
Third Servant?




The next few days went by quite well, I got the suitcase from Newt and began making friends with all the creatures inside. The Runespoor was the most against it but I had Oliver on my side so it wasn't bad.

But that is a side note, today marks the one-month anniversary of me putting that damn leaf in my mouth. I already have everything else prepared and the muggle forecaster said there will be a thunderstorm this Saturday.

I have already retrieved the dew from the small tree that rests in the shade of Darkness Falls and I got the Death's-head Hawk moth from Sid's extensive collection. Now that the tower is finally done I have been finding myself going there more and more often at night just to think as I practice magic.

A curious side-note, I have noticed Sis hasn't been carrying around her wand as much and has been showing off her wandless magic more often. I think she is tired of me protecting her, I can understand the feeling but I do think she should keep it more under wraps.

Knowing that all my animals will be in 'my' suitcase over the school year I had to get special permission for Charlie to attend Hogwarts as a 'Magical creature specialist. He will be helping Hagrid take care of the herd animals in and around the forest as well; meaning he will be paid twice, I'm sure he is happy about that.

Laying in my bed reading 'Chantless Casting Panoptic Opus', I notice that the sun is beginning to fall so I set the book down and stand up. I'm a bit happy as the book is a nightmare to read.

I set my wand over my heart and speak, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" my wand glows in a faint white light as my heart seems to beat twice. I nod in satisfaction as I turn to see Shy sitting on my desk with a letter in his mouth.

I pat his head as I take it from his mouth and look at it.

'Theodore Nott'

My brows raise, he rarely sends me letters so it must be about the thing we talked about on the night before my birthday. Opening it my eyes quickly skim over it and my expression turns sour.

Theo confronted his father about his return as a Death Eater. They got into a heated argument that ended in Theo being grounded and told that they are moving to Sweden and he will be attending Durmstrang next school year.

I let out a long sigh as I set the letter down and stroke Shy's head. It seems like I will have to pay him a visit. There is still a lot of room within the walls of Darkness Falls so I can get quite a few servants.

I have also been thinking about getting Daphne's father under my wing but from what I hear he is incredibly vicious to muggles and even Daphne and Astora, her sister. I am unsure if I would be okay with having someone like that as my servant. I wonder if he is planning to move her to Sweden as well…

Pulling out a quill and parchment I write a letter to Lucius to have him schedule a meeting for me with Theo's father on Friday. I have heard from Lucius that Fredrick, Theo's father, is one of the most zealous of Voldemort's followers so I will be forcing him to take the vow.

Lucius is weak because of his family that I am protecting and Bell is a good person who fears death so they both will stay loyal. Fredrick on the other hand may not even love Theo so I must be prepared just in case. After giving the letter to Shy I go back to my book and continue to read until I can safely leave.


Two days later on that Friday, I find myself at the Malfoy manner once again. Stepping into the gates I see Dobby on my left, he lowers his head to me and leads me inside quietly.

He snaps his fingers and the large intricately carved and painted wooden doors swing open.

"Dobby?" I hear a familiar voice say from inside.

As I enter the grand entrance I see Draco gawking at me with fear in his eyes. I give him a smile as we step past, I give him a second side-eye only to see him with his head lowered.

'His father must have told him something,' I think to myself.

We reach the doors to the dining hall that I first made Lucius my servant Dobby stops.

"Please enter, Master Black."

I smile at Dobby but don't say my thanks as I open the doors. Inside I see Lucius sitting across from an old-looking wizard with grey tinted brown hair, a long beard, bushy eyebrows, and a stern face. As the door closes behind me I begin to leak darkness onto the floor, only a thin layer so it is hard to distinguish from the dark hardwood floors.

Lucius stands as he sees me enter while Fredrick seems confused.

"Lucius, who is this boy?"

Lucius ignores Fredrick's words as he lowers his head, "The First Servant greets The Reaper."

Fredricks's face becomes even more confused as he looks at me now. He stands up, "Lucius, what is this treachery?!"

I raise an arm, my shroud quickly leaps from the ground wrapping around his body. He grunts as he is tied up in shadows and looks at me with anger, as he is about to yell I wrap his mouth as well.

I calmly walk past him and sit down at the head of the table, "You may sit," Lucius calmly sits down as Fredrick is forced down into his chair.

Leaning onto the table I look at Fredrick observantly, "Theodore tells me you are quite the racist… it is a shame."

Letting down the shroud covering his mouth he snarls, "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME!"

"I know your son, and I know the terrible things you have done in your time as a Death Eater. It's a miracle you aren't dead or in Azkaban by now."

He calms down a bit as he sends a glare at Lucius, "You traitor."

Lucius doesn't seem to mind his words as he shrugs, "I do what I must for my family… Will you do the same?"

Fredrick scoffs, "My wife passed years ago, I have no one."

"Your son doesn't count?" I ask with raised brows.

Fredrick smirks at me, "I know you good two shoes wouldn't touch a child."

"You seem to be mistaken Fredrick, I am not with the Ministry of Magic. I'm just someone who really doesn't like Death Eater or Voldemort. Though you are right, I wouldn't hurt Theodore, but there are so many things I can do to you." I see a tinge of fear at my words as he seems uncertain.

'COME' I command to the three dementors I have assigned to the Malfoy family.

From below the floor, three twelve-foot tall dementors seemingly raise from my shroud. The room's temperature drops as I see even Lucius become uncomfortable.

From beneath the dark hood of the leading Dementor hissing words can be heard, "What iss your command masster."

Holding up my hand they stop their approach, "Mister Nott, these next few minutes will determine much about your future… Speak carefully."

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