
Ron's Present

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After what feels like a few hours Snape ends our training session. Overall I have been able to steal his secrets three times and he got six of mine. That being said I didn't give him anything very deep and I'm sure he didn't try his best to repel me. I'm glad that we stopped after I succeeded in my goal of wandlessly Skimming his mind.

He showed me the day he betrayed Voldemort which I'm sure he was embarrassed about since he was crying in the memory. He also showed me a potion he calls 'The Final Death' that destroys the drinker's soul. Lastly, he showed me the existence of five cursed vaults hidden around Hogwarts, he had run across one in his years as a student.

As he wasn't hiding much I also showed him a bit. I showed him: my Patronus, my quad chain that I'm sure isn't all that impressive to him. I showed him Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head, and lastly, I showed him Malfoy's betrayal of Voldemort. I make sure that I purposefully showed him the betrayal on the final turn before we stop.

As I put Sin on my neck and start to walk out past the thinking Snape I stop "This was a good bonding experience." I give him a cheeky smile.

He looks up at me with still thinking eyes "If you ever can't get ahold of me just use Lucius. However, if you choose to serve me rather than Dumbledore I'll show you why Voldemort and Salazar Slytherin fear me."

Snape scoffs "I will not speak your secrets to Dumbledore."

I shrug "He will find out about those things anyway, but I do appreciate the sentiment. I'm sorry I can't tell him all my secrets for full trust… Some things can't be spoken of." I give a wry smile genuinely feeling a bit bad.

"Perhaps," Snape closes his eyes.

"I will be heading out first." Following my words, Snape waves his hand at the door causing the blue hue on it to fade

As I open the door a bit I pause "If you ever do want to take my offer or help me train I would be honored."

Snape doesn't say anything but I can feel him smirking. With a shrug, I step out of the door to see Ron and Harry leaning against the wall sitting on the floor playing chess, the same set I got him.

I give them an odd look "What are you doing?"

Harry and Ron jump at my voice knocking over the chessboard. "Wait, no… bloody hell," Ron says seeing the pieces all over the floor.

"My bad," I say still confused.

Harry just sighs "It's fine, I was losing anyway."

"What are you guys doing here?"

"You said we were getting my present today," Ron says while rushing to pick up the rolling pieces.

"Yeah, but why are you sitting on the floor in front of the main room?"

Packing away the board Harry stands up "Dumbledore said you were getting special lessons with Snape. We were worried about you so we stayed out here till you got out."

I smile at their good intentions "Snape is a good guy, he wouldn't do anything."

Both Harry and Ron put on a weirded-out face as I speak.

I laugh a bit at their weird gazes "Come on, let's go get Ron's gift."

Ron holds up a finger "Give me one second, let me go put this away." With those words, Ron takes off back towards his room.

Rolling my eyes I look back at Harry "Oh yeah, are Dumbledore and Aria still here?"

Harry shakes his head "They left a few hours ago. Dumbledore said we are going back to Hogwarts tomorrow."

I shrug "That's fine, better than staying here for another week, aye?"

Harry's nose scrunches as he nods "Yeah, that's true."

"You coming?" I holler to Ron who is closing the door to his room in a hurry.

He jogs over with an excited smile "Where are we going."

"Olivander's," I say walking down the stairs with Harry close in tow.

I turn to see a wide-eyed Ron staring from the top of the stairs unmoving. "You're buying me a wand?!"

He virtually yells his words causing Harry and me to cover our ears. "Yeah, now hurry up, and stop yelling sheesh," I mutter the last part and begin walking again.

"My Mom would be really mad if she found out, wands are really expensive…" He says quietly as he catches up.

I shrug, "That's not my problem, you already swore you wouldn't tell your mom."

He sighs as he puts his head down in defeat causing Harry to laugh. Walking past the bar I meet eyes with Aberforth who is wiping down the bar with a dry cloth. I think that is the most cleaning I've ever seen in this tavern, even in Sirius's memories.

"Finally done using my room?" He asks with narrow eyes across the empty bar.

I give a kind smile, "Sorry for the trouble, you'll be joining the Order this time around, right?"

His eyes seem to closely observe me before putting it back down, "Hmmph, Of course." He begins to grumble to himself so I continue walking out of the tavern.

We walk through the alleyway I used as a shortcut yesterday. We pass the dent I made in the stone wall and my anger towards the stupid fucking vampires reignites. I quickly smolder it as I wave my wand towards the dented wall repairing it.

Both Harry and Ron stop in their tracks causing me to look back at them confused. Seeing their dropped jaws I realize my mistake.

"YOU CAN CAST CHANTLESSLY?!" The duo yell in unison.

"Simple spells yeah, it's not that big of a deal," Truthfully I had gotten good at it by using it so many times in the forest when I was training last year.

"'Not that big of a deal,'" Ron mocks in my voice causing me to smirk.

"It really isn't, I can teach you guys if you want."

Harry's eyes brighten, "Can you?"

"Sure, I can teach you guys when we get back to Hogwarts."

Ron nods happily "We'll keep you to your word."

I shrug as I continue towards Ollivanders. The bell rings as we enter Ollivanders causing Geralt who is standing at the opposite side of the store to look at us.

"Ah, Soren, are you here to see Sir Ollivander?" He says walking quickly towards us with a serviceman's smile.

"No, we are here to get my friend here a wand." I step out of the way so Ron is standing in front of him.

His smile switches to Ron "Is that so? In that case please hold out your arm." From seemingly nowhere he pulls out a roll of measuring tape.

Ron nervously steps closer holding out his arm and I can see Geralt's eyes taking note of it. "Very good. Unless you are an oddity like Mr. Black here, then you should require a thirteen to fourteen-inch wand."

Finishing his words he quickly turns around and makes his way through the isles. Ron gives me an odd look obviously asking if he is trustworthy to which I give Ron a thumbs up. Ron nods as he watches Geralt shimmy through the isles quickly picking up five wands before making his way back.

He sets the wands back on the desk with a smirk pulling out the first one "Thirteen inches, Rowan, unyielding, with a dragon heartstring core. Try it, please."

Ron nods as he takes it "Lumos" a small light is produced from the tip of the wand but it isn't nearly as bright as it should be.

"Not quite…" He slides one of the boxes out of the way ruling it out. "How about this one, fourteen inches, Redwood, unyielding, with a phoenix feather core. Quite a rare piece."

Ron trades out wands with a scrupulous gaze. "Lumos" A fairly bright light is produced but it quickly fizzles out.

"Wrong again… How about this, thirteen and a half inches, Holly, semi-flexible, with a unicorn hair core."

Once again Ron trades the wand "Lumos." This time a blinding light is released but it fades just as fast as it came.

Geralt doesn't seem upset instead seems pleased "Then this one should be just PERFECT. Fourteen inches, Willow, Semi-flexible, with a unicorn hair core."

Ron who looks a bit reluctant grabs it "Lumos" Ron speaks with power and the wand shows it, the entire room is bathed in a blinding light with lasts until Ron cancels it.

"HAHA PERFECT!" Geralt seems to share Ron's excitement as he has a large grin. "Here, you may take this with you." Geralt slide over the wand's box as well which Ron takes.

I pull out seven galleons and go to place them on the table but Geralt raises a hand "I could never take money from Mr. Black."

I give a bit of a smile back "I thought seven galleons was the tradition."

Before Geralt can answer a voice answers from behind him "Consider it a gift from a friend."

It is Gerrik Ollivander.

We are only two chapters away from one of my favorite chapters lol. Though I'm sure it will be hit or miss with some.

SirSykocreators' thoughts
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