
Back In The Chamber

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After the magic grate is broken I can hear the sounds of fighting from inside. I am quite curious how Salazar is holding up against the Aurors. By the sounds that I'm hearing it seems many more than two people are fighting.

Once I get within view of the chamber I see an Auror laying against the pipe wall. He is bleeding badly, it looks like he will die soon. He has long brown hair flowing past his shoulders and scarlet red robes, a primary Auror.

His eyes flick to me as he holds up his wand defensively but his eyes widen seeing my face. "What are you doing here kid? Get out of here, it's dangerous."

I sigh having been discovered so early, not that I care, I wasn't exactly hiding. I may be exposed if I try to protect my sister in secrecy, I'd rather be revealed in my human form than dementor. I step forward and kneel next to the man who is holding his bleeding stomach.

"Kid, did you not hear me? Get out of here."

I ignore his words "Lift up your shirt, I need to see the wound."

Seeing that I am not leaving he sighs and lifts his shirt showing the skin has been sheared off. I can see his organs are close to spilling out. A normal healing spell is not enough, I need to reverse time on the wound.

I grab a potion from my 'robe' and hand it to him "Drink this it will stop the bleeding. What did this?"

He grunts as he takes the potion and quickly downs it. Setting down the vial in the water he grunts "I got hit by the tail of a basilisk."

My eyes narrow "There is a basilisk here?"

He shakes his head "No, there are many basilisks here."

My eyes narrow as I begin to chant the three verses of Vulnera Sanentur. The Auror looks in awe as his wound begins to seemingly vanish. It doesn't take long as I've gotten much better since I saved Luar.

Once I finish I let him put his shirt back down "The skin will be weak for at least another month, you will need to be careful with your movements. Where is Nymphadora Tonks?"

He grunts harder as he tries to stand up but fails "She was in back with leader Shacklebolt. They should be in the main chamber, they never split off into the pipes."

I nod as I walk past him towards the main area "Wait kid, I'm serious, it's too dangerous in there."

I give him a kind smile for his concern "You don't have to worry about me. Pretend I was never here."

After another hundred feet or so I finally reach the exit to the chamber. Inside I see a terrifying sight, stark white corpses stand between Shacklebolt and I, infer. They litter the area as basilisks, around half the size of the one I killed, are fighting Aurors in the pipes and around the chamber.

Shacklebolt is fighting back the inferi, keeping them from Dumbledore and himself. Salazar is standing at the entrance to the mouth of the statue currently fighting Dumbledore. Although the duel is magnificent I don't let it distract me from searching for Sis.

I close my eyes searching the souls but it is messy and hard to see. After a few seconds of standing in the pipe mindlessly searching I find her. She is kneeling behind Shacklebolt, I can't see with my eyes because the crowd of inferi is too thick.

I hold up my wand and swipe left to right, the heads of ten disgusting inferi fall to the floor. The chamber is crowded so no one sees my actions. In fact, no one has acknowledged my existence in the chamber yet.

I notice that inferi are starting to crawl out from the deep water around the edges of the chamber. I point my wand towards the water "Glacius Duo". A blue light strikes the water freezing it and creating frost on the wall touching the water. At this Shackelbolt finally notices me and looks incredibly surprised. The surprise however doesn't seem to last long as he is forced to fire off spells to defend himself and Sis.

Explosions ring out from my right as Dumbledore and Salazar's duel rages on. Many of the attacks fizzle out before they near Dumbledore probably because he wants to prevent collateral damage. Meanwhile, small explosions land on the in inferi in front of me barely denting their numbers.


The red light leaps from my wand hitting just on the other side of where Shacklebolt had hit leaving a path open for me. I quickly run through the path using a Protego shield to keep the disgusting rotten hands off of me.

Once I reach Shacklebolt I quickly turn around "Incendio" flames stream from my wand covering the waves of inferi setting the frontmost on fire and creates a small wall of flames. But it achieves the goal I wanted stopping the hoard in their tracks.

Shacklebolt doesn't look too happy at me and Sis won't meet my eyes as she holds a wounded arm.

"You shouldn't be here." Shacklebolt stresses.

I ignore him and look at the wounded Nymphadora "You didn't use the coin."

She grits her teeth "It is under control."

I sigh as I calmly set down a potion next to her "It will be."

I turn to Shacklebolt who looks confused by our talk "Can you hold off the inferi longer so I can help Dumbledore?"

He shakes his head "Salazar placed a barrier around them, only a pure-blood can enter their radius. Where is the child?"

I sigh "She is safe don't worry. Can you help Dumbledore while I protect my sister?"

"I'm not a damsel in distress." I turn to see Sis has drunk the potion and is now on her feet.

I roll my eyes as I smirk at her "In that case, we can take care of the inferi… can you do it?" I ask Shacklebolt seriously.

Shacklebolt looks between us shaking his head "What a crazy family." He sighs turning to the massive duel going on. "I can." He says with confidence.

I give him a smile and nod as I face the crowd of inferi separating us from Dumbledore. "I will make the path, be quick."

"Incendio Trio" A jet of blue and white flames spray from my wand melting the flesh and bones of the inferi separating us.

Seeing the new opening to Dumbledore, Shacklebolt waves his wand in the air as he runs towards them. A giant snake made of red flames follows behind him as he enters the invisible barrier. The flame serpent swallows Salazar but explodes after a second as a new emerald green flames snake is born from the explosion.

I look away from the duel as my ice breaks on the sides and the inferi in front of us manage to get through my flames.

Sis holds up her wand as she bumps me with her shoulder "Be ready, Soren."

I shrug as I cast "Reducto"


(A/N: Normally polls are discord only but I want the lurkers opinions too. The first original novel poll will be a real book that I'm working on, this will be posted on webnovel. Just comment a +1 on the option you like.)

A. Heretical Devil Monarch (Villain Protagonist, solo)

- Will feature Domain's

- Uses Ice, Void, and Chain Magic.

-Uses Demonification and Perception

- Wields a Falchion and Martial Arts.

B. Blood of The Ancestors (Cast of MC's)

-Uses Null, Lightning, and Darkness magic

-Uses a Keres transformation

-Apocalypse, trails in ruined worlds

-Wields Claws and Skills

Discord poll is over, the next one will be the Morningstar poll.

SirSykocreators' thoughts
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