
The Vault of Ice (I)




Care of Magical Creatures seems to go by rather quickly. I notice Luar is incredibly happy about being given so much attention by the girls in the class. I make sure to say hello to her before leaving.

In the main courtyard on our way to potions Hermione, Theo, and Daphne pull me aside causing Ron and Harry to give me an odd look.

"When are we going to attempt the vault?" Hermione asks as the other two nod with her words.

I shrug, "We can try them right after potions if you want?"

Theo looks confused, "During the day?"

"Yeah, I have my ways."

Daphne nods, "I'm ready."

Hermione and Theo agree, "Good, I will only be there to make sure you don't die, I will not help you."

They all nod seriously, "Will we be receiving extra credit for this?" Hermione asks curiously.

"No, but we will be receiving a personal recommendation from Dumbledore himself. You will be able to get basically any job you want with that kind of recommendation."

Hermione seems excited by my words as she turns to the two boys standing around ten feet away waiting for us.

"Let's go to potions, shall we?"

Harry and Ron both look at her with suspicion, "Okay," Harry says letting her pass by into the castle.

Daphne laughs at her happiness while Theo shakes his head and follows behind her. I don't know why she is so excited so I shrug and follow behind. Thinking about it I don't actually know what Hermione's ambitions are for the future.

Thinking on it further I now realize I only know what, Theo, Ron, and Harry want to do when they are older. I set my mind that I will ask the others later since I want to be a good friend.

Getting to potions Snape immediately separates us into groups of two. I go with Theo while Harry and Ron pair up while of course Hermione and Daphne pair up.

The lesson is fairly easy and no one messes up; not even the power duo known as Seamus and Neville. The lesson is about how to make a blood coagulation potion, a potion that I know well and have known since the day after I met Luar in the dark forest.

As soon as potions class ends I see Hermione and Daphne are already at the door ready to leave. I sight as I stand up with Theo and head towards the door.

As I reach the door I look at Daphne, "Lead the way."

Daphne smiles as she turns around and walks quickly towards the Gryffindor stairs. I quietly follow behind until we reach the fifth floor of the Gryffindor tower. As classes have just ended for the day there are still a few lingering music students coming from the class.

We walk past as she leads us to the very end of the eastern corridor where there is a large flat stone wall. Daphne turns to me looking for approval to which I nod.

Pulling out her wand she stares at the wall "Revelio," she casts towards the center of the stone wall.

The stone wall vanishes revealing steep ice-covered stairs leading impossibly far up. Pulling out my wand I chantlessly cast the aversion charm around this area. Not that anyone would normally come this far into the fifth-floor hallway but of course, we don't want someone stumbling upon this door.

Theo looks at me surprised, "Did you just cast that chantlessly."

I nod, "I'm pretty good at charms, besides, it's only a simple spell."

"Uh-huh," Theo says disbelievingly.

I gesture at the stairs, "After you."

Theo nods, "Yeah, I'll go first. Be ready to cast protego."

Both Hermione and Daphne nod at his words as he steps up to the stairs. Slowly he leads the way up the ice-laden stairs. There are shards of ice lining the path on both sides as well as on top so we have to stay towards the middle.

Once Theo reaches the top of the stairs he stops, "I see the doors."

Luckily the path widens at the top of the stairs so we can all get up easily. At the top of the stairs, I can see that the doors are exactly like Snape remembers. They are tall ivory double doors with pillars on either side, on the center of the door is a seven-foot wide snowflake taking up most of the doors.

Looking closer I notice that the snowflake is double layered with an ancient rune that reads, 'ice', on the inside. But it's nearly transparent so they probably can't see it.

Daphne is the first to turn to me, "What do we do now?"

I shrug, "I'm just a bystander," I give her a sly smile causing her to sigh.

Seeing Theo step in front of the large doors I begin to look at him curiously.

He holds out his wand as he turns to look at Hermione, "Can you help me with this?"

Hermione nods as she steps up next to him, "What do you want me to do?"

"We cast incendio on three."

Hermione nods understanding his words.


I lean forward behind Daphne to whisper in her ear, "You'll want to be ready to cast protego."


Daphne's ears tinge red as she nods seriously and holds out her wand.


""Incendio"" The two cast nearly simultaneously, a stream of fire pours out of each of their wands hitting the giant floating snowflake on the door.


As their spells meet the door a large shockwave of magical blue ice radiates from the door.

"Protego," Daphne casts protecting both Hermione and Theo from the ice. But the ice does not stop at them and radiates out towards us as well. I quickly step in front of Daphne and chantlessly cast protego to keep the ice from hitting us.

Unlike Daphne's protego that shattered after taking the hit from the ice mine still stands tall covered in a layer of thin translucent blue ice.

Theo and Hermione turn around quickly towards us, "Daphne!" Hermione yells as she runs past me hugging the scared Daphne.

"Sorry, I should have told you to protect yourself as well." as I finish speaking the protego fades leaving the crescent-shaped half bubble of ice standing next to me.

"No, I should have protected all of us."

Daphne seems a bit disappointed in herself so I change the subject, "Why are you only concerned about her? I was back here too you know."

Hermione rolls her eyes, "A bit of ice wouldn't hurt you."

I look at her offended, "You are far more correct than you know but still, hurtful."

Theo gives me a smile, "I was concerned for both of you."

Hermione rolls her eyes as she fully turns to me, "Why didn't that work? That fit Professor Weasley's hint perfectly."

I laugh at her complaints, "Who said it didn't work?" I lean around the half bubble of ice and gesture at the door. The ivory doors now have no snowflake on the front and the rune has faded from a transparent white to a very visible black.

"Should I open them?" Theo asks Hemione.

Hemione looks conflicted so I speak up, "As I said, I am here to make up for your mistakes. Although it isn't a hundred percent safe, I can say it is very easy for me to make sure none of you get hurt."

Hermione sighs as she walks towards the doors with Theo, "Fine, yeah, open them."

As they walk away I hear Daphne speak up from behind me, "Thank you,"

Turning to face her she quickly runs past me so I can't see her face well. Unlucky for her I have amazing eyesight so I can see her squeezed closed eyes and dyed red face as she runs by.

'What a shy girl,' I think to myself as I follow behind.

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