
Professor Lupin

"Ow," Charlie bumps into the carriage door frame as he collides with a man stepping into the carriage.

The man is only an inch shorter than Charlie but with a very lanky frame, a thin face with stress lines throughout, and short light brown hair with a matching thin mustache. His face is obscured a bit by the hood of a ragged grey cloak.

My eyes narrow as the familiar face apologizes to Charlie, "Professor Weasley, I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

Charlie rubs his nose with a small smile, "I'm fine Professor Lupin, didn't expect your head to be so hard."

"Always has been, again, sorry about that," peering past Charlie he meets my eyes and I see his eyes light up, "Soren, would you mind having a quick word with me in the Professor's compartments?"

When my eyes meet Lupin's I feel as if I'm seeing an old friend again after a long time. Of course, I know these feelings aren't mine but it is still nice.

I stand up at his words with a smile, "Of course."

He nods as he pulls down his hood, "Follow me."

I follow behind with Charlie in tow, as we get in front of the first compartment Remus looks at Charlie.

"I'll be in the next compartment, just come in when your talk is over." He says a bit nervous as he steps past us.

Remus and I nod as we step into the compartment. As I step in after I close the door behind us.

Remus Lupin gives me an odd look as I sit across from him, "It is nice to finally meet you, Moony."

His eyes widen at me,"Y-your father told you?"

I don't answer as I keep my smile.

"I see, then that makes our conversation much shorter. Do you not fear me?" He asks with a bit of concern on his face.

I wave off his words, "Of course not, how could I possibly fear my father's best friend? If I'm being curt I have no reason to fear a werewolf."

Curiosity flashes in his eyes, "You're an animagus?"

I shrug, "Something of the sort, and I am also fairly powerful, there are not many things that could scare me in this world."

With a small grin he lets out a breath, "You really are nothing like your father."

I tilt my head, 'From the memories I received my personality is not far off.'

"Why do you say that?" I ask curiously.

"Although your personalities are close, your demeanor is far different. If your father had your abilities he would use them willy nilly and flaunt it about. He was a bit more talented than most and he was already arrogant, I can't imagine if he was a prodigy. He did grow out of eventually but still."

I smile seeing him happily ponder the possibility, "Fair enough. I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear we have a mutual friend."

"Oh, and who is that?"

With a sly grin, I quickly speak, "Snape."

Lupin gives me a disbelieving look, "You are aware of the distaste your father had for Snape, right? I can't even really call it a distaste, it was more like despise."

"I also thought that Snape would be biased against me but he proved me wrong. Initially, I think he favored me because Dumbledore told him to. That and my skill in potions, he is someone that admires talent and hard work. I showed him both."

Lupin's eyes narrow, "Why would Dumbledore ask him to be kind to you?"

I rub my chin as I think, "Have you joined the new Order of The Phoenix yet?"

Lupin seems surprised at my words but still nods, "How well can you keep a secret?"

He seems confused by my words but before he can answer I skim his mind. He tenses up and I am quickly forced out of his head. Obviously I didn't try, or else he wouldn't have been able to force me out, but I got a good measure of his abilities.

His gaze is now serious causing me to smile, "I guess it's okay enough." Pulling out my wand I quickly cast, "Muffliato."

Lupin shakes his head, "I can't believe I'm being tested by a child."

His words cause me to grin, "Yes, yes, the horror. So, Snape is a triple agent, that is the big secret. He has been since the day Harry's parents were murdered. The reason Dumbledore wanted him to be nice to me is to enforce the idea that he was happy with what 'my father had done.'"

"This was back before my father's name was cleared. Before I was able to convince the ministry that the culprit was actually Wormtail."

I see many different emotions flash past Lupin's face but finally, he meets my eyes again, "Did you ever find Wormtail? I will not be mad, please, I just wish to know. When I first heard of everything I wanted to go to you and help so badly. But the rumor said you vowed to do it on your own so I trusted in you, as my friend's son."

Letting out a long sigh I lean back, "His grave is on the smallest of the three hills outside Godric's Hollow. It is unmarked but it is under a dying yew tree if you want to find it."

Lupin's face is like stone as he looks down, "Thank you for burying him, I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to do it. Did you do it personally?" His eyes move up meeting mine seriously.

I nod, "When I found him he was having a meeting with Voldemort, I wasn't going to let him leave alive."

Lupin's eyes widen, "You met Voldemort?"

"I have, I defeated him that day, not the same day, but later in the year. Well, it was only Voldemort in Quirrell's body so I guess it doesn't really count."

Seeing that Lupin isn't all the way in the loop I look at him wondering, "Did Dumbledore fill you in?"

He nods, "He did, mainly about Salazar Slytherin and Voldemort's return."

"That's good, then I won't waste your time." As I stand up I drop the muffling charm.

"You should join Charlie in the other compartment, he isn't in the loop but I'm sure Dumbledore will pull him in. Also, if Hogwarts doesn't work out I can give you a job anytime just come find me."

He gives me a thankful nod as I walk away back to the compartment with the girls and Neville in it. As I return I see an uncomfortable Neville sitting across from the three girls talking away.

"SOREN," He yells happily as I step into the compartment. I grunt as his arms are thrown around me and I hold up his weight

"What did I miss?"

Neville shivers, "They have been talking about jewelry since you left."

Looking back at Hermione and Daphne I see the necklaces I got the both of them in their hands.


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