was truly the sole survivor or not, because of almost no knowledge and information regarding the Klaxosaur civilization. But one thing was sure.

As a sole survivor of her species, 001 had a lot of abilities, which also included the ability to command Klaxosaurs, a biological weapon created by the Klaxo Sapiens using their own flesh and mechanical structures.

On the other hand, the special babies that were incubated in the experiment lab were actually created with the help of Dr. Franxx, who once almost lost his life to get a sample of the Queen's DNA.

During this event, Dr. Franxx also lost his right arm to successfully get a handful of the Queen's Hair to form her clones. But due to certain reasons, almost all of these babies die by the time they reach 7 months time.

By this time, out of the thousands of babies, only 20 or so were still surviving, showing how had it been for a baby to survive in the incubator. So, when one of them showed signs of brain waves and biological movements, this was a sign of great significance for them.


After a short while, an older man sporting greyish-brown hair and a mustache entered the laboratory. His face was showing an excited face as he quickly walked up to the room in a hurry.

He was wearing a white coat along with white gloves. His thumb finger, index finger, and middle finger of his right hand were made out of mechanical parts. Some organic part of his right hand was glowing with blue veins due to containing 001's DNA.

The man was none other than Werner Frank, better known as Dr. FRANXX. He is the leading scientist who contributed a huge portion to the success of the advancement of humanity as a whole.

As a scientist, he contributed an enormous amount to the creation of the FRANXX, armored mechas that have control systems created by Dr. FRANXX to combat Klaxosaurs, usually piloted by children in boy-girl pairs. Those who can pilot FRANXX are called Parasites.

He was also a member of APE and was also responsible for the construction and management of FRANXX.

As soon as he entered the room, almost all the doctors and scientists left their work and paid respect to him. Nodding to all of them in excitement, Franxx asked, "What is the code of the experiment? What is the status of the experiment!? Show me the result!"

With excitement, the same doctor, who commanded the others in the room replied, "Dr. Franxx, the incubator 2027 is showing the sign of brain waves and there is a high chance of it growing up and becoming a success! This experiment is showing signs of brain waves and body movements! This means that we are 90% certain that they will survive!"

With a smile hanging on his face, Franxx nodded at the blonde doctor in front. "Good work, Walter. With this, we will be taking our first step to reaching the peak of evolution!"

With a smile on his face, Walter, the blonde doctor smiled and replied, "Hn."

Just as they were talking, a doctor with brown hair and eyes with glasses walked over to them. "Pardon my intrusion, Dr. Franxx, and Dr. Walter, but these are the data of the specific experiment."

"I See. Good Work." 

Taking the papers from the doctor's hand, Franxx gave them a glace. But as soon as he read through them, his eyebrows raised. According to the data, the baby is showing signs of male genital growth.

'So it's a boy, hmm...'

This news was also of great importance as they were certain that there was also another female child experiment in the experiment area which was also showing signs of growth, which they can use to their advantage to produce a natural child, born through reproduction between the two babies.



Walking through the secured holographic door, Franxx, Walter, and some other doctors walked toward the successful experiments.

Walking through the rows of hundreds of incubators, they finally reached the specific chamber where the baby was floating.

Looking at the babies floating in the incubator in front of him, Franxx felt an enormous amount of excitement, especially when there was such good news of it being successfully born by 90%. Placing his hand on the glass surface, Franxx finally felt a warm feeling.

It was a known yet unknown feeling for him. Placing his other hand over his heart, he felt a warm feeling throughout his body. Lowering his head, as if hiding his expressions, Franxx moved his eyes toward the baby.

The baby had pure white skin with albino-like features. It was floating in the nutritious liquid not knowing how much impact it had on him.

Looking at him floating in the greenish-blue fluid, an unknown light flashed through his eyes. As soon as he touched the glass wall, a small holographic scanner passed over the body of Franxx, to verify the identity of Franxx, checking if he was the one with enough authority.

As soon as the scan was completed, a holographic window opened up in front of Franxx, showing the latest status of the baby.


~(-- 2 months later --)~


Endless darkness.

The only thing that he was perceiving.

During this time, Ryo started to feel his body after a few hours time but due to some reasons, he wasn't able to open his eyes yet, making his assumption of being re-born instead of being reincarnated to be true.

He was feeling the viscous liquid around him, making him think that he was in the womb, not knowing what was about to hit him.

Due to being bored, Ryo started to move his body at regular intervals to get a hold of his muscles. It was a miracle that he was able to move let alone train himself.

His training, although only consisted of moving a very small portion of his body like lips or fingers at starting was now moving legs and hands.

He didn't know how long it had been, but from his estimation, he felt that it had been several hours or so since he was floating in the viscous liquid that day.

He didn't know what and how many days it had been, as whenever he tried remembering or counting time or days, he felt his brain go overloaded as he fell asleep unknowingly for the most part. Making it hard for him to have proper thoughts.

Just like usual, he was doing his regular muscle movement when suddenly an intense pain fell upon his body, it was as if hundreds of needles were piercing him all over his body.

His mind went blind for a second as soon as Ryo started to twitch like a fish out of water.

'Ahh! What!! What happened!? Why am I feeling so much pain!?'

Ryo could barely make up his thoughts as his body adapted to the pain after a few tens of minutes. From his experience, he knew that this feeling of pain was from the expansion of the lungs and the muscles surrounding that organ.

Just as he was allowed to relax a little, a window suddenly popped in front of him, scaring him and making him groan in pain due to tightening his muscles.

[Warning! Warning! The host's body has been developed at the peak of its condition of the tutorial period and the system has decided that the curse that was blocked temporarily will now be unblocked.]

[Congratulations! You will be able to open your eyes soon.]

[Congratulations! Due to changing a significant course of history, you gained 1,000 UP!]

'There was a tutorial stage? The system didn't notify me. I tried to discover every single function of it, but I didn't find anything... The only problem is that I still haven't figured out if it is really capable of its own thoughts or not. Well, anyway, it looks like the time is up... Ugh...'


~( -- Ryo's POV --)~

With deep pain, I opened my eyes, only to find tens of doctors examining me, making me almost flinch, as I estimated all the probabilities of what situation I could be in.

'Am I in the 'The BOYS' universe? No, the technology is too advanced like the holograph on my resting tube... But I can't see too far away stuff so I can't say for sure which universe I am in... Wait...'

With the previous pain, the current situation made me shocked and scared. As tens of bubbles from my breathing blocked my sight, I knew for sure what would become of me.

I've already seen and experienced how those bastards will skin you to your core until they know everything about you. Furthermore, I've seen videos of them gutting a baby alive to find the reason for their mutation in my previous life, to discover the effect of the mutation on infants.

When I first got access to those videos, during my stay in Training Camps, I used to be a 14-year-old naive boy, causing me to have nightmares for several months. Now it was nothing new to him.

'Wait... Is this an original or unknown world?'

'Shit! Why am I re-born in such a situation!? Act as a baby, Ryo. Wait... that doctor looks familiar... isn't he... Franxx...'

I was sure that my mind was not only clouded by shock but it was also affected by some sort of instinctual anger and the curse amplified it. But suddenly, darkness slowly clouded my vision due to the pain I was feeling and the situation added more salt to my wound.

Imagine being blown into chunks of flesh, meeting someone who can decide your fate, and then opening my eyes to psycho doctors. The series of events is enough to make anyone faint.

Especially with the curse, which increased this shock to multiply several times.


~(-- 3rd POV --)~

Looking excited at the 2027th Incubator, Franxx and the other doctors felt excited.

"Reduce the amount of compound AR-101."

"Roger, Dr. Franxx."

With a flash of excitement in his eyes, Franxx observed the baby intensely as the compound AR101, which induces a sleeping effect in the experiments, was slowly reduced and removed.

As all this was going on, Franxx thought, 'The experiment 2101 with female genetics was perfectly fine. Let's hope nothing happens with this experiment... Wait... I should also name them... Since experiment 2101 is in better condition I will just designate it Code 002 while this one will be...'

They could have experimented on the 2101st experiment, but due to some problems during artificial reproduction, the nerves of the baby 2027 were a bit off, so the chances of him surviving the birth were lower compared to the 2101 baby.

From the statistics, it was noticed that his brain waves were more in intensity compared to the 2101st Baby, and he was developing faster compared to the other one.


As soon as the 2027th experiment opened his body and looked at the surroundings, Franxx and the others saw that it started to twitch frequently as his biological and brain waves started to exceed the normal level, making all of them panic in their heart.

'Was it too early!? No! His body was already developed to its peak and he was instead more healthy and developed compared to his siblings! So is it because of the nerve abnormality?'

With a hardened face, Franxx watched as the experiment fainted due to an unknown reason, but one thing that he noticed was that in the beginning, he was only twitching lightly, but as soon as he saw them, he started to twitch intensively.

'It was as if the baby was scared of us.'

He found it abnormal, but in the end, he dismissed the idea. It was stupid... or something terrifying...

'Wait... the 001 was able to control the other Klaxosaurs... Does that mean that 001 is trying to kill the clone we have created? But that is not possible...'

'From the data, 001 can give them simple commands and not control other Klaxosaurs biologically. Can she control the cloned babies? This needs more observation and research.'

"D-Doctor Franxx, although the experiment 2027 has fainted due to an unknown reason, his mind and body are perfectly fine. From our statistics, it seems that due to some problems during his growth from the embryo, his brain waves are fluctuating and it seems as if his 5 senses are enhanced and his emotions fluctuate very frequently."

"It can be said that experiment 2027 was a success, the minor genetic problem made it a bit inconvenient for further experiments. It is advisable to start further experiments after a short break of a year or so.'

'This will be enough for #2027 to grow to a stage where further experiments can be performed with lower chances of death of #2027."

Coming out of his deep thoughts, Franxx looked over to Walter who just informed him about #2027's statistics, and ordered calmly, "Clear up all the failed experiments and set up another batch of experiments with the cells of 2101 and 2027."

"With their current cells and DNA-s collected with proper pieces of equipment, there are higher chances of production of new results. Also, from now on, 2101 will be called Code 002, and 2027 will be called Code 003."

"Send me the data of 003. From his embryo formation to his current biological state. I want to know the reason for how such a mistake happened. If he was born without the nerve deformity, we would have achieved much better data and results."

"Also, transfer 003 to a new separate Labs. Increase the nutrition provided to him by a slightly higher level. He will be the first test and observation experiment for taking care of the future 001 Clones."

With a mixture of emotions, Walter and other doctors nodded. Although they were happy that the experiment was fine, the news of a genetic problem with experiment 2027... no Code 003 poured water over their excitement.

With that, Franxx calmly walked out of the Incubation chamber. On his way, he saw a tree that was about to bloom inside a newly formed chamber for the future children who would be born through incubators.

An unknown feeling formed in Franxx's eyes as his feelings were telling him that this was the start of something. Something that will change the world. A future that will bring massive changes to the world.


Waking up again, Ryo looked confused as he felt the previous viscous liquid becoming more thicker.

A new wave of pain caused him to twitch in pain, thankfully, the pain was less compared to how painful he felt previously. But with the feeling of pain and fear, an unknown feeling of anger was boiling inside himself when he was looking at the doctors working in front of him, only separated by a glass window.

Just then he remembered what he saw before fainting, but after a bit of being scared and feeling anger and feeling an urge to destroy and kill everyone he was looking at, an unknown wave of calmness washed over his brain.

With the new calmness, he observed how the doctors were looking at him with smiles on their faces.

What made him feel excited was how the whole sight looked as if it was animated! Just like anime, he saw doctors work on machines and collect data.

It went on for quite some time when he observed how they were using the advanced technologies which were tens of years ahead even of his previous world.

Using Holographic doors, using holographic keyboards to type stuff, using liquid-like material for lunch etc, etc. It was astonishing to see them being so advanced.

Thankfully, unlike the previous place where he was in incubators with a lot of beeps and boops of various machines, in the current room, he was currently in a silent room. The only source of notice was his breathing which caused bubbles to form through the breathing mask he was wearing.

Just then he remembered one of his perks, [Brave], which makes him calm in dangerous situations.

With a fit of anger, he mentally asked his system, 'System, why didn't my [Brave] perk not work before I fainted previously?'


[Host, from the situation, if the host didn't faint, the host's abnormality might have been pointed out by others. Furthermore, the system has already calculated that the Host would have been more satisfied if the host had fainted compared to the host not fainting.]

'I see. You are just trying to save yourself, aren't you?'

[Host does not have enough authority to gain an answer for this question.]

A small mental smirk formed over his face as he pointed, 'Hah. Anyway, say what would happen to you, the System if I die?'

[Host does not have enough authority to gain an answer for this question.]

Looking at the purple screen, Ryo mentally noted the abnormality and asked, 'Then when will I have enough authority?'

[Host needs to have at least Rank E+ in any of the stats to open the basics of information from the system. It would be advisable for to host to focus more on the current situation.]

Nodding in confusion, Ryo then focuses on his situation, 'Now that I think, I have reincarnated in the "Darling in the Franxx" anime. So am I a normal child?... Nah, then Franxx would have not visited me. So am I a clone of Zero Two...?'

'Wait... I didn't see any other of my kind from the 9's around me... Well, shit is going down now. Either I'm Zero Twos clone or I'm a Klaxosaur Queens clone just like Zero Two... Or Zero Two herself...'

'I hope that it is not the latter one...'

'And what was the reason for feeling unknown anger just before? Is it because of the Klaxosaur blood? That would explain the anger issues... I will have to improvise on it as my usual emotional management didn't overcome my instincts and order of Klaxosaur Princess.'


'System, do I have a newbie gift or something like that?'

[Unfortunately, with how the rules of this system are, you are and will not be given any newbie gifts.]

With a mental sign, Ryo then asked, 'Show me my current status.'

[ Infinity System

Name: Code 003 (Ryo Otsuki)

Age: 8 months (18 Years)

Gender: Male


Titles: ---

Bloodlines: Fake Klaxosaur Hybrid

Core (?): Infinity (Unawakened): Able to manipulate the concept of [Infinity] 



[1. Chunnibyo Effect: The host sees everything in an animated style. Triple the talent to learn supernatural stuff. This perk will decrease the ability to perceive distances for the Host.]

[2. Brave: Will stay brave and calm in dangerous situations. Increase stats by 15% when in fights or deadly situations. But decrease stats by 15% when not in fight or deadly situations. This perk will take 3 sec to take effect every time.]

[3. Cockroach: Have a 75% chance of getting no damage in one-shot killing attacks. No Drawback.]


HP: 100%

MP: ---


Body: F

Mind: F - (Cursed by Chaos & Order)

Astral Body (Currently Unusable): F -

~Overall Ranking~: F


Unique Points: 1,000

[Show Skills] [Show Inventory] ]


'Well, looks like I'm really a Klaxosaur Queens clone... I hope that I'm one of the 9's... But that would have put me as a lesser Human-Klaxosaur Hybrid as 9's contained Human genes to some point. Does that mean I am like Zero Two? But since my name is Zero Three, I guess, I am some other child alongside Zero Two who survived.'

Just as he was thinking, a wave of sleepiness forced Ryo to close his eyes and sleep as the doctors closely examined his current situation, both biologically and mentally.

Testing whether Ryo was good enough for further experiments and actions. While Franxx was looking at the data, planning for his experiments schedules.

After all, there was another one of his same kind with much better mental health out there for him to experiment on.



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